zoom lense

7 Mar 2005
Hi guys,

Had my Nikon D3200 for a few months now and slowly getting the hang of it.

I went to an airshow on Sunday and tested some shots with fast shutter speeds, worked out okay but I found the stock lense didn't zoom close enough and I lost details cropping them in light room.

What would be a good zoom lense for a beginner like me? Seen some tamron 300mm ones on Amazon around the £90 mark but as a newbie, I'd prefer to have some experienced advice first.

Many thanks all, I'll post a few snaps tomorrow!!
I don't mind spending more, couldn't afford much more than £200 though.

I'll have a look at those two lenses in a sec!
Seems £290 is the cheapest I can find the nikon 70-300 VR.

Looking at the flickr images taken and YouTube reviews I think I'll hold off and save for this lense! Looks mega sharp to :)
Cash is tight tbh, if it really is worth £100 more I'll just wait.

I want it for plane photography from air shows, some landscape to.
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