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Fury X Vs Titan X - Performance compared

18 Oct 2002
The straw clutching in here is comical, keep it up guys.

Sod logic, let's work from warped presumption then go round in circles for 200 or so comments.

The desperation to find a flaw in nvidia cards is absolutely comical.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
I think your all taking it just a little too personally, they are just GPU's, if people don't like the image quality them saying so is not aimed at you personally, no matter how much you like the brand.

Lets all just chill and get over the fact that people have opinions.
18 Oct 2002
I think your all taking it just a little too personally, they are just GPU's, if people don't like the image quality them saying so is not aimed at you personally, no matter how much you like the brand.

Lets all just chill and get over the fact that people have opinions.

This thread and the other have nothing to do with image quality though and is pure trolling by AMD fanboys. Countless times people have posted images for. Nvidia cards showing no issues, Greg himself says it is a recording issue and when playing there is no difference, but the AMD fanboys ignore all logic and all evidence and jump on a completely unsubstantiated fantasy that has been disproven countless times with hard evidence.

Greg should stop making the video comparison and if he wants to make reviews note the average and min FPS. Much quicker and easier and will stop all the trolling by AMD fanboys. IQ can be compared with screen shots if desired.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
This thread and the other have nothing to do with image quality though and is pure trolling by AMD fanboys. Countless times people have posted images for. Nvidia cards showing no issues, Greg himself says it is a recording issue and when playing there is no difference, but the AMD fanboys ignore all logic and all evidence and jump on a completely unsubstantiated fantasy that has been disproven countless times with hard evidence.

Greg should stop making the video comparison and if he wants to make reviews note the average and min FPS. Much quicker and easier and will stop all the trolling by AMD fanboys. IQ can be compared with screen shots if desired.

Some of his video's clearly have lower Graphics settings in some games, especially BF4, even Greg himself acknowledges that and says he's done everything he can to put it right.

With lower Graphics settings Nvidia has an unfair performance advantage, and its only through side by side video comparisons that we can see the differences in quality, its something that no reviewer does these days so he's done a good job highlighting a potential issue. its right to debate it.
11 May 2006
Gregster can post anything he wants, and I appreciate he has spent considerable time and effort to create these videos. But surely if you post something like this on a forum, or any place that allows feedback (which I presume he wants), then you should expect exactly that, positive and negative. There is clearly an issue with his setup or something is not configured properly. This has already been verified by others. Making the videos again is probably overkill, but the issue should be addressed at least. Don't intend to be rude in any way, just to trying offer one possible solution. I think performance and image quality go hand in hand and you can't just ask people do ignore one of them whilst comparing the other.

In any case thanks for the videos Gregster. Just a shame some people can't apply a little common sense and realise theres a configuration issue, not some conspiracy by nvidia to get extra fps.
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4 Feb 2006
Wasn't Double Penetration suspended or banned? No point debating with this known Nvidia troll.

The thread is comparing side by side gpu's which will include image quality as well as fps, etc.
25 Nov 2011
Hold on here! So we getting given a Side By Side footage from a game.. We then give are feedback on what we see different... Only to be told

"The straw clutching in here is comical, keep it up guys."
"This thread and the other have nothing to do with image quality though and is pure trolling by AMD fanboys."
"The desperation to find a flaw in nvidia cards is absolutely comical."

:eek: Wow!

The point is we getting to see the difference here and can make are own choice on what I like the best off...

I have made it quite clear, in this thread and other thread on why Recording PVR might be washing out TX and not the FX.
It could be an RGB range issue, Greg says that looking at them side by side they look normal on his monitor. But once recorded thats were the TX issue appear...

I'll ask again just in case you missed it Greg can you confirm what setting the PVR is recording at and what are the both GPUs set to?
14 Apr 2012
Seems the Fury isn't optimized very well yet? As the Batman games almost made the 980Ti look a little silly.

But then the Fury struggled on the other titles :(

Maybe we have to wait for Windows 10 and proper drivers for the fury to perform fully.
4 Feb 2006
Hold on here! So we getting given a Side By Side footage from a game.. We then give are feedback on what we see different... Only to be told

"The straw clutching in here is comical, keep it up guys."
"This thread and the other have nothing to do with image quality though and is pure trolling by AMD fanboys."
"The desperation to find a flaw in nvidia cards is absolutely comical."

:eek: Wow!

The point is we getting to see the difference here and can make are own choice on what I like the best off...

I have made it quite clear, in this thread and other thread on why Recording PVR might be washing out TX and not the FX.
It could be an RGB range issue, Greg says that looking at them side by side they look normal on his monitor. But once recorded thats were the TX issue appear...

I'll ask again just in case you missed it Greg can you confirm what setting the PVR is recording at and what are the both GPUs set to?

There is a possibility that the TitanX output is not adhering to true RGB specifications via drivers or hardware so the recording software is approximating it and getting a washed out appearance.
11 May 2006
Some of his video's clearly have lower Graphics settings in some games, especially BF4, even Greg himself acknowledges that and says he's done everything he can to put it right.

With lower Graphics settings Nvidia has an unfair performance advantage, and its only through side by side video comparisons that we can see the differences in quality, its something that no reviewer does these days so he's done a good job highlighting a potential issue. its right to debate it.

But this was shown by other people not to be the case. It's something wrong on his end. I haven't touched a single setting in my NVCP and I don't have the texture filtering issue seen in Gregsters video.

Why would nvidia do something like this and in such a blatantly obvious way? By a fault in the driver? To gain a few extra fps? Use your cpmmon sense. If you noticed it in a poor quality YouTube video, do you not think the thousands of people playing BF4 on nvidia cards would have noticed it too? The lack of anisotropic filtering (or whatever the cause) is glaringly obvious and would be ten times more apparent when seen directly and not via a poor quality video. Something liked this would be fixed pretty quickly by nvidia or amd, if it was found to be a widespread issue, especially for a major title like BF4.
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
So Gregster if you could only keep one card, which would it be?
Do you actually notice much difference if you play one after the other?

I would keep the Nvidia card. I am a big fan of recording/doing reviews and ShadowPlay is fantastic. Not the best image quality but such a low performance hit and records any and everything including 60fps 2160P if desired. That doesn't detract from the Fury X being a great card mind and if I had no wish to record (or if I could record properly with a capture card how I want it to), then I would have a serious debate with myself.

As for recording and showing comparisons, to those that like them and like seeing them, thanks for the support but to those that don't, apologies but I have no intention of stopping doing them and I will get better, I just need to sus everything out.

If anyone knows how to duplicate a display and set the RGB or whatever it is called up, I would appreciate some help/info but as it stands, the capture card is the monitor and I can't actually see what is what.
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