
12 Sep 2013
This August Zombi U is coming to PC and the new gen consoles, Originally I missed the game due to not having access to a Wii-U but the concept of perma death in a game intrigued me and lead to the creation of a perma death mod for Stalker Call of Pripyat by a fellow modder which forced major changes to how that game was played. It'll be good to finally play the renamed Zombi-U. I hope they can do a decent job of updating it and as mentioned in the article let's hope they don't lose too much through not having the secondary lap screen of the Wii-U.

Announcement video:

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They should add smartphone or tablet support to replicate the Wii-U 2nd screen functions.

If those functions were worthwhile, of course (?)

Apparently the second screen was your rucksack (inventory) so you had to look down on your lap to go through it like you would if you had a rucksack with you leaving things going on on the main screen while you're not looking.

This is looking to be quite interesting. Is it anything like State of Decay? I'm going to keep my eye out for previews etc!

I enjoyed State of Decay, I wouldn't say this is like that though. There's bound to be plenty of let's plays on U-tube to check it out.

EDIT: Hmmm, I wonder why Ubisoft pulled the video?
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