I tried Durian.

Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
I read about it and thought it was interesting and strange. The most memorable description I saw was that eating durian was like eating blancmange in a lavatory. I told a coworker, who also thought it was interesting and strange. So we bought one. £94 for 1 fruit is hardly good value for money, but with the idea in our heads we would have regretted not doing it. Took a while to arrive. Apparently they're only exported from Borneo and Indonesia.

The accounts of the smell are not exaggerated. There is a good reason why most places where durians are grown have local laws banning opening them in public places. It arrived with the fruit unopened, wrapped in a silvery packaging and inside a cardboard box. My coworker put it in a staff room. We had to go in a bit later and retrieve it because the smell made the staff room unusable. Nobody else would enter the room. And that was before we opened the box, let alone the fruit itself.

A while ago, I had the outlet from my toilet clog and decided to save money by dealing with it myself. So I opened the inspection hatch in my back yard...and was greeted by a mess of faeces that had been marinating in its own juices for days as the clog built up. If I had chopped up an apple and thrown it on top of the mess of rancid turds, that would have smelled just like the durian did.

I ate some of the durian anyway, because I'd have regretted not trying it. Everything about it was bad. The smell, the taste, the texture. We'd opened the fruit outdoors because of the smell, so I was able to spit the small mouthful out into a convenient bin.

I don't regret spending £50 on it. It was an experience. Not a good experience, but an experience none the less.

So hey, why not try durian? Maybe you'll like it. Some people think it tastes great. Maybe the one I tried had gone a bit off. There's no way to tell, as far as I know, because it smells like decaying sewage when it's fresh.
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17 Sep 2006
I find it smells like a gas leak.

But the taste I’m not so sure on. Had it a number of times in Singapore and Malaysia, still can’t figure it out. Even had the ‘Flavour King’ variety too, which is meant to be the best.
24 Oct 2002
Bucks and Edinburgh
I thought it smelt like a rubbish bag thats been left out in the heat of summer. Had the consistency of fibrous custard.

Also gave putrefied shark a go whilst in Iceland and that was disgusting too :cry: Got to give these things a go though
Man of Honour
11 Dec 2002
Darkest Norfolk
I've tried it freeze dried which gets rid of some of the smell, but it still tastes horrible and has one of the weirder textures i've ever eaten. Wouldn't do it again and defiantly wouldn't touch the fresh stuff!
13 May 2003
When I went to Malaysia in the 90's and saw signs saying no durians I thought it was some form of discrimination. Later in the holiday I tried one at a market in Malacca. Never again, I can't remember how it tasted or smelled I just clearly remember it was foul. The unholy child of an orange (flesh) and an rotten onion (taste) is how I used to describe it but memory fades.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
You got more money than sense.

Maybe. One advantage of having less sense is requiring less money to exceed it :)

Seriously, though (this isn't GD) it's not really about that. A big part of the reason why I have spare money is because I am sensible about spending the money I do have. Some would say frugal. Or miserly. I don't go on holiday. I don't buy fashion clothes. I don't have children. I don't have a car. I don't spend £100+ a month on TV and a "free" phone. My phone cost me £40 total, bought outright. I don't watch TV at all. Also, I live in Stoke on Trent and that's a cheap place to live (because it's a wretched hive of scum and villainy).

£50 to try a fruit that interested me is neither here nor there. Many people spend more than that on non-essentials that I don't buy.

I find it smells like a gas leak. [..]

I thought it smelt like a rubbish bag thats been left out in the heat of summer. Had the consistency of fibrous custard.

A couple of my coworkers also likened the smell to a gas leak. I'm mildly curious as to whether the difference between how individuals perceive the smell is due to differences in detecting the smell or differences in processing it. Hardware or software? Perhaps the part of person's brain that interprets scent is categorising it as "very bad, not smelled before" and is presenting it to the consciousness as "very bad smell, like [very bad smell already known to the person]". The smell from durian is a type of thiol, many of which smell terrible. Skunk spray is a couple of thiols mixed together. The substance generally said to be the worst smelling thing known to humanity is a thiol. Thioacetone, IIRC. In one incident one drop was spilled at a lab and that caused spontaneous vomiting in people in a different, wholly seperated building a couple of hundred metres away. So durian is a mild smell, relatively speaking.

"fibrous custard" is spot on. It accurately conveys the consistency and the wrongness of it.

Also gave putrefied shark a go whilst in Iceland and that was disgusting too :cry: Got to give these things a go though

My coworker has some surstromming on order for the next "how bad can it be?" food tasting session.

Where can one order these from?
I'd like to send some to a few deserving folks... easier than posting poo.

No idea. I mentioned durian to my coworker and why it was strange, they looked it up on their phone and said it was possible to buy one. Presumably an advert for the fruit was shown at them because they'd looked the fruit up. I'm pretty sure you'd have to order it online. I doubt if they're routinely imported to the UK for sale in physical shops.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Your commitment to experimentation is commendable. But yeah, I wouldn't have paid anything to try that.

If you fancy a less extreme bit of culinary experimentation, I suggest Seedlip Garden 108. It's a fizzy soft drink. Looks like fizzy lemonade. But it tastes like it's made from peas and hay. Because that's exactly what it is made from. I drank a couple of cans of it and I couldn't tell you whether or not I liked it. My brain just categorised it as "weird" and that was it.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Ottakring, Vienna.
I had a Durian ice cream smoothie in China - "heavy" is the best way I can describe that. It tastes better than it smells, that's for sure - and the texture can be a bit off-putting for people too.
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