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G-Sync pulsar

24 Feb 2003
Even if it's a flop I applaud any attempts at further innovation on smoothness
Yea absolutely, I don't think it will make any difference to me or probably not in it's first form at least but if it helps push technology forward a little, great. I am old enough to remember the last days of the great CRT's an old enough to have appreicated that ...we've never quite been back to that level of clarity and fluidity of motion, even with OLED, great as it is.
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4 Feb 2011
This crossed my mind again, I tried a ULMB 2 monitor for a few days 540hz TN and it's motion clarity was indeed better than even a 360hz OLED monitor, the 480hz Dual Mode LG probably competes or surpasses it?. If Asus actually release a panel this year with a Gsync Pulsar module (which apparently will be on some un-named as of yet 360hz monitor) so we have no idea of the resolution of the display or the panel type. If it's going to be offering 4x the motion clarity with a base of 360hz. I'm hoping it's at least a 1440p display and isn't TN and I'll be interested for sure.
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