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<<<=====LOWEST PRICE IN THE UK - MSI ATI HD 5850 Twin FrozR Graphics Card ONLY £124.99 Delivered!!==

6 Feb 2010
Although I have placed the pre-order, I would hold my breath until I see how it do on overclock. I'm still having doubt whether it is the right decision to go for this over the MSI GTX460 HAWK Talon Attack for £154.99...

My hope is that the 5850 would hit at least 900MHz...if it doesn't go beyond 850MHz, I think I will be disappointed.
9 Sep 2010

I got mine running stable at 930 core 1300 memory @1.275volts. Although i knocked it back to 900 core 1200 memory which i can run @1.2volts.

Mr Gibbo can I have something for free please cos I only bought one about a month ago @ 169.99 and I left a good review for it! :) :)
16 Oct 2009

I got mine running stable at 930 core 1300 memory @1.275volts. Although i knocked it back to 900 core 1200 memory which i can run @1.2volts.

Mr Gibbo can I have something for free please cos I only bought one about a month ago @ 169.99 and I left a good review for it! :) :)

So the voltage control is unlocked to 1.3V? I've read a review somewhere that it wasn't and that certainly affects the overclocks ;)

BTW, 930MHz at 1.275V seems like a quite low overclock, I can squeeze that with 1.2V 100% stable.

I get to sell my reference 5850 in credit to my brother for exactly the same money so it's a free cooler upgrade for me :p
9 Sep 2010
Yup afterburner will let me go upto 1.3volts. nver knovked it up that far tho!
I could get it running stable near 1000core clock with 1.275 in furmark with extreme burn and post effect on for over half an hour, although hot at 85c. Just couldn't get any game working for more than 5 mins above 930, although 930 is a bloody good after clock seeing as stock is 725. Ive heard that every chip is slightly different tho!
7 Jan 2006
South Wales
So tempted by this. I mainly play BF:BC2, and will without a doubt be playing Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Starlingrad when thats realeased Q1 2011. Trying to figure out if something else might be better value around that date though. Do you think 460/6850 prices will drop over the next few months? Will be upgrading from a 5770.



26 Jul 2006
Gibbo if you don't have these in stock on Sunday when I get money to pay for my card then I'd like you to enjoy your last graphic card pyramid build.

I'm being serious.

No stop laughing. I'm IP tracing you right now.

Right, it's obvious you think I'm joking so could I at least have an estimated answer?. :D
16 Oct 2009
Yup afterburner will let me go upto 1.3volts. nver knovked it up that far tho!
I could get it running stable near 1000core clock with 1.275 in furmark with extreme burn and post effect on for over half an hour, although hot at 85c. Just couldn't get any game working for more than 5 mins above 930, although 930 is a bloody good after clock seeing as stock is 725. Ive heard that every chip is slightly different tho!

930MHz is nothing impressive, these chips are capable of 1.1GHz with decent cooling ;)

Seriously though, 1GHz should be perfectly achievable with most 5850s with voltage control. 940MHz (30% overclock) seems like a reasonable overclock if the cooler is able disperse the heat off the card efficiently whilst maintaining low noise operation.

Two months ago I was going to go full watercooling due to annoying background noise that a pc causes over night, I'd be happy to just get more efficient air-cooling though. Coolermaster CM690 II on my way soon, coupled with two or three Yate-Loons. Gotta love Christmas shopping :D

Let's just hope it would overclock just as good :p

It better be, otherwise I will be swapping the coolers :p
9 Sep 2010
Its not the temp thats the problem. Running at 930 I never get above 65c.

Like mentioned above after over half an hour of furmark with extreme burning, post effects on either in a 1024x1024 window or at 1920x1080 fullscreen at 990 core no problem. Think I could run that for hours, it reaches 80c with this but still not to high.

Its just anything over the 930 core (even though temp doesnt get above 65) with games will always get a driver reset in no more than 5 minutes. Its annoying. It makes no difference wether I have the memory at stock 1000 or 1300 which it runs fine with!

Don't get why I can knock it up to 990 with stress testers like furmark no probs just not games!
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