zomg another quad core temp question

18 Oct 2002
Basically with the noctua 92 mm version with my quad core at 2.7ghz (stock voltage) im hitting probably around 70 in games. Some people think this is high others think its acceptable. Using TAT and loading up the cpu one cores hitting almost 80c with the other a few degrees behind it. :eek:

Is this just "part and parcel" of quad core or are those temps slightly dodgy?
Uninstalled mine to check how good of a contact it was making, the compound indicates a perfect seating, no empty spots or missed spots pretty much a perfect square. :confused:

I thought this noctua cooler was meant to be good for cooling quads, from what im seeing its not the case.
Doubt a slightly bigger cooler would make much difference. At the minute im loading at about 70c in games like quakewars and the graw2 demo. :o
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