DIY Bike Shed

One of the things I plan on storing there is a gazebo that takes up more room length-ways when packed (creating something that has 2m internal dimensions)

I had seen this and considered buying two for the wood alone but the first review put me off it entirely :)
Ah nice! That's actually a good fit... lawls - postage is £40 on top for us bumping it up to £200.

Still, food for thought!
Fairly pleased how it's turning out. I ran out of cladding for the doors (miscalculation) and clout nails for the roof (lost a bag) so picking up those today to finish it off.

Because of the way it's been designed it's each panel (including roof) can come off via screws from the inside so it's nice and easy to move around.

£250 for a totally bespoke, over engineered shed to our exact requirements. Pretty happy with it!
Cheers - it's 38 x 63 mm for the framing.

For anyone else doing this kind of thing, I'd look at what kind of hinges you want to use more in depth before designing anything.

I'd had to move and reinforce the door frames and supports within the doors to give me the right anchor points.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing but when I looked at another shed it doesn't bother with the added supports I've adopted on the final build - they attached it just to the cladding.
Wonderful job on that really is, the one thing i would recommend once the roof felt wheres away in a few years is a Rubber roof membrane for that size would cost peanuts to do, i am a shed huger LOL and have learnt the hard way felt just does not last the rubber and will last many many many many many many many years. :)
That's great, I was going to ask whether you were any good with cutting etc/ diy in general, looks like you are, well done, look forward to the finish.
That's great, I was going to ask whether you were any good with cutting etc/ diy in general, looks like you are, well done, look forward to the finish.

I'd consider myself "DIY capable, but ambitious" :)

The roof rubber is a good idea but got that stuff pretty cheap.


Now it's in place you can see why I needed specific dimensions.

I need to be able to get my bike past, and the doors open fully. Full distance is 165cm at the shortest place so I was literally taking the roofing felt into my calculations! :D

Now I just need to sort out how I'm going to make the lock work!

I think I'm also going to leave it on the posts I used to move it - planning on getting the side of the house paved but this storage was actually the priority as we have no outside storage at all at the moment so doing rooms inside was like playing chess, moving everything around all the time.
That looks really good.

Main advantage is that it just looks like a garden store for the lawnmower rather than a bike shed. Unless you have valuable bikes, the sort that people will follow you home for, then I can see why you would have built it.

£30 Reciprocating saw round the hinges though and the bikes gone.
Looks really good to me. I would probably try and mount some kind of ground/wall anchor to the side of the house through the back of the shed so you can secure your bike to it. Unless you are leaving other things in there with it I wouldn't bother with a lock for the shed at all. That way if anyone does have a look, they don't damage the shed getting into it and they can't take your bike as it's chained to the house.

We live in a safe enough area and the bikes not worth much. Just needed it out the house along with some other stuff. Put on a lock as a deterrent.

Got the roof sloping away from the house as when we moved in we had quite a lot of damp from various problems with various out houses and raised land. Have it sloping away from the house is definitely me overcompensating for previous problems but as I'm such a fair weather cyclist it's not something that is going to bug me much :)
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