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Tv cards?

17 Jun 2005
These were under graphics cards in the store so i posted them in this forum.

I am thinking about getting a tv card. I would like one that i can recieve freeview with (bbc3 bbc4 e4 more4 etc). I have heard that the biggest difference between the tv tuners is the software, i was wondering if any1 can tell me which is the best etc and why

17 May 2004
The Nebula Electronics DigiTV is about the best at the moment. Whilst it is limited to TV at the moment they are very good at this,with the latest under testing 3.5 supporting multiple tuners, PCI and USB versions. They even sell slave USB versions at a lower cost to make multi-tuner cheaper. TV listings are obtained OTA the same as the SetTopBoxes. They are also launching there own smartcard reader for your TopUpTV card. You can use a 3rd pary reader at the moment. It even comes with Parental Control so you can restrict channels if you have kids.

They aren't exactly cheap however, £80 for Master USB and £55 for the slave version, these are sale prices however.

At the moment however the software is TV only, there is no MediaCentre style for DVD playback and music, though this is in the roadmap.

Alternatively you can use cheaper cards and get something like MediaPortal or GB-PVR for free (donations accepted) to act as the full front end.
6 Nov 2004
You can go the cheap route like myself and get a Compro DVBT200 - They update the software regularly and the one they got out now is preety stable + they've added a new feature where you can watch 4 channels at a time aslong as they are on the same multiplex (i.e bbc1, bbc2, bbc3, bbcnews24).
You get all the usual fixtures like recording timeshifting scheduler etc.
However the Nebula is defiently the best but over twice the price.
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