*** Starfield ***

23 Mar 2004
Thought worth a dedicated thread as likely to be playing this for years to come and I need people to talk to :)

Only couple of hours in, liking it so far, was going to wait for Wednesday but watched a bunch of videos and listened to a ton of podcasts and reviews and had couldn't resist jumping in early.

Got the upgrade pack for £17 via the Icelandic Xbox store which gives the future DLC and a few other digital goodies
23 Mar 2004
It’s good, early on and it seems like there is absolutely tons to do and explore. Graphically it’s good apart from the some of the outside areas, they can look quite average, but indoor areas and parts that they have worked on look good, think it’s just the procedurally generated areas that can look a little average.
I'm not far in myself but the sceptical gamer review highlighted the amount of cookie cutter outposts and the like. It's fine initially but after a few dozen hours will be highly obvious. I don't mind procedural generation but an exact locations with the same baddies in the same place, that's just lazy.

A good example he flagged was some abandoned mine. At the end of the mine an alient skull is embeded in the rock, you can't do anything with it and not story related or anything but seemed cool at first and you think about what happened there. But when you find the exact same mine, with the same skull but on another planet a couple of hours later it's a bit disappointing.
23 Mar 2004
Really struggling to get into this game after playing it for ten hours. I find the combat totally ruining the experience as you don't get any feedback when you hit a enemy , they just carry on shooting you like normal when you hit them with very little hit sounds involved so it just makes the combat bland. I am finding that their is too much worthless junk around as well with random items only restoring 2-5 health, and is more hassle using them (due to the interface being pants) than picking them up. 30fps frame rate cap is hard to get used to as well

Liked fallout 4, is this game worth putting more hours in? atmosphere of the game is very good and the storyline seems decent, but just seems to be a massive grindfest
I put in a decent chunk of time around launch but had a few days break and thought about booting it up again but had absolutely no desire to see any more of what Starfield had to offer.

If other people love it, great, I'm so pleased for them, but it's not for me.

Maybe some patches and DLC will improve stuff in the future but I don't see this being a NMS turnaround.
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