A few months ago I installed a new zyxel nwa50ax access point. It's powered by a poe injector.
80% of the time it works fine supplying 2.4 & 5 ghz wifi. However, over the past few weeks I've noticed it's increasingly just stopping broadcasting any wifi. The led light turns blue to indicate no devices are connected and the WiFi isn't visible.
There's also another AP in another location in the house, it's an old Asus rt-n56u, Broadcasting the same wifi ssids. Both APs are using different channels with minimal overlap.
Anyone got any ideas of what could be causing the problem or how to rectify it?
80% of the time it works fine supplying 2.4 & 5 ghz wifi. However, over the past few weeks I've noticed it's increasingly just stopping broadcasting any wifi. The led light turns blue to indicate no devices are connected and the WiFi isn't visible.
There's also another AP in another location in the house, it's an old Asus rt-n56u, Broadcasting the same wifi ssids. Both APs are using different channels with minimal overlap.
Anyone got any ideas of what could be causing the problem or how to rectify it?