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The GTX 980 Ti owners thread.

22 Dec 2013
Why do I get the feeling that Shadow is going to be putting up a Kickstarter campaign very soon?

Edit: Looking at the MSI picture, why do they stick "Gaming" on the box? What sort of plumb is looking at the 980 Ti without gaming being in their mind.. Bloody marketing, sheesh :eek:
14 Dec 2005
armoy, n. ireland
Setter, do you think its worth ditching my 780 sli for a 980 ti then?
I reckon theyre about even, but an oc on the 980ti will see it pulling ahead. Of course you can oc the 780's too. But they generate a fair bit of heat, can be loud, (dependent on model) and they are starting to lack a bit in vram when it comes to new games. Also sli can have other niggles, such as stuttering and the need to wait for profiles for games.
30 Nov 2011
For people with the MSI gaming..what sort of oc are you getting. So far I've added 70 to the core and getting boosts into 1410. Temps are down at 65 with my custom profile...
Thinking this might be easyntonreach 2500

My asic rating was 70.3 I think. Maybe 71.3.

1535/8000 with +50mv and +170 core
It'll do 1565 +200 but then it bounces off the tdp limiter
15 Jun 2009
South London
Not clocked mine yet, but I heard someone mention something about some program that allows the card to boost a bit higher? Is this something that comes on the driver disk, no optical drive here so don't know whats on the disk.:o

If you pop the driver disc that comes in the box is has a MSI Gaming app. If you run it and then put it on OC Mode the advertised boost clock on GPU-Z turns to 1266MHz. Out of the box mine boosts to about 1310 but on OC mode it goes to about 1350MHz.

To be honest I'm happier to just use EVGA precision to add to the out of the box clocks because the OC vanishes as soon as you close the Gaming app/open precision to do manual clocking.
14 Dec 2005
armoy, n. ireland
Rather poor phone pic of mine in situ.

I was in quite a rush to get it bunged into the case, thankfully there was pretty good clearance between the cards backplate and my cooler. Just need to get another custom braided 8 pin extension as I only have one and the other is 6 pin. Those are the cables at the bottom of the case, (shoved behind the bottom fans).
15 Jun 2009
South London
For people with the MSI gaming..what sort of oc are you getting. So far I've added 70 to the core and getting boosts into 1410. Temps are down at 65 with my custom profile...
Thinking this might be easyntonreach 2500

My asic rating was 70.3 I think. Maybe 71.3.

If I add +150 to the core mine boosts to 1465MHz on stock volts at +175 it's unstable but I'm really happy with 1465.

I have returned the my 2x 980 Ti G1's due to the fans sounding like a hoover when they hit 70%+.

I now have 2x MSI 980 Ti Gaming 6G instead, what a massive difference in noise, even at 60% fan speed on both cards I can't hear them over my case fans, and at 100% on both cards it sounds like the G1's I had at 65%.

It is shocking how powerful yet quiet this card is. I went from a Hybrid pre order, to the G1, then settled on this because I thought it would be a little quieter, £44 cheaper at the time and only 12mhz less on the boost clock. I honestly don't think there is a cooler as efficient as this at the low rpms this has.
11 May 2012
Also about to return my Inno for that problem. Can you tell me how you're finding the G1 compared to it? I'm torn between that, Msi and the Hybrid (love the cooler of the Inno but I don't want to get burned twice).

Reason I went for G1 is because there is not stock from Inno else i would have swapped it for the same brand. In the past i had Gigabyte 780 TI and it served me brilliant.

I do notice not much difference between the cards and unlike others have posted the G1 fans are quiet as a mouse but the G1 has better temps under load for me. Inno 71c - G1 65C
14 Dec 2005
armoy, n. ireland
Straight in at +150 core, power target to max, boost clock of 1478mhz. Fan at 71% manual setting, (and still cant hear it), max temp of 64c. Completed a run of heaven without issue. Quite possibly the quietest card ive ever owned. And ive had windforce cooled 460's, 670's and 780's. Which are by no means loud cards.
2 Apr 2011
For people with the MSI gaming..what sort of oc are you getting. So far I've added 70 to the core and getting boosts into 1410. Temps are down at 65 with my custom profile...
Thinking this might be easyntonreach 2500

My asic rating was 70.3 I think. Maybe 71.3.

I think I got a golden card held back by poor case ventilation. Asic 77.7% and adding +60mhz to the core makes my card boost to 1452. Probably just gonna keep it stock to keep temps down.
19 Oct 2002
anyone able to post the working version of nvflash up for a 980ti?

tried nvflash 5.218 but get cert errors and it won't flash the bios I edited for my card.

It's the same bios dumped via gpu-z just power modified and it won't flash back because nvflash complains.....
14 Apr 2009
So I've got the MSI gaming. pushed +87mv and +150/core and fire strike crashed.

Dialed back to +110 and +40mv and ran through OK.

Fire strike score only 15788. Expected much more...like low 17000.

Combind test seems to have low utilisation..67-97%. The other tests stay at 97% minimum.

Any ideas?
14 Dec 2005
armoy, n. ireland
No idea on how an i7 3820 would compare to a 4790k. But at 4.8ghz with sli 780's oc'd, my score in fs standard with that setup was 16290. Yet to try this 980ti on fs as the cpu is currently at stock whilst im updating a few games.
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