Pentagon releases UFO footage

27 Jan 2022

Video popped up on April 1st, not reading too much into that :) but interesting list of sciences various potential solutions for the Fermi Paradox. Scientists aren't really taking it too seriously in general I think is the overall message.
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25 Nov 2005

However, a responsive video related to the incident was withheld in full under Exemption (b)(1), which protects information deemed critical to national defense or foreign policy and properly classified under an Executive order. This video was not previously mentioned by Gaetz, and it is unclear if Gaetz had seen the video, or if the image he did see was a screen grab from it.

Interesting that the government has in a way confirmed they have footage
29 Dec 2014
SpaceX launched a falcon 9 rocket on that very day (Jan 26th, 2023), so it seems that the most likely and reasonable explanation is that the pilot intercepted some of the stages as they were coming down into the gulf of mexico.

The bit about it apparently "disabling the radar" obviously doesn't appear in any of the documents I could find, and isn't in the declassified summary (surprise surprise), so I think that's probably somebody telling lies for additional shock effect.
25 Nov 2005

Interesting capture that one, there's the raw video of it on Reddit too, can FPV drones be encased in aerodynamic shells or is that not practical due to airflow messing things up for the propellers ? Seems logical the next step in drone tech is some outer casing to better protect the drone and maybe give it better flight ability but maybe we're not at that stage yet ?
29 May 2006

Interesting capture that one, there's the raw video of it on Reddit too, can FPV drones be encased in aerodynamic shells or is that not practical due to airflow messing things up for the propellers ? Seems logical the next step in drone tech is some outer casing to better protect the drone and maybe give it better flight ability but maybe we're not at that stage yet ?
We can get shells on drones but its extremely rare and tends to cause flight stability problems. I wouldn't expect a drone with a shell to be flying that high up over the city or that close to a plane. I could be wrong but I don't think every day shop drones have full shells though there are a tiny handful with half or part shells. Its also worth pointing out the plane is going fast in the opposite direction of the object. This will be creating an illusion of the object moving or going much faster then it really is. I hate saying balloon but this is a low information video with very little data to go on. So we cannot rule out a stationary balloon that the plane was flying past. Given the shape and planes flight path its more likely to be a balloon then a drone although there isn't really enough evidence to prove anything either way.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
This week's Why Files is about the tall whites, there's no evidence to prove the serviceman right or wrong, but plenty of things are connected between the 1940s and 50s either way. Highly recommend watching last week's episode about free energy too as the two go hand in hand.




Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Recently a NASA engineer who worked on ISS/Shuttle and other programs as lead scientist has started a new company consisting of other NASA engineers and military staff. They claim they have come up with a new device that taps into unknown physics which generates thrust via na electrical field, the thrust is 1G, enough to escape the planet and go to space. A huge claim - Or is this timing too perfect given recent events in USG I wonder....

As Debrief says, these claims have been made before by other devices but nothing has ever been conclusively tested or proven, only one, the quantum drive which actually mad eit to space but the satellite that it was attached to suffered electrical issues unrelated to that mission and the test was not possible.

Buhler has the credentials, not just a guy who is saying some things, so this will be interesting to keep an eye on.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
11KM/s is the direct escape velocity of earth, I did not know this, I just googled it and am now informed!


If there was a magic staircase that kept going forever. You could walk out of earths gravity well and you would never have to go faster than a walking pace.
Escape velocity is how fast you have to go to escape it in a single leap. 11km per second is how fast a rail gun would have to shoot its gun to escape earths gravity well.
Rockets continue to push up over the course of the trip, and by constantly adding energy into its movement, and thus, does not fall back down.
Also note, Escape Velocity changes based on your distance from earth. So a rocket just keeps pushing until it is far enough away that the speed it is going becomes escape velocity.

So as this new engine can generate 1G of thrust constantly, this changes everything and the understanding of physics needs to be re-imagined given the nature of the propulsion system itself (using an electrical field only) - Means the rocket has less mass, and once in zero gravity, a constant 1G of thrust means that a ship could reach most places in reasonable time instead of the thousands of years current fuel based propulsion rocket engines would require.

"The most important message to convey to the public is that a major discovery occurred,” Buhler told The Debrief.
“This discovery of a New Force is fundamental in that electric fields alone can generate a sustainable force onto an object and allow center-of-mass translation of said object without expelling mass.”


It goes into the science too btw.

For some reason I get the gut feeling we are on the brink of discovering exotic matter like dark matter and just how much of a role it plays not only in space where we actively see the effects on everything in space, but here in front of our eyes too. Isn't it funny that these announcements come hot off the tails of the disclosure project and other initiatives that seem to be slow drip feeds to get everyone used to the notion that this is possible and almost certainly has been for decades by pockets of black projects and other contractors.

It was only this year that astronomers announced that we have strong evidence of a planet 9 in the solar system and the scientific confidenc elevel of that based on evidence is a five-sigma - About as confident as those guys can gets.

In particle physics five-sigma, is the accepted level of significance required to declare a discovery. This corresponds to a probability of 0.00002% which might seem to many to be rather extreme. In fact, for many scientists a two-sigma result would be deemed adequate in order to publicise their results.

Wherever the planet is, it has a rough 20,000 year orbit of the Sun, and future telescopes will help in pinpointing exactly where it is and if it is indeed a planet, a primordial black hole or something else which would explain the gravitational effects that scientists have observed to get to that confidence level.
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Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Recently a NASA engineer who worked on ISS/Shuttle and other programs as lead scientist has started a new company consisting of other NASA engineers and military staff. They claim they have come up with a new device that taps into unknown physics which generates thrust via na electrical field, the thrust is 1G, enough to escape the planet and go to space. A huge claim - Or is this timing too perfect given recent events in USG I wonder....

As Debrief says, these claims have been made before by other devices but nothing has ever been conclusively tested or proven, only one, the quantum drive which actually mad eit to space but the satellite that it was attached to suffered electrical issues unrelated to that mission and the test was not possible.

Buhler has the credentials, not just a guy who is saying some things, so this will be interesting to keep an eye on.

If it works as stated, then launching from Earth to space probably wouldn't be the biggest thing about it. A device using no fuel (and thus not requiring vast amounts of volume and mass for fuel and inevitably running out of fuel) capable of generating a constant 1g thrust would be ideal for interplanetary or even close interstellar travel. It would only be a matter of months before the ship's velocity would be high enough to be heavily into relativistic effects. It would probably max out at close to c in about a year. Assuming that c really is a hard limit. Propulsion is far from the only problem for very long distance travel (e.g. how do you protect a ship traveling that fast from impacts - even a speck of rock much smaller than a grain of sand would be extremely dangerous) but it's a big one.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Yeah interstellar travel within the kuiper belt is tricky enough but like with all things, small steps. The first things that NASA and others will do is send out beacon posts to act as comms relays using this propulsion tech. This is the only way to get reliable and speedy comms back to earth rather than the immense lag going direct from point to point, this tech would also allow for a much faster and cheaper way to get outposts set up on Mars, the Moon and anywhere else to explore which robots can self-build ready for later human visitors.

It's really exciting stuff happening right before our eyes, assuming the US Gov don't flag it under national secrets and then it never sees the light of day beyond a military application (see previous why files video).

NASA also just announced a new electrical propulsion system (not the same as Buhler's) for satellites and smaller applications:

So it's all kicking off...
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27 Jan 2022
this changes everything and the understanding of physics needs to be re-imagined given the nature of the propulsion system itself (using an electrical field only)
Doubt. But I hope they tell someone about it one day so scientists can update their text books.

I wonder how much fuel it uses and what the thrust is in newton units.

Hey it says:
"“The highest we have generated on a stacked system is about 10 mN,” Buhler told The Debrief. “The magnitude is not important, really, since anything above zero would work in space!”"

google: how many newtons of thrust does a rocket have
"The ones that launch from the earths surface need a thrust sufficient to accelerate them vertically, ie. more than 9.8 newtons per kilogram - typically about 11 to 16 newtons/kg"

So they made a rocket with 0.01 newtons of trust and need to reach 9.8 newtons (if they build a 1kg rocket), if they want to take off from earth. It could have applications in orbit/space though.

This might be the reason this isn't blowing up in the world of science but in the ream of edge science/crystal skulls.

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