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GPU prices

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12 Jun 2012
West Yorkshire
It is shocking.

The OCUK prices are more volatile than the stock markets today.. I mean calm down and wait a few days will you?

What and give the people a chance to buy now before they do? Knowing whats inevitably going to happen?

That's not in their best interest now is it. :p

Edit: Although, Gibbo did say he would look at it a 3pm.
31 Dec 2006
Totally unjustified of course, they're just trying to milk it for every last penny. Of course £ will stabilise, no question about that. They're just taking advantage of the 'doom and gloom' situation perpetuated by the media. When exchange rate was in the mid 1.20's earlier this year did we see such price rises?? Nope. They couldn't have got away with it then that's why! £ is no less likely to rally than it was then either. It's all so transparent, and any argument about this making good business sense is just nonsense.

Edit: yeah, you're right... prices have dropped again. Mmm... maybe they saw the error of their ways, or saw the tidal wave of aggro coming their way from customers lol! That is, until 3pm as Gibbo said perhaps, then they go up again ha!
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12 Mar 2008
I've always bought here (and will continue to do so) but OCUK have always been one of the most shameless gouger's on the net requiring little reason to up prices. Now I just wait it out and buy later to avoid the gouging.
30 Jan 2012
Stoke On Trent
Not just GPU's, my Skylake upgrade (Mobo and 6700K) have gone up too.. glad i bought the Dominator RAM last week cuz that went up aswell. If these prices are the same on monday/tuesday, then i'll be holding off the upgrade just by the principal of the whole thing, as OcUK already had bought this stock but still put up prices in an instant.

GG Overclockers :rolleyes:
31 Dec 2006
Yes, not all prices have dropped, just some. The drop back down again MAY be permanent, it may not. Apparently it's been mentioned in another thread that it was a blanket increase across the board just to cover them temporarily... but we shall see. As mentioned, some prices are still higher than yesterday, and there's ZERO justification for such an increase YET! I could see under certain circumstances, in a few weeks, but to action this so soon is nothing more than a shameless money making exercise. £ is ALREADY showing signs of recovery anyway, and anyone with an ounce of common sense knows things will stabilise. I thought all the doom and gloom would have ended yesterday, but seems we've got more to come!
3 Oct 2009
I must admit - i'm quite shocked Overclockers have done this. I don't think i ever recall a retailer moving their prices so considerably in a direct response to a currency change - sure over the course of a few days / weeks you'll see it but never immediately. I guess it does lend some credibility to some peoples views that they gouge the prices quite often.

I know i won't be buying from OCUK any longer.
17 Oct 2002
Not just GPU's, my Skylake upgrade (Mobo and 6700K) have gone up too.. glad i bought the Dominator RAM last week cuz that went up aswell. If these prices are the same on monday/tuesday, then i'll be holding off the upgrade just by the principal of the whole thing, as OcUK already had bought this stock but still put up prices in an instant.

GG Overclockers :rolleyes:

I don't think you understand, the vast majority of purchases are priced in USD and we do not carry months and months of stock - so for popular lines we haven't even paid for them yet and when we do, we'll be subject to the market rate on dollars - which atm stinks!
13 May 2007
Disappointing. Tbh I find it hard to believe that your finance teams woudn't have had forward exchange futures in place to hedge against adverse exchange movements.

Me thinks you need better people running the numbers.
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