Iceland chicken is white

3 Jun 2005
West Sussex
LOL nice extremes there :p

ps3ud0 :cool:

Yeah if you google it lots of yanks often ask the question why chicken smells of bleach. Horrible thought really.

To be honest I only buy meat from my butchers. I hate anything frozen and I just don't trust supermarkets. A butcher selects the meat and knows what is good or bad quality. If it isn't good quality they either send it back or don't buy it.

I doubt the people preparing and packaging meat for supermarkets would know or really care about the quality. It is just done for the mass market. Buy for peanuts and sell for maximum profit.

Wasn't it Tesco a while back that was miss selling beef? They had shoulder cuts they were selling as prime rump.
13 May 2010
I wouldn't eat anything out of iceland. Only very good quality fillet/sirloine steak, high quality fresh chicken, organic eggs etc.

My guts are wrecked enough as it is without putting crap like that in!

Remember was at my mates bbq and he had iceland rubbish 8 burgers 1 pound went to bite into the burger and grease all leaked down from it to my hand, was just about sick.
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Let's put that to the test. 10 grand each.. survivor takes all.

I'll eat an Iceland chicken breast and you shoot yourself through the head.

Anyone want to place bets?

lol ill put 500k on it give me a couple of days to get it together.

Iceland do a lot of cook from frozen food, their frozen chicken breasts being one of the many.

They add a lot of salt and other additives to achieve this. Thus it looks a bit whiter than normal.

I don't eat pre prepared chicken breasts after seeing a documentary on how the processing distributor people bulk up the weight with hideous amounts of water, salt and other goodies.

+nearly every average takeaway/restaurant will use the stuff too, especially Indian, so next time you chow down on your chicken jalfrezi take a good look at the chunks.
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2 Jan 2011
Yeah if you google it lots of yanks often ask the question why chicken smells of bleach. Horrible thought really.

To be honest I only buy meat from my butchers. I hate anything frozen and I just don't trust supermarkets. A butcher selects the meat and knows what is good or bad quality. If it isn't good quality they either send it back or don't buy it.

I doubt the people preparing and packaging meat for supermarkets would know or really care about the quality. It is just done for the mass market. Buy for peanuts and sell for maximum profit.

Wasn't it Tesco a while back that was miss selling beef? They had shoulder cuts they were selling as prime rump.

aye and a butcher has never been closed down and convicted for selling spoilt meat
seem to remember one a few years back that made a wedding party really ill with spoilt meat (not sure but i think there may also have bean a death involved)
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