Another Religious Fanatic :/

Man of Honour
14 Nov 2003
I think the presenter aand other interviewee summed it all up.

"You're obviously a nut."
"What's the matter with you?"

I do feel that anyone with a religious conviction should seek treatment for their mental health issues. However, in the US people do have real freedom of speech and as such these type of frootloops are allowed to voice their opinions. Long may it continue. :)
18 Oct 2002
pyro said:
"what is the matter with you?" :D

Why even bother having her on Fox network?

Because it's Fox, and it's biased tripe.

As for the woman, haven't viewed the link as I'm at work but if her religious beliefs are impacting on other people in a negative way then it's not on.

As for religion starting wars, well...... it's a good excuse, but rarely the reason. Apart from the Crusades I can't think of many and I bet even the Crusades had other objectives.
18 Oct 2002
Murf said:
Because it's Fox, and it's biased tripe.

As for the woman, haven't viewed the link as I'm at work but if her religious beliefs are impacting on other people in a negative way then it's not on.

As for religion starting wars, well...... it's a good excuse, but rarely the reason. Apart from the Crusades I can't think of many and I bet even the Crusades had other objectives.
Protestant v Catholic partly fueled most of the wars in Europe for a few hundred years after the Reformation. It partly fuels the current conflict in the middle east. It lies at the heart of the Irish problem...
20 Oct 2002
pyro said:
Why even bother having her on Fox network?

Sleepy said:
Cos a representative of a group which organises protests at the funerals of service personnel is news.

I doubt very much it's anything to do with that. Call me cynical if you like.

Scam said:
Wow deja vu. Fox seem to be in the habit of finding these dumbass over-the-top anti-war fruitcakes and ripping them to shreds live on air. It's not exactly hard is it. It wasnt long ago somebody posted a similar video, infact i'm sure it was the same newsreader :rolleyes:

My conclusion: mindless pro-war propaganda.

Put the mind-blowingly crazy idiots that are opposed to war on your show and you suddenly find it's quite easy to make sure your viewers feel their patriotism rise up within them to support the war and anything else that GWB might start. :rolleyes: I'm sorry, but everyone getting riled up by that women is just falling for it, plain and simple.
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18 Oct 2002
Scam said:
I doubt very much it's anything to do with that. Call me cynical if you like.
Nope, I'll call you ignorant.
Put the mind-blowingly crazy idiots that are opposed to war on your show and you suddenly find it's quite easy to make sure your viewers feel their patriotism rise up within them to support the war and anything else that GWB might start. :rolleyes: I'm sorry, but everyone getting riled up by that women is just falling for it, plain and simple.
Do you know anything about Phelps? He's not protesting against the war, he's protesting aganist homosexuals! He use to demonstrate at the funerals of AIDs victims now he demonstrates at service funerals saying that they died cos the US allows homosexuality so god is punishing the US by killing its troops :rolleyes: .
2 Nov 2004
KaHn said:
You see, all religion have their extremists and it affects every thing. I would never call a muslim friend of mine a terrorist etc. But at the end of the day these people and also others have been brought up to think this way.


No, not all religions have terrorists so dont make statements like that - dont tar all religions with the same brush
Man of Honour
14 Nov 2003
Murf said:
Because it's Fox, and it's biased tripe.

As for the woman, haven't viewed the link as I'm at work but if her religious beliefs are impacting on other people in a negative way then it's not on.

As for religion starting wars, well...... it's a good excuse, but rarely the reason. Apart from the Crusades I can't think of many and I bet even the Crusades had other objectives.

The Spanish Armada tried to invade England at the behest of the Pope. If it wasn't for her dad 'tooling up' after the reformation, Lizzie would have been in trouble and we would be a Catholic country now.

I agree that religion is often and excuse rather than the sole cause, I doubt there is or was a war ever fought over a single issue, humans are complex creatures and so are their wars.
20 Oct 2002
Sleepy said:
Nope, I'll call you ignorant.Do you know anything about Phelps? He's not protesting against the war, he's protesting aganist homosexuals! He use to demonstrate at the funerals of AIDs victims now he demonstrates at service funerals saying that they died cos the US allows homosexuality so god is punishing the US by killing its troops :rolleyes: .

That may be so. I dont have time to go and research the background, i'm just saying what i see. Regardless of your points, i'm still convinced that Fox is airing it because of the reasons i initially posted. I still think that is their motivation - it's obviously working looking at the posts here. Imagine if you were in the States, you'd be hard-pushed to find someone who doesnt get agitated by that report and feel the need to stick up for their troops. Which is exactly the reaction they want.

Try to refrain from calling me ignorant for having my suspicions?
9 Nov 2005
I found the most entertaining part of the "interview" was when the presenter asked her what her sin(s) are, and she couldnt answer, because if she admitted to a sin that mean she should would incur the "wrath of god" (aids, terrorism), and she cant really say that she was born without sin. I also love the way that she belives that the reason that US soldiers are dying in iraq is because of the US acceptance of homosexuality, does that mean if they made it illegal they would be invincible? Im so glad that we get to see these nuts its so amusing.........

EDIT: and yes FOX news is undoubtedly a biased load of tripe (and yes i know that all news is biased)
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18 Oct 2002
Scam said:
That may be so. I dont have time to go and research the background, i'm just saying what i see. Regardless of your points, i'm still convinced that Fox is airing it because of the reasons i initially posted. I still think that is their motivation - it's obviously working looking at the posts here. Imagine if you were in the States, you'd be hard-pushed to find someone who doesnt get agitated by that report and feel the need to stick up for their troops. Which is exactly the reaction they want.

Try to refrain from calling me ignorant for having my suspicions?
I'll call you ignorant cos thats what you are: ill informed and lacking in knowlege.

As to your assertion that hate protests at funerals is only news cos it helps build support for the war is incredibly naive, ignorant, insulting and plain wrong.

Implying that American citizens when seeing Phleps vile protests would when feeling their justifiable revulsion at his antics switch support for the war in Iraq is insulting in its simplicity. BTW you do know the Bush is at an alltime low in ratings ATM, down to 33%. Guess this process isn't working probably explains why Rove has had his responsibilites reduced.

BTW a simple google will reveal a huge number of articles on this group, 14 states are in the process of passing laws to ban demonstrations at funerals. Earlier someone posted a British papers article on the Patriot Riders. Its not some kooks that only Fox find offensive, its a real news worthy story demonstrating the hatred in the hearts of some Americans.
20 Oct 2002
You're still missing my point. It may well be news worthy (where did i say it wasnt?). Maybe i under-estimated how widespread their protests were (read: i didnt bother going to research), but i still stand by the statement that Fox are simply putting these 'kooks' on in order to get the public riled up, and probably to make themselves look better by battering them donw live on-air.

I also never said the reaction from the public would be un-justified. It's entirely justified, it's just the fact that Fox has put it there.
11 Nov 2002
Sleepy said:
Protestant v Catholic partly fueled most of the wars in Europe for a few hundred years after the Reformation. It partly fuels the current conflict in the middle east. It lies at the heart of the Irish problem...

Religion was the justification for many of those wars but it was never the reason, it was as always the control of resources that were the reasons for those wars. Look at the hundred years war on the face of it it was a religious war, but the fact that Britain a protestant nation fought both catholic and protestant armies in that war, catholic and protestant Principalities of the holy Roman empire also fought on both sides, it was all a war of Silesia, and Britain only got involved to ensure that neither side won.

Even the Irish problem, yes again religion is used to justify it but it's primarily about control. From the off where the protestant minority was exercising it's control over the catholic majority in Ireland and then it was split to ensure that the protestants always maintained at very least parity with the catholics in NI, it's a battle for controll, the protestants wnat control to remain part of Britain and the catholics want control so they can dertermine NI's path as they see fit.

Even in the middle east and africa it's all about control of resources.

Religion is nearly always a justification but rarely an actual reason for conflict.
18 Oct 2002
@Scam you seem to be saying that Fox is bad cos its showing a news worthy story and letting religious idiots make fools of themselves on national television. First off as its a newsworthy story then Fox are perfectly justified in showing it, they don't need to be motivated by purple lizard people in smoke rooms. Its justifiable to let minoritiy viewpoints be aired on TV.

Can your position be summed up as anything which might be construed as pro troops is pro war and thus grubby right wing propoganda, but all anti war anti US reporting is true and fair? Biased much!

One flaw in your position is just how many anti war protesters do you think watch Fox News?

but i still stand by the statement that Fox are simply putting these 'kooks' on in order to get the public riled up, and probably to make themselves look better by battering them donw live on-air.
Are you changing your position? first off Fox trying to manipulate the peons to support the war, now its to rile up the populous and make Fox look good.
18 Oct 2002
Spud21 said:
Religion is nearly always a justification but rarely an actual reason for conflict.
I phrased my post carefully, I didnot flat out state that religion caused those wars. Thats never been my position, it is a factor though and one that cannot be denied. Yes venal humans go to war marching under a banner of religion (and often against the tenants of said religion) for reasons often based on greed and hatred and pride, yet religious differences are motivators. And in many cases were the excuse used to justify the conflict.
9 Nov 2005
Spud21 said:
Religion was the justification for many of those wars but it was never the reason, it was as always the control of resources that were the reasons for those wars. Look at the hundred years war on the face of it it was a religious war, but the fact that Britain a protestant nation fought both catholic and protestant armies in that war, catholic and protestant Principalities of the holy Roman empire also fought on both sides, it was all a war of Silesia, and Britain only got involved to ensure that neither side won.

Even the Irish problem, yes again religion is used to justify it but it's primarily about control. From the off where the protestant minority was exercising it's control over the catholic majority in Ireland and then it was split to ensure that the protestants always maintained at very least parity with the catholics in NI, it's a battle for controll, the protestants wnat control to remain part of Britain and the catholics want control so they can dertermine NI's path as they see fit.

Even in the middle east and africa it's all about control of resources.

Religion is nearly always a justification but rarely an actual reason for conflict.

So true, religion is just anothere of those things that divides people, and within a context of intolerance, ignorace and obstinate, dogmatic odium, it can be used (along with a lot of things) to justify humans petty tribal insticts, to kill (and fight) other tribes ala chimpanzees :rolleyes:

Personally i like Jonathan Swift's satire of the whole thing, warring nations divided by people who diagree on how to break open an egg........

im a little ender myself, and i will fight to my death all those who attack the little enders ways...... DEATH to the infadel bigenders!!

SS's 2c ;)
11 Nov 2002
Sleepy said:
I phrased my post carefully, I didnot flat out state that religion caused those wars. Thats never been my position, it is a factor though and one that cannot be denied. Yes venal humans go to war marching under a banner of religion (and often against the tenants of said religion) for reasons often based on greed and hatred and pride, yet religious differences are motivators. And in many cases were the excuse used to justify the conflict.

Oh yes it is a factor that can't be denied, and it does increase tensions between peoples as it's an obvious difference, well it used to be it's less so now as many states are secular. If it wernt for religion though it would be something else tat is used to justify wars to control resources, a particular countries morality, race or almost anything can be used as justification. It just so happens that religion is the one used.

So yes i think religion is a factor but only because it's the simplest to apply often, but when a country is warring with another facton of the same religion, nationalism, race, and other justifying factors are used, people will use the easiest thing to justify their aims, most of the time thats easily done with religion.

Look at the war in iraq, the western worlds (us and the US) morality is being used to justify a war which is plainly a war for the persuit of resources, we would not be acting were it not for the oil in Iraq, otherwise there would be countries far higher up the agenda than Iraq, the Nepalese royal family are currently killing civilians because they have had enough of the monarch exercising total control, will we act there ? will we buggery, because it's not in our economic interests to do so, Iraq was.

*Before anyone has a moan about me being anti US i'm not i am meerly stating the reasons for this war, i was against the war but only because i was being lied to, if the US and GB govt had just come out and said, well we need to secure the oil but as an aside we'll get rid of saddam as hes an arse****, i would have gladly supported it, but they tried all sorts of rubbish to justify the war claiming that they are somehow better than others who have gone to war over resources. It doesn't bother me that countries go to war over resources, i'd rather it didn't but it's the way of the world and humanity so i accept it, i just don't like being lied to and treated as if i have the intelligence of a 10 year old :)
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