*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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3 Aug 2004
Sittingbourne , Kent
Game has completely changed for me since PP launched. And for the better :)

Leaving all the Powerplay stuff aside ( as I still havn't completely got my head around it ) the fact now that Bounty Hunting missions pay well and actually involve some hunting , rather than just RES farming which is no longer as lucrative , has brought more fun but less credits to it for me.

Pledging allegiance to a faction has meant travelling though'enemy' systems now carries a risk , and a buzz of excitement that I'm somewhere where I shouldn't be ;)

Bounty hunting had just become a brainless credit grind....now I feel like a hunter looking for my prey...pulling guys in wings out of lightspeed , and having epic battles against Pythons and wingmen.

Completely transformed the game for me.

Brilliant stuff.
30 Dec 2011
PP has turned out to be nothing more than more grindingly shallow gameplay. It seems FD have now started closing threads where people complain about the grind and almost total lack of depth in this "game".

Playing Elite is like coming home from work and going to work. Now that reputation loss is a "gameplay" feature there will be casual players who just feel "what's the point".

Pity, game looked like it would be an amazing sandbox but turned out to be as single sheet of sandpaper. I play it now and again for an hour or so before flying around in the shallow empty galaxy becomes a chore.
11 Sep 2009
I was enjoying it more before PP.
Now it's a grind like an mmo....
Needing to bring merit points each week to maintain rep. I farmed 41 ships got 0 credits and when I turned in the tokens got 70 merits and about 10k in monies.
Not even enough to be into the second rank!!! To get to rank 5 you must need to play 10 hours a day....
Reminds me of the Warcraft days when you had to pvp each week to maintain your title :(
31 Dec 2005
tbh if you treat it like an mmo then you get a sense of entitlement...as in it should be entertaining forever...and the devs should be fixing x,y,z all the time and dammit why havent they done a,b,c either!! grrrr

People playing from the beta with hundreds and hundreds of hours of entertainment from the game still bitch about it...

No game is perfect and no game is gonna entertain you forever! :p

Treat it like a single player game with multiplayer aspects (community goals etc) then its a brilliant game.
30 Dec 2011
tbh if you treat it like an mmo then you get a sense of entitlement...as in it should be entertaining forever...and the devs should be fixing x,y,z all the time and dammit why havent they done a,b,c either!! grrrr

Strawman argument, where has anyone recently complained that the devs won't concentrate on a,b,c (whatever that is)? Some of us are asking for more depth to the gameplay that does not simply force more grind. Also This 1st point is contradicted by your last point. Is it an MMO and should be played as such, or is it a single player game with MP aspects?

People playing from the beta with hundreds and hundreds of hours of entertainment from the game still bitch about it...

Another strawman, not everyone who thinks ED is a boring grind have played from beta.

No game is perfect and no game is gonna entertain you forever! :p

Oooh, 3 for 3 on the strawman arguments.

Treat it like a single player game with multiplayer aspects (community goals etc) then its a brilliant game.

Ah yes, the community goals that reward, you guessed it, more boring grinding.

It's quite telling that the original beta SP missions are more engaging and tell a more compelling storyline than the recent release 1.3 update that added "space risk". It gave the impression that you were a mercenary space pilot who had hired him/herself out to a corporation. The linked missions gave a sense of progression that is sorely lacking in the full release.

IMHO punishing people for the massive crime of not playing, by introducing reputation decay, will simply push casual gamers away. Imagine if Witcher 3 dropped you down a level or 2 for not playing in the past week. Or if the quest you were in the middle of completing was magically failed for no other reason than you shut down your PC to go eat your dinner.
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19 Dec 2006
Meh, go play something else then. I don't feel the need to grind whatsoever but obviously you feel forced to do so for some reason, perhaps it's the fact that you feel everything should be attainable within a few hours of starting to play or the fact that you can't enjoy playing a game without owning all the costly toys, whatever you clearly don't like elite.

Edit: That reads a bit harsh to be fair, it's not meant that way :)
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30 Dec 2011
Meh, go play something else then. I don't feel the need to grind whatsoever but obviously you feel forced to do so for some reason, perhaps it's the fact that you feel everything should be attainable within a few hours of starting to play or the fact that you can't enjoy playing a game without owning all the costly toys, whatever you clearly don't like elite.

Edit: That reads a bit harsh to be fair, it's not meant that way :)

Don't make the mistake of assuming because some of us feel the gameplay is a grind that we want instant gratification. It's not difficult to grind for credits/rank, it's just time consuming. Time consuming grind does not = gameplay IMHO.

I have zero interest in flying anything over a mid sized ship, so thankfully I feel zero need to grind the boring trade runs so I can afford an Anaconda. My issue (and many others), is that the mission structure lacks any real depth.

Do you seriously believe those hideously contrived USS as a core gameplay element is good fun. The relentless stream of NPC "targets" that keep coming through the nav beacons and conflict zones? At least now they have realised it is better to have targets randomly appear in SC so there is an element of a hunt/chase when playing as a bounty hunter. It's a step in the right direction but still a long way to go.

It is a total waste for FD to include the heat/stealth dynamics but there are no mission types to take advantage of these potentially exciting skills. Imagine a mission where you had to track a pirate ship to a hidden hideout without being tracked spotted. So you had to remain inside scanner range of your target but had to manage heat levels. Ironically there is one such mission in the "tutorials". You had to manage your heat levels and sneak past the fighter cover so you could attack a target.

Imagine a mission where you are tasked with setting up an ambush in an asteroid field and you had to manage your heat levels to ensure you remained hidden.

Instead the missions are all MMO grindy, go hear and bring X, go hear and kill 5X enemies. Search for X in random USS.

Anyone who says ED is fine as it is are not seeing the potential IMHO. The fact that most of these were discussed in the DD forums long before release is a minor irritation to say the least.

Read the novel that is available for download and it sets the scene of an amazingly detailed and deep universe. Very little of this depth comes across during gameplay.
1 Dec 2006
To be fair I don't think anyone thinks ED is "fine" but its all about getting the ground work done to build a bigger and much more interactive galaxy over time
For me this is a long term project that will run for years rather than months like most games. That means the ability to put it down for some time and come back and see whats improved in a few months time when you get bored with it.
The faction ranking is all fairly short term so if you lose you standing you have a choice to either build it back up when you play again or move to a different faction
I'm sure bigger and better mission structure will evolve in time but considering the size of their team I think the dev's have done a reasonable job, I personally have had more than my initial outlay out of this game so cant really complain

I realize that all sounds a bit "fanboyish" and I would probably put myself in that bracket as I remember playing the original and remember thinking what this would be like even better graphics (the original vector graphics were awesome for their time)

All that being said I wish they would sort the servers out, I am trying to sell my exploration data at the CG and at the rate I am managing to sell it I might get it done by September! :D
19 Dec 2006
There is plenty of game there to be happy with, if you keep waiting for its potential to be filled you'll be disappointed for a very long time I suspect. In the meantime I shall enjoy what I do have :)
18 Oct 2002
Down to about 90k in the bank now, just dropped a few updates on the old Sidey...
Still running with no weapons, want to find a shipyard with the 4 bay cargo's so I can upgrade again, other than that I'll be saving for something a bit bigger but that can still park anywhere...
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