OcUK Dadsnet thread

Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Honestly I wouldn't worry about it being compatible with the pram and just get a decent stand alone seat.

We had the pram adapters and I think we used it the grand total of once.
26 Aug 2012
North West
Honestly I wouldn't worry about it being compatible with the pram and just get a decent stand alone seat.

We had the pram adapters and I think we used it the grand total of once.
I would heavily disagree with this.

We got the cybex priam prem with all the bits.

Having the car seat that could be clipped onto the pram frame was a god send! When you need to pop to the shops etc and baba is a sleep, great for getting them out without waking.

I would say it’s close to being a necessity
27 Jan 2020
West Sussex
Honestly I wouldn't worry about it being compatible with the pram and just get a decent stand alone seat.

We had the pram adapters and I think we used it the grand total of once.
I'm in the same camp, we genuinely used the adapters once.

I guess it really all is personal experience, some kids love the car seat and so being moved from A to B won't impact them. Others can't wait to get out the car seat.

The one thing I wish we'd got was the spinning car seat, so you can put your kid in facing you and then spin it around to be in the right spot. I'd rather have got that than the car seat that plugs into a pram.
26 Aug 2012
North West
I'm in the same camp, we genuinely used the adapters once.

I guess it really all is personal experience, some kids love the car seat and so being moved from A to B won't impact them. Others can't wait to get out the car seat.

The one thing I wish we'd got was the spinning car seat, so you can put your kid in facing you and then spin it around to be in the right spot. I'd rather have got that than the car seat that plugs into a pram.
Get both :)
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
The one thing I wish we'd got was the spinning car seat, so you can put your kid in facing you and then spin it around to be in the right spot. I'd rather have got that than the car seat that plugs into a pram.
We quickly upgraded both our car seats to 360 ones definitely wouldn't be without that now.
10 Sep 2022
I would heavily disagree with this.

We got the cybex priam prem with all the bits.

Having the car seat that could be clipped onto the pram frame was a god send! When you need to pop to the shops etc and baba is a sleep, great for getting them out without waking.

I would say it’s close to being a necessity

We had the britax system, as you say was an absolute godsend at that age.

Britax are very good, but seems to have fallen out of favour of late for these new word names like ice bubba and bugaboo
21 Jan 2010
I have the Nuna system. I never once used the car seat/pram adaptor tbh. Although we bought a house close to amenities so the only drives she did were normally quite big ones where she'd want to get out the other end anyway.
15 Nov 2007
We had some sort of Frankenstein collection of pram, car seat and adaptors and it all worked together and it was really helpful for us. Our pram was huge and we didn't always want to use the whole thing, especially when going to lots of medical appointments. Then the boy got really heavy and we realised that we could buy a lightweight stroller and push him around in that instead. Which was a really good idea.



15 Feb 2007
Our second is now too large for the bassinet thing that we got as part of the Cybex mega package when our first was born. Decided to pickup a cheapo travel pram that does upright and lay flat so now it's finally time to start selling off the large array of baby related bits we've accumulated over the past few years, we're not planning to have any more children and my wife doesn't seem currently emotionally attached to moses basket and other bits soo time to strike whilst the iron is hot and get everything on FB Marketplace!
3 Jun 2012
My 19m old was sick at 2am.
Tried to bath him, didn't get it all out of his hair.
He stinks, making me gag and won't go back to sleep. I'll deal with a bigger bathtime in morning.

Looks like I'm awake for the day. And on 2 hours sleep too. Woop woop
Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
My 19m old was sick at 2am.
Tried to bath him, didn't get it all out of his hair.
He stinks, making me gag and won't go back to sleep. I'll deal with a bigger bathtime in morning.

Looks like I'm awake for the day. And on 2 hours sleep too. Woop woop
We had this. Cleaned him up, changed the bedding. He did it again. Cleaned him up, changed the bedding. And yeah, you guessed it, it happened again. We no longer only have 3 sets of bedding for him.
18 Jun 2010
My membership to Dads club will hopefully be official come September and like and true father-to-be I've begun pondering car seat options.

This will be our first child so I've no real experience to draw on sadly.

We're getting an iCandy Peach 7 pram which has the attachments for a car seat and I've been musing what car seat to get.

We do some long drives to our parents houses and so a lie flat car seat was high on the list. Of the list of what is compatible with the pram I was thinking the Maxi Cosi Pebble 360 Pro and then the Family Fix 360 base would be the best options.

This looks like one of the few car seats that does a good lie flat so we can do slightly longer journeys in it and the 360 base is helpful for getting them in and out of the car.

Has anyone on here used the above seat or does anyone have any recommendations for something that may fit the bill?

iCandy list a few Cybex, Joie and Nuna car seats that are also compatible with our pram but finding it a bit of a minefield. Tbh the Pebble 360 Pro was one of the first ones I looked at and seemed to tick all the boxes (aside from going older than a 2 year old)
We got the joie signature set. The thing we really liked is the newborn baby seat is lay flat, it goes horizontal across the middle seat in the car. This means you have no restrictions on how far you can take a newborn in the child seat. As well it’s way more comfortable for him.

And yeah you just lift it out of the car base and straight on to the pram wheels, no dramas.

Edit; https://joiebaby.com/uk/finiti-encore-system-bundle#color=23

This is it. Will see to his needs until he’s old enough to not need a buggy.
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22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
We are looking to open a bank account for our boys for the simple reason that sometimes people have given us cheques for them and we need to be able to cash them. We have set up a junior ISA for them and we want to move all the money into that as it comes in.

Finding a bank account for them that isn't absolutely ***** for this seems a nightmare. Does anyone have any advice? Most of them seem like they are from the 80s. Log book. Apply in branch or by post. Withdrawals in branch. Low maximum amounts per month allowed to be paid in. We just want to be able to cash cheques and move money into their ISA so its not just sitting there earning very little interest and probably depreciating over their youth.
25 Jul 2010
Can't wait to have my 'mutilation' as some on here put it. Rang the doctor about 6 weeks ago and still waiting for a letter to come through.

Anyone saying they'd rather have the woman take a hormone altering pill for the rest of their days rather than have the snip is looking at things a bit strangely imo.
11 Oct 2005
Manchester, UK
Reading these posts about car seats makes me wonder how I ever managed getting a child in and out of a rear facing car seat in a 3 door car for nearly 2 years.

I don't think I ever once worried about waking our daughter up whilst moving her from the car to the pram, or vice versa. If she did wake up, she'd usually be back to sleep within a minute or two. Most of the time she stayed asleep.
27 Mar 2013
We are looking to open a bank account for our boys for the simple reason that sometimes people have given us cheques for them and we need to be able to cash them. We have set up a junior ISA for them and we want to move all the money into that as it comes in.

Finding a bank account for them that isn't absolutely ***** for this seems a nightmare. Does anyone have any advice? Most of them seem like they are from the 80s. Log book. Apply in branch or by post. Withdrawals in branch. Low maximum amounts per month allowed to be paid in. We just want to be able to cash cheques and move money into their ISA so its not just sitting there earning very little interest and probably depreciating over their youth.
My kids have got a Tesco junior ISA. We have some sort of Halifax account that we pay 50 a month into that's high interest then it drops once a year and I more that into the Tesco ISA.

Agree about car seats, I managed to get a rear facing seat in the back of a 911 and go out as a family of 4 without any issues, yet some people think they need a q8 for 1 child. It's hilarious, people need to pack lighter.
16 Nov 2002
The Moon
We ended up going with a Maxi Cosi 360 pull-out seat and base jobby which also fits onto the iCandy pram we've acquired, so i'm hoping that makes life slightly easier!

Took me a while to figure out how to collapse the pram tbf, thought they were supposed to be straight forward?! :p



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
Reading these posts about car seats makes me wonder how I ever managed getting a child in and out of a rear facing car seat in a 3 door car for nearly 2 years.

I don't think I ever once worried about waking our daughter up whilst moving her from the car to the pram, or vice versa. If she did wake up, she'd usually be back to sleep within a minute or two. Most of the time she stayed asleep.

Wait, whut? How did that work? Did you post her in through the boot! :p

We have the swizzley bases and they do make life easier but honestly we would be fine without them. Our boys love going in the car and are usually laughing as you put them in. They love it when you look round at them from the front seat and see them in the mirror. Cracks them right up.

Most annoying thing our boys do at the moment is falling asleep at just the wrong time. Its like they know exactly how far away from their destination they are. They can be absolutely dog tired little terrorists and yet they won't fall asleep until 5-10 minutes before arriving at their destination and they never stay asleep being moved. Had it on the plane both ways, had it on the way to the airport. Had it on the way home from the airport. Absolute pickles.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
The little one is approaching 12 weeks now, life changing but in all the right ways. He's starting to become really aware of us and smiles his head off when he wakes up in the morning and sees us :)

Thats when it all kicks off. Once they start smiling at you its game over. One of our boys stands up when he wakes up and when you walk in he bounces up and down with a massive smile on his face. Amazing.
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