Eleven Table Tennis

13 Jun 2013
LOL, play @Mr.Cookie he is terrible. My grandad has better reflexes and he is dead :p

Seriously though, I can play you if you want. I won't laugh(too much) And help you get started with some easy shots, and be a little bit more predictable than the computer player.
@melmac what's your username?

@Tykey happy to help out also if you fancy a game.
I might just take you up on it! I haven't played for a while so would want to atleast get a bit more familiar with it again. I know how online multiplayer goes though :D even if the better player was taking it easy at 1st the competitive streaks would soon come out and I'd be getting thrashed!
19 Dec 2010
I might just take you up on it! I haven't played for a while so would want to atleast get a bit more familiar with it again. I know how online multiplayer goes though :D even if the better player was taking it easy at 1st the competitive streaks would soon come out and I'd be getting thrashed!

Come on this evening at 6:30pm and I will give you a quick game. You can decide then if I am too competitive or not.

The last time I played against a real person was around the same time as I played Mr.Cookie and that was 2017/2018. Now I barely play at all.
23 May 2006
Hey all,

Anyone playing Eleven Table Tennis? I'm on the Eleven dev team and work as a graphic / UX designer for the team.

If anyone wants a game or would like to know more about it just shoot me a message!
like most of my VR games, this has not had anywhere near the attention it deserves on my headset however i have to say what an incredible job you guys have done. its always one of the top 10 games i recommend to new VR users.

my 80 year old father in law plays TT weekly and whilst he is not the player he was, as an experiment i played him (for real) after not picking up a bat in 25 years. He absolutely destroyed me.

I then planned to practice purely in VR not touching a bat to then try a rematch after 3 months. In truth life got in the way and i did not commit like i should have.

After 3 months he still beat me easily but, it was very clear that my game had significantly improved just by playing in VR. That is what i love above VR, it can actually improve some things in real life.
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13 Jun 2013
Come on this evening at 6:30pm and I will give you a quick game. You can decide then if I am too competitive or not.

The last time I played against a real person was around the same time as I played Mr.Cookie and that was 2017/2018. Now I barely play at all.
I would but not kidding I have something on from 5 onwards most evenings now (I participate in a quiz), really appreciate the offer. Plus I will definitely have to play the game atleast a little bit 1st. I'm not bad at Miracle Pool, don't know if you ever play that? It's free and multiplayer I think.
2 Feb 2007
My username is jonnylaris feel free to add me anyone who wants a game!

like most of my VR games, this has not had anywhere near the attention it deserves on my headset however i have to say what an incredible job you guys have done. its always one of the top 10 games i recommend to new VR users.

my 80 year old father in law plays TT weekly and whilst he is not the player he was, as an experiment i played him (for real) after not picking up a bat in 25 years. He absolutely destroyed me.

I then planned to practice purely in VR not touching a bat to then try a rematch after 3 months. In truth life got in the way and i did not commit like i should have.

After 3 months he still beat me easily but, it was very clear that my game had significantly improved just by playing in VR. That is what i love above VR, it can actually improve some things in real life.

That's amazing to hear! I think the physics are now so close to real life that it's easy to swap between real life TT and VR. We even had some pro TT players try it recently and they really enjoyed it. We even had a few exibition matches between the pros and it was crazy to see how quick they picked up the VR game.
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4 Aug 2006
I've never played TT in real life - maybe a kncok about at the boys club decades ago. After a few months on Eleven me and mate went to a local pool place and booked an hour of TT, and the skills totally transfered across. It was actually quite eerie having some ability at a sport I'd basically never played before in my life. Biggest PITA was having to chase and pick up the darn ball :)
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23 May 2006
I've never played TT in real life - maybe a kncok about at the boys club decades ago. After a few months on Eleven me and mate went to a local pool place and booked an hour of TT, and the skills totally transfered across. It was actually quite eerie having some ability at a sport I'd basically never played before in my life. Biggest PITA was having to chase and pick up the darn ball :)
it is so true. running after the ball is such a pita

still not as easy as on the matrix however so more work to be done there
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19 Dec 2010
For those that play this game single player against the AI. Next time you are playing just lob the ball high and aim it so that it lands just over the net and watch as the AI turns into Mr.Cookie and fails miserably trying to return it. :cry:
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