Zombie Apocalypse - What would you do

17 Jun 2009
One of our clan members posted this on our forums. Thought it was a great thread. Sorry if this has been done before.

Few of us have gone zombie mad as of late, playing L4D and Dead rising + the new series Walking dead is out.... so its only fair we discuss a few key points.

This is based on.... You have no Friends or family left, You had waken up from a coma (like walking dead) to find the world was in a Zombie Apocalypse. There are survivors (not near you) but no channel broadcasting a safe heaven.

1) Whats the first thing you'd do, besides change your underwear?

2) What weapon would you choose to carry and how would you go about getting those weapons?

3) If you had choose an Non Military Vehicle to drive what would it be?

4) If you could choose Military Vehicle would it be?

5) How many people would you choose to have in your group?

6) Who would you like to watch the most, being eaten by a Zombie?

7) Given the choice.... would you prefer to die or become a Zombie?

8) And finally... What would your ultimate goal be, besides not die of course? You're in a Zombie Apocalypse world where there are no emergencies broadcasts anywhere?

Hope you guys like it.... at least with this thread we can be prepared haha. I welcome new questions.
6) Who would you like to watch the most, being eaten by a Zombie?


Even better if the zombie so happened to be poor and on benefits previous to their zombie existance.
As mentioned, option 1) would definitely have to be making a thread on GD. Any more than four in a group is a burden, and make sure one of them's black.
1) Find newspapaer/online computer to find out as much info as possible, get down the police station and get full riot gear.

2) Shotgun and air rifles as this is the uk and can be had easily from shops/farms.

3) Off road motorbike, fast agile and can go cross country.

4) armoured personnel carrier with heavy machine gun attachments

5) How ever many wanted to.

8) get to a remote island and or big ship just of the dock but within the break barriers and wait for them to die out, then go back to land and secure yourself in a heavily fenced compound and kill any last remaining zombies you see.
1) Find newspapaer/online computer to find out as much info as possible, get down the police station and get full riot gear.

2) Shotgun and air rifles as this is the uk and can be had easily from shops/farms.

3) Off road motorbike, fast agile and can go cross country.

4) armoured personnel carrier with heavy machine gun attachments

5) How ever many wanted to.

8) get to a remote island and or big ship just of the dock but within the break barriers and wait for them to die out, then go back to land and secure yourself in a heavily fenced compound and kill any last remaining zombies you see.

I like it!!! Good shout on number 1 & 8.

Nice to see sum1 having a blast and not just trawlling like posts above!
I would smother myself with Marmite, then only 50% of the Zombies would want to eat me.

Just smuther urself in pig fat, then the majority wouldn't dare touch you. but then dont try lick urself..

The ship idea is fantastic, aslong as you have enough supplies to last you for quite a while. And you also have binoc's so you check on the zombies just incase you need to go back.. in that case a pair of long distance radios too.. and lots of golf balls for entertainment.
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