Zotac Z77 - 3 mobo @ CES

Zotac have more features than Asus or Gigabyte normally. I would consider them one of the top itx board manufactures.

If you like crap quality fair enough.

I want an M-itx board with the same kind of quality, robustness, overclocking ability and lasting durability as the legendary Gigabyte H55N USB3 had.
Not some POS from Zotac with flakey power circuits which dies or blows up when overclocked or stressed for more than 5 minutes.

I build monster little gaming rigs with high end hardware, Zotac just doesn't cut it.
I moved back up to M-atx when it was clear there was never going to be a P67 or Z68 Itx board worth buying.
The only way I'll be tempted back is with a decent, overclocking offering from Gigabyte or Asus.

This is Overclockers UK, not Spreadsheets r us ;)
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