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**Official 3D Mark 11 scores**

25 Jun 2011
Well done Gregster!! hope I can be in the 13K category:D once I go water cooled with my MSI Lighting 7970, don't no how far these cards can be pushed with water cooled!

May I ask what setting you used, volts, clock, etc

Once you get it under water, flick over to the LN2 bios (I can't get clocks to apply with 12.11+XCL or unofficial on the normal bios) and start out with these settings (should be easily attained):

VGPU: 1.35v
VMEM: 1.650v (you can nudge it towards 1.674v to give some headroom if you wish)
AUX: +30mv
PT: +20%
Core Clock: 1300
Memory Clock: 1750

Start at that under water and just keep pushing, you should see ~1320mhz as a minimum and you'll probably hit memory correction before you run out of memory increases.

My Lightning (last time I looked) has the highest GPU score in this thread, team that with a 3930K/3960/70/80X and you will most certainly be smashing through P13K :)

Edit: Just a warning to AMD users on 12.11 beta3 (and possibly 4) I had a situation when even though overdrive in CCC was disabled it would still apply afterburners clocks even once reset in afterburner CCC would still sit at OC clocks with stock volts resulting in driver crashes as soon as load is applied. If you are experiencing constant driver crashes enable overdrive and manually reset, alternatively do a custom install ONLY installing the driver.
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22 Mar 2006
Cheers mate, just starting to see how far I can get a stable clock now so it's rising, will report back tommorow.

Any ideas why it's reporting 1gb or mem on the card when it's 3 gb?
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22 Mar 2006
Thanks. More tweaking tomorrow.

Btw drs101 I cant believe that score for a 7950 at 900mhz. You are less than 300points behind my lightning 7970 at 1200 :p what gives...

Just got it today so not sure, just bumped the clock up to 975 and am getting around 10800'ish
30 May 2012
I would say Lucid? Only it isn't saying it.

That's what I was thinking, because there is absolutely no way that a 7950 at 900/1250 can score so close to mine at 1250/1700 without MVP/driver tweaking/fiddling setting somehow/3DM11 score reporting error? I don't want to sound like I'm accusing people of cheating, but there is definitely something not right going on.
30 May 2012
It will show if Lucid is being used.

That's what I thought too, but this score is very suspicious, 11466 is completely out of line with any other 7950 at the same clock speeds by a considerable margin.

you need to compare physics scores too,that plays a part in scores

cpu speed,4 threads vs 8 threads ect

However, we are comparing GPU scores which doesn't factor in CPU so there will be no issue there in terms of getting a much higher than normal GPU score. In any case, he is using a 3570k as well (though at 4.4 vs mine at 4.2, though as I say this won't affect GPU score). Unless you are responding to something else, in which case ignore this.
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
I am not hot on the workings of 3DMark but do know it fails to report correct clock settings. A couple of my runs reported my CPU @ 0 when in fact it is @ 5.0

Maybe this is the reason?

I do find it impossible to believe that score is 900mhz though.
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