*** The Official E3 2013 Thread ***

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27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Is E3 officially over now? Perhaps this can be closed and discussion can stay in the Xbox/Playstation threads or game specific threads if people want to discuss them?
Dont do that, a mod did that with the rumour thread and all it did was move the idiocy to the XO thread and contaminate that, just makes far more sense to leave this open and let people just fanboy it out and leave the two platform threads for proper discussion...

People will just get tired and move back to Apple bashing...

ps3ud0 :cool:
9 Mar 2006
Dont do that, a mod did that with the rumour thread and all it did was move the idiocy to the XO thread and contaminate that, just makes far more sense to leave this open and let people just fanboy it out and leave the two platform threads for proper discussion...

People will just get tired and move back to Apple bashing...

ps3ud0 :cool:

Idiots will be idiots anywhere, there's people posting PS4 stuff in the One thread anyway. Easier to mod when there are less threads though.
27 Mar 2004
Between Realities
Idiots will be idiots anywhere, there's people posting PS4 stuff in the One thread anyway. Easier to mod when there are less threads though.

To be fair conversations can branch out from specific topics. like controller chat, yes its the xbox one thread, but there was mention of the PS4 controller, by someone saying they didnt like it, so some pointed out it had changed to be more like the 360 controller...

It's just how conversations go sometimes. No one is fanboy crashing :p Well some people may be
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Liverpool, UK
Not really, but I find it weird that you'd jump to that conclusion. I never said anyone was attacking Sony but there are a ton of people in denial in here. Last generation I can distinctly remember 1001 gifs where somebody with a 360 head was stomping on somebody with a ps3 head and so on, the majority verdict was Xbox 360 and it showed. Now why was that? The Ps3 was more expensive, and had something nobody saw the point in enforced that inflated that price (Blu-ray), it also had a cringeworthy focus on media/social and it sounds a lot like what Microsoft have done this time around (not even going to go into the dictated trade ins or DRM).

Knowing console trends, in 6 or 7 years time the ONE will overtake the PS4 and then Microsoft will win the following E3 and the roles will reverse, but it's pretty clear Sony will do better than Microsoft here, or at least at launch anyway. This gen a whole lot of people got a 360 for exclusives/multi-plats and a PS3 on the side for games like Uncharted/God of War and that's the way I see it going this next gen. I'm no doubt labelled a fanboy for Sony by saying that, which is a shame as It's only pointing out the facts. If I could afford both I'd get a ONE too, the exclusives are looking sweet.

I wouldn't call you a fanboy for preferring Sony to Xbox, that's your choice. Fanboys to me are those who blindly defend a product without any logical reasoning, or attack the opposition without cause. Several people in this thread (on both sides) fall into this category, but I wouldn't say you're one of them.
10 Apr 2012
I wouldn't call you a fanboy for preferring Sony to Xbox, that's your choice. Fanboys to me are those who blindly defend a product without any logical reasoning, or attack the opposition without cause. Several people in this thread (on both sides) fall into this category, but I wouldn't say you're one of them.

I used to prefer Xbox, was a big 360 gamer before moving to PC and Sony have just won it completely this time around in my opinion and the opinion of the majority. It would seem though, that anyone in that boat is considered a fanboy now, despite the fact that a lot of the Sony supporters for next-gen were until very recently Xbox gamers.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Liverpool, UK
I used to prefer Xbox, was a big 360 gamer before moving to PC and Sony have just won it completely this time around in my opinion and the opinion of the majority. It would seem though, that anyone in that boat is considered a fanboy now, despite the fact that a lot of the Sony supporters for next-gen were until very recently Xbox gamers.
Ah, but I imagine you (and the majority of others) would be tempted back to the Xbox One if MS held their hands up, admitted they'd made mistakes, and removed the DRM, need for online access, and allowed the trading of games. It's unlikely, but it in theory could happen (especially if they lose heavily sales wise the first few months). A proper fanboy wouldn't care about that, and would continue to attack MS for their mistakes, even after they'd admitted they were wrong.
7 Nov 2004
On another planet
Originally Posted by ONESHOTKILL
The ammont of free publicity Microsoft are getting because of the pre owned games thing and sharing games I can only see it working in there benefit because I can see them in a month changing and say we have listened to the community and we are changing our stance on it and everybody will be lapping it up. Its genius
If that happens I will happily provide you with my right 'nad .

If that happens I will happily provide you with my right 'nad :p.

And so it begins
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