Best Chicken Curry recipes

19 Jan 2006
Anyone got any favourites?

Doing a party night and cooking a chilli, lasange and other bits but want to do a curry as well. Ideally one that can be prepared the day before mainly and then ready for the night.

I usually just chuck various curry power, chillies, gram masala, onions, peppers etc into a pan to make a curry of my own.

However wife's rules state that I must make one that is suitable for all people coming (mine are usually too hot for most!!)

Likely to have to be chicken as the meat - fire away........
29 Dec 2014
The "North"
You could make a chicken korma (not my favourite) as these are usually quite creamy and mild instead of being hot. Or you could make a tikka masala and just not add the chilli and hot spices. Another curry to consider would be a thai green curry (I can't stand them but still) as these are also mild. :)
19 Jan 2006
Going to make this

A lovely flavoursome chicken curry dish from Tamil Nadu in South India. Chettinad Chicken is made by toasting a number of spices with coconut and producing an aromatic masala that has a slight aniseed scent. If you think it will be to fiery for you just reduce the number of chillies. Traditionally it is served with Dosa or Appams but it is just as good with a flaky Parathas and even plain boiled rice.

pictures to follow tomorrow when it's done.
10 Dec 2015
This is my chicken curry recipe:

First make a vegetable purée:
Half a swede
Handful of cabbage
4 onions chopped up
2 carrots
1 tin of tomatoes
Table Spoonful of garlic and ginger purée
Half a teacup of any vegetable oil
2 table spoons of curry powder.

Boil this till tender then blend it. A hand blender is easier but a jug blender will work too.

(Put the puree aside)

In a wok, fry diced chicken pieces till cooked through, put aside.
Fry some chopped onion until golden brown
Add teaspoon chilli powder,
2 teaspoons of cumin
1 teaspoon turmeric
2 teaspoons of garam masala
2 Teaspoons of ginger garlic paste.
A few cardamoms.
Gently fry it.

Add the chicken and coat it in the spices
Add the vegetable purée
Add tomato purée or pasanda
Sprinkle of salt and black pepper

Mix together and simmer
Add fresh coriander and a few bay leaves.

If using basmati rice only rinse it once or you will loose flavour!
Fry basmati rice in a little oil then add a teacup of coconut milk (optional) a few cloves and cardamoms and water.
Do not mix the rice while cooking or it'll stick together!
Allow water to evaporate
Mix with a little fresh diced coriander.

Serve and enjoy
Last edited:
17 Oct 2002
I like the jalfrezi the hairy bikers do in their diet program. I stick about 10 green birdseye chillis in though, so it tastes different, a little reminiscent of thai green curry actually. Without the lemongrass and coconut tastes of course :)

edit: there are a few wrong recipes online, this is the one I followed, with extra birdseyes:
19 Jan 2006
Let us know how you get on!

That sounds lovely, let us know how it goes.

Well - it went good - so good that I didn't get any pictures as it got demolished!!

The only thing I would say was that I slightly "panicked" as it was fairly thick and didn't appear to have much sauce with it - so I added a bit of water which made the sauce in the end a bit "watery".

Otherwise, it tasted pretty decent, and it was all eaten on the night!! Will do it again for sure- need to get a decent spice blender mind you as I was force to use my smoothmaker and this didn't get the blitz fine enough. Overall very tasty.
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