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The AMD R9 290 (non x) Thread

So say this comes in at £350, is nvidia going to counter it with another card or a significant 780 price drop, or none of the above.

A 770ti was rumoured not so long ago - although maybe that's what turned out to be the 780ti. If they do add a 770ti as well, their GPU line-up would start looking a bit cramped.

I imagine the 780ti will come in around the 780 price point, so the 780 will be getting a price drop, which should push the 770 down too. The 770 really needs a cut. If the 290 comes in at around £350 it will make the 770 look even worse value for money that the 280X already does.
Interesting.. None of the other 290's on Newegg mention anything about coolers. I'd be very surprised/giddy if the 290's will include third party coolers at launch. Gibbo are you able to share this nugget of information?
I'd bet that's just a typical product description error...but of course, I'd be more than happy to be proved wrong :p
That would be for the 290x. I HIGHLY doubt it would be any earlier for the 290. Think wishful thinking by people. I would've preferred not to have reference but if it comes at a great price (£350) and performs then I'm not going to wait. I sold my 6950 a while ago and desperate for a new card as running on integrated graphics at the minute lol.

Originally Posted by Gibbo

Hynix and Elpida are both just as good as each other.

I took my Elpida card which could only do 5700MHz, flashed the Asus BIOS to it, pumped up the voltage and now the Elpida card is matching with 6600MHz.

So there you go, Elpida, Hynix, it don't matter. What matters is voltage control.


By the way this is an R290 I've flashed with R290X BIOS, works a tread, but shaders not unlocked, but can now hit 1220 core and 6600 RAM on the regular R290 as well. At these speeds this also obliverates Titan. Incredible value!
I think when all the series is out in non ref designs and NV have dropped their prices it is going to be a great time to buy.

Really need to see the entire range and the competition first.
If it comes in at the performance based on Gibbo's benchmarks and is less than £350 i'll most likely be having one.

£300 would be even better though Gibbo. ;)
Wow so the 290 OC is within 6% of the 290X OC (on normal firestrike). Thats amazing. When Gibbo said its performance when overclocked was "very, very, very close to the 290x" he was not kidding.

If its 30% cheaper with 6% less performance, I think we may have a new champion.
Wow so the 290 OC is within 6% of the 290X OC (on normal firestrike). Thats amazing. When Gibbo said its performance when overclocked was "very, very, very close to the 290x" he was not kidding.

I've now got 290 Pro beating X, Titan and 780 HOF (1310MHz) in all the benchmarks I ran with Asus BIOS. EPIC Card!
290 should be good card tdp bit lower then x model @ 260w maybe bit cooler, if combined with aftermarket cooler windforce or any other and voltage unlocked should be best £ per performance card.
Do you think the flash is just needed in the short term until afterburner etc have been updated to control voltage?

Would hate to brick my new card after just buying it. Think I may get a 290 and put it under water.

My 680 was my first card I water cooled and these things are so voltage starved
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