Zotac 9300 ITX bios 2K090422 warning

24 Apr 2009
If you have downloaded the latest 2K090422 Zotac 9300 ITX bios, it is advisable not to apply it. Several people have rendered their boards inoperative on attempting to update to this bios (google "2K090422"), and the Zotac 93000 ITX bios does not implement a working bios recovery procedure. Earlier today bios 2K090422 disappeared from the Zotac website, which is an indication that potential problems might have been recognized by the company itself.
cheers for the heads up! was thinking about flashing it last night. Glad i didnt, only just got the thing up and running would have been so angry had it killed the board, no bios recovery sucks.. :|
I flashed my 9300-itx with it last night. Used the winflash util that's bundled with the binary. Worked fine. Supposed to make speedfan work a bit better. I had heard there had been problems with this bios, but the fact that it had reappeared on their site was good enough for me tv chance it.
Just updated successfully, but noticed there was a jpg file included with the zip with the title "V IMPORTANT - READ BEFORE UPDATING" or some such thing.
It basically said to disable the Speedfan before flashing.
The update to 2K090422 does work if SpeedFan is disabled. SpeedFan was not working in the initial bios version, 2K090202A, so the 2K090202A -> 2K090422 update was never a problem. However, a number of people who tried to update to 2K090422 from 2K090410 (in which SpeedFan was functional) before Zotac issued their warning had to RMA their boards.

I am not sure that 2K090422 is completely OK, though. It implements the NVidia Advance Path feature which speeds memory access up by more than 10%. However, on my system (XP SP3, 2x2Gb Corsair Twin2X4096-6400C5) I experience random program crashes when the NVidia Advance Path is enabled. None of these crashes were occurring with the previous bios versions 2K090202A and 2K090210, and the memory tests OK with memtest86+.
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