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R9 290X Owners Thread

20 Aug 2006
perhaps the 780 price reductions should have occurred after the 14 days that people bought these ...

I'm still torn, I think I'd prefer to go for a 290x with 3rd party cooler, but can't really wait any longer so going to go for a 780 I think
3 Sep 2010
crossfire at hardocp
Brent says

13 Aug 2011
I got the ASUS 290X Sadly from a competitor, However I really don't know what the issue is with the noise. I have the 2011 Tyrannosaurus system from OCUK, which is an amazing PC and is so well built.

It came in an ANTEC 1200 V3 case which has a fair amount of fans in it. OCUK change out the stock front fans, but its by no means a silent system...but its not loud either and adding an R290x does not make it suddenly become unbearable.

I think some are being really nit picky about the heat / noise, but of course what is acceptable to be may not to be to others.

I also don't buy the need to just cart blanch upgrade the stock R290X cooler (Of course on Major OCing thats a different story), whilst it may not be the best cooler I'm running my R290X @ 1075/5700 with no ill effects or massive increase in noise. Temps are in the 80's under load.

I will add one caveat..and that is my PC has great airflow and OCUK really setup that up very well...but still.

Just my 2pence worth.
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15 Oct 2011
Nottingham Carlton
Well i was playing bit more of BF4 last night with 13.11 b7 drivers

Conquest large 64 few maps ultra setting 70+fps ALL THE TIME
On kill cams it shots up to 100-130.
I need to set up some frame limiter hehe

Very happy with cards performance. But if they do that price drop next week (-25%) I will be ****ed off kinda.
5 Sep 2011
Did they really do a Tyrannosaurus system? lol. Who makes this stuff up, sack that man! :D.

I'm seriously umming and arring about just keeping it, getting another two and putting them underwater.

The Titans have been so good to me though, they eat through everything. Not really worth the hassle. Will see what Keplar soar udder Edition Ti brings to the table.
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3 Sep 2010
Something i never thought id see HardOCP say.

Looks like times are changing. Maybe i should start using HardOCP benchmarks now. :D

I find Kyle a good guy, pretty much blunt and just says and voice his opinion not holding punches.
Not to say things but the way they do benchmarks allows you to play a game and compare how the game works at same settings across brands of cards.
I like that as benchmarks aside, if a 290x is faster by 4 fps than a titan, yes its faster but 4fps or even 10fps might not change the game settings or your gaming experience which then makes the cards as equals.

however that is impossible to have for most as one card has to be better like the 290x is over a Titan....
I buy a 290 later, OC and call it a day.

Once BF4 is open up I wont spend much time on forums I be powning Nvidia players in BF4, got to have a hobby
6 Feb 2010
That where AMD & NVidia differ though, people bang on about AMD being cheaper but they neglect to mention some of the corners they cut to get there.
Other than the "Titan" cooler, all previous stock blower reference cooler were cheaply made as well. You made it sounded like Nivida were handing out these Titan cooler for free with the card, but in reality they are charging £30 price premium on average above the price of cards that already got a custom coolers (i.e. KFA, Gigabyte etc). Hardly anything worth praising to be honest if it is at consumer's expense...
13 Aug 2011
My friend has a Titan and he always bangs on about how silent it is. I have not been over to his house when his system is under load? But I cant beleive its silent under load? What say honest Titan owners?

I know the AMD is louder.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Other than the "Titan" cooler, all previous stock blower reference cooler were cheaply made as well. You made it sounded like Nivida were handing out these Titan cooler for free with the card, but in reality they are charging £30 price premium on average above the price of cards that already got a custom coolers (i.e. KFA, Gigabyte etc). Hardly anything worth praising to be honest if it is at consumer's expense...

While clearly better than the Ref 290X cooler, the Titan cooler is also not great, it also knocks out high temps @ 80c +.

It looks good, but thats really it.
5 Sep 2011
The Titan's fan profile is also extremely timid, just by adjusting the profile to avoid throttling at 80C the card becomes blatantly more audible. So in a quirky fairly small kind of way it's quite deceiving. The build quality is far better though, that is undeniable. Not £400 better mind you :D.

My friend has a Titan and he always bangs on about how silent it is. I have not been over to his house when his system is under load? But I cant beleive its silent under load? What say honest Titan owners?

I know the AMD is louder.

Sorry didn't see this. As above really...

When the stock fan profile is set and the target temperature is left at 80C, a single Titan will have no problem being completely silent even in GPU heavy games like Battlefield 4 (beta at least). However if you monitor the GPU clocks they throttle fairly heavily off boost in order to do this. Arguably as long as the performance is still acceptable this isn't an issue, but still worth pointing out. To maintain boost you can either raise the target temp between 85-90C which assists in throttling or create a custom fan profile to keep the temps lower. If you're in SLi though this in my experience on the reference cooler proves futile as there is simply too much heat for the cards to disperse. So it's better to simply stick with the stock profile, have it be silent and let it throttle when it needs to.

So basically it's not all rosy having Titan e-peen.
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