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GTX 1060

30 Jul 2005
Hard to believe but nvidia just moved the price of cards up at least one tier, and customers are accepting it, they deserve to be fleeced.

we have no choice, the rx480 is a flop and danger to our motherboards, and I personally would like more than 2 whql drivers a year, don't want to be touching beta garbage.

that only leaves NVidia in the run. so they can charge what they like since the competitor doesn't even come close.
shame really I would have preferred to pick up a new NVidia card for cheap if amd could force the prices down.
but there will be no price war, unless rx480 is battling with the 970. but I don't want to risk it since my mobo is long out of warranty
8 Oct 2010
Purley - Croydon
the rx480 is a flop and danger to our motherboards, and I personally would like more than 2 whql drivers a year, don't want to be touching beta garbage.

I think this is quite the exaggeration. The RX480 might not have been what was promised, but it's still a very competitive card thanks to its very reasonable price.

I also don't get all the hype over AMD drivers - I've had no major issues with them over the past 4 years or so.
23 Feb 2009
I think this is quite the exaggeration. The RX480 might not have been what was promised, but it's still a very competitive card thanks to its very reasonable price.

I also don't get all the hype over AMD drivers - I've had no major issues with them over the past 4 years or so.

Wait till they release the RX 490 it'll burn down your house:D
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Take this with 10 truckloads of salt:


Is Nvidia’s GP106 Pascal based GT1060 a real card or just a cynical spoiler for the press? If you read SemiAccurate’s earlier reporting on the two versions, you probably have a good idea as to where it lies.

A couple of days before the unveiling of AMD’s RX 480 GPU, Nvidia delivered a doorstop to reviewers as a spoiler. By doorstop we mean a card without drivers, docs, MSRP, release dates, or performance numbers, they couldn’t even turn it on. If this sounds like a last-minute PR game to spoil a competitor’s real launch, you might be on to something. The lack of drivers is especially disconcerting considering that the card is simply a fused off GP104, not an actual GP106 die.

This is where the problems begin for Nvidia though, with a GP104 based ‘GP106’ card, it won’t be hard for them to beat the RX 480 in whatever benchmark they choose. They just have to fuse off enough shaders and memory while dialing the clocks back to meet whatever performance and power consumption numbers they choose. It is a great PR stunt but only a PR stunt. Don’t expect this part to ever hit the shelves in anything more than a PR approved quantity if that.

Why? First of all the current GP104 die based cards are in short supply because of this. Officially Nvidia is blaming demand rather then production issues but either way there are nowhere near enough GP104 dies for the GTX1070/1080 parts the moment. If Nvidia really launches the GP104 based ‘GP106’ in July as some are claiming, how is a higher volume part competing for the same silicon going to help the situation?

Don’t expect this GT1060 to ever be a real part, just a press spoiler. SemiAccurate told you about the real GP106 last week, when that comes out expect it to ‘replace’ the GP104 based version while offering much lower performance and actual availability. Nvidia has been doing this for generations, expect a GT1065 or GT1055 to launch with much new fanfare and the old one to disappear in short order if it was ever actually real.

That is the good news, when you look at the details things get really ugly.

Does that mean the GTX1060 6GB is a GP104 based part,and the 3GB version is actually the GP106 based one??
19 Feb 2011
So barely faster than a 480... and its not been shown in DX12 yet either? no mention of price? and rumors of Nvidia sending out gimped higher hardware to mimic the potential specs? LOL.....

No SLI Support for a 3GB card (wtf 3gb?)

Nvidia are such a shady bunch if that SA article has any truth in it.

Yet the nvidia fanboys are lapping this junk up, hilarious haha, i can see this being more expensive than the 480 and people recommending it over the 480 because its "10% faster in Firestrike" yet will probably get beaten in DX12 (my opinion) by the cheaper 480...

And if that SA article is true, the real 1060 could be even worse performing....

But hey, atleast it wont blow up your motherboard :)
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