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AMD - How To Overclock The Official Way Using Afterburner + Step By Step Overclocking Guide + Comple

12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
trixx 1,25V gpuz 1,209 for 1175mhz and 1600mhz.
Pass benchmark in tomb raider min 42,8,maks.68,1,ave.54,3
I'm going to deep her under water soon,just checking if she is worthy to keep her:)
How to use snipping tool after finish benchmark it tomb raider?or are you using different program for that,Would like to post score in the thread.

I use afterburners screenshot function.
10 May 2012
I think I had a warning.
Running sleeping dogs benchmark(1,25V, 1,175mhz 1600mhz)
I had a crash big time,black screen and nothing else,push reset button (nothing) after a while pc turn off itself,turn back on after a while (itself),no display but I could hear gpu fan running,saw my keyboard flashing(windows is booting),still now display,after a while screen come up with picture and windows.
Checked trixx voltage was reset to stock values.
Is crashes like that normal with amd gpu ?When I was ocing my gtx 670 drivers only crash and that was it.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I think I had a warning.
Running sleeping dogs benchmark(1,25V, 1,175mhz 1600mhz)
I had a crash big time,black screen and nothing else,push reset button (nothing) after a while pc turn off itself,turn back on after a while (itself),no display but I could hear gpu fan running,saw my keyboard flashing(windows is booting),still now display,after a while screen come up with picture and windows.
Checked trixx voltage was reset to stock values.
Is crashes like that normal with amd gpu ?When I was ocing my gtx 670 drivers only crash and that was it.

Sleeping Dogs uses a lot of wattage on AMD cards, be careful until you get it under water. Make sure you have the power limit at +20%. Sounds like you exceeded the cards TDP limit and it shuts off to prevent damage.
10 May 2012
Sleeping Dogs uses a lot of wattage on AMD cards, be careful until you get it under water. Make sure you have the power limit at +20%. Sounds like you exceeded the cards TDP limit and it shuts off to prevent damage.
I think you're right.
Problem with trixx there is no option for power limit rise.Only option I could find is
force constant voltage.So even if I put her under water and this will lower temps,without power limit set higher, will this still shut down the card?
What if I run I MSI afterburner and there I choose power limit +20%?
Might as well rise power limit in ccc?what out of two would be better?
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12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Not sure setting one then using the other may conflict. Trixxx should have a power limit in there of some sort. It did when i used it last. I suppose you can try setting the power limit in CCC then apply clocks in trixxx maybe.
10 May 2012
Testing new OC 1,225V, 1225 core 1600 mem.
Passed benchmark in TR, crased in Sleeping Dogs(exceeded the cards TDP limit and it shut off)
I'm running trixx(control clocks and voltage) with msi afterburner(monitoring and TPD +20%).
Could you explain me or send me link to web page where there is more info. about this TPD limit?
When I put her under water this limit will still be the same?cooling effects only temps.
I wonder if she doesn't like more voltage,I'm hitting limits of this card?
People apply 1,3v on this card,so I'm wondering if this is program related(msi and trixx together)
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Jim it could be your psu crapping out. It does the same to me with my 7990 on a 750W psu. Does it crap out on the very last scene indoors? Something about that part does it every time for me if i run a big overclock on my 7990. Orangey reported something similar on his 850w psu with 2x290's water cooled.
10 May 2012
couldn't be it's f...... seasonic mate;)
the best psu money can buy:D
it happened before on lower voltage and clocks,when I didn't increase power limit,now after applying +20% TPD is fine on the same clocks where before it crashed.
The scene before stairs,night time city.
gpu-z readings from time before it crashed,temps.72,fan 82,vddc 1,111,
all values were higher looking before it crashed.
TPD values for gpu includes this silly fan spinning like hell?cos under water it won't take any juice:D
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
By the way,what you have in mind saying big OC on your hd 7990?you are on air so how far you want to push her?

Well i can go up to 1200/1690 maximum depending on the bench. However sleeping dogs flakes out around at 1140/1650 on that final scene. Pc freezes then powers off and restarts. Just sleeping dogs that does it. For gaming though i just run stock clocks of 1000/1500 as i enjoy the quiet 'Auto' fan profile.
16 Dec 2008
Thanks for the guide, finaly managed to unlock the voltage on my R290, one question though. I have 3 voltage options, 1st: Core Voltage(mV) which i have set to +100, memory voltage is blanked out so i guess i cant do much about that, and the 3rd is Aux Voltage which i have left at 0 because im not sure if it safe to use this as it wasn't in the guide. Is is safe for me to use the Aux Voltage or will it damage my card?
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Thanks for the guide, finaly managed to unlock the voltage on my R290, one question though. I have 3 voltage options, 1st: Core Voltage(mV) which i have set to +100, memory voltage is blanked out so i guess i cant do much about that, and the 3rd is Aux Voltage which i have left at 0 because im not sure if it safe to use this as it wasn't in the guide. Is is safe for me to use the Aux Voltage or will it damage my card?

This guide was for Tahiti and older AMD cards but most of it still applies. I should do a new one and will put it on the to do list.

AUX is basically PLL voltage. It does very little but it may allow you to overclock the memory a little bit further. With Hawaii though memory overclocking is tied to core voltage mostly. So if you need more voltage to overclock the memory further, increase the core voltage. Best to focus mainly on the core and overclock the memory afterwards once you've maxed out the core.
16 Dec 2008
Ok, got the core to 1150(1175 makes the benchmark crash) using +100 core voltage so i'm working on the mem now. So it should be safe to up the aux voltage once it starts crashing on memory overclock?
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Ok, got the core to 1150(1175 makes the benchmark crash) using +100 core voltage so i'm working on the mem now. So it should be safe to up the aux voltage once it starts crashing on memory overclock?

I think so. I'm not totally convinced on the benefits or negatives of AUX yet. However it should allow you to eek out a bit more overclocking headroom on the memory if and when you get a black screen. Keep an eye out for reduced performance (lower benchmark score) when overclocking the memory. Then you'll know you've reached the limit, or you can try adding some AUX.
16 Dec 2008
I'm not sure whats wrong, but i kept my core at 1150, and my mem to 1375 and got a score of 1911 on valley which was the highest yet, then i tried it on 1400 and the score dropped to 1700 something so i thought i had gone over its limit.

So i set it back to 1375 and cant get above 1800 again now. Not only that i'm looking in msi and the whole time i run the benchmark the core doesnt seem to be going quicker then around the ~900mhz speed, its throttling badly for some reason.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I'm not sure whats wrong, but i kept my core at 1150, and my mem to 1375 and got a score of 1911 on valley which was the highest yet, then i tried it on 1400 and the score dropped to 1700 something so i thought i had gone over its limit.

So i set it back to 1375 and cant get above 1800 again now. Not only that i'm looking in msi and the whole time i run the benchmark the core doesnt seem to be going quicker then around the ~900mhz speed, its throttling badly for some reason.

Use 13.12 drivers and ensure you have +50% power tune set. If you get a crash make sure you restart the pc and reapply clocks before trying again.
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