Poll: Which headset is going to make it?

Which headset will succeed?

  • Oculus Rift

    Votes: 63 21.2%
  • HTC Vive

    Votes: 99 33.3%
  • Playstation VR

    Votes: 43 14.5%
  • All will be supported equally

    Votes: 37 12.5%
  • None of them because this time next year it will all be gone, like 3D TVs.

    Votes: 55 18.5%

  • Total voters
16 Jun 2004
I really hope the PS4 version is good and sensibly priced because it will bring proper VR to the masses.

Well, we all know its not going to have the CPU/GPU grunt to match the best the PC will offer, but games like REZ & Battlezone VR won't need it and the price will at least be more sensible.

I would be amazed if it doesn't launch at £299.
18 Mar 2006
Well, we all know its not going to have the CPU/GPU grunt to match the best the PC will offer, but games like REZ & Battlezone VR won't need it and the price will at least be more sensible.

I would be amazed if it doesn't launch at £299.

That could be said about the entire console market though. People buying into that aren't looking for top of the line graphics and what not (or simply don't know how good graphics in games can be) but as long as the experience is good on PS4, even if it doesn't come close to PC VR, it won't matter, it'll be sold to the masses which is what the market needs to take off. This will in turn allow the PC market to expand from a niche to something huge.
17 Dec 2005
I hope the entire platform takes off in a big way and we all live happily ever after..

I was going to preorder the vive aswell as my already preorded rift but room scaling doesn't appeal to me at the moment. I would probably end up tripping over that massive cable trailing out the back of the headset being the clumsy git that I am, no, rift will do me just fine for what I want to experience. Which is mostly sims like truck simulator, elite and the racing sims. Will follow the whole VR scene with keen interest though as I am looking forward to it and hope it does really well.
8 Mar 2005
London, UK
I'm hoping there will be more than enough demand/market for all of them driving the technology forward. I've a Vive on order and can’t wait for it to arrive. I also highly suspect (and hope) I'll be upgrading over the next 12/18 months.

Very excited!
23 Jul 2009
Occulus have had a lot of time with developers, so in terms of 3rd party support they might have the edge with supported content. But that needs to be weighed up against the integration of steam VR and the pervasive presence of steam in the gaming world. Put simply though, the lower price tag and mass market of the ps4 offering will most likely drive VR adoption, with the higher quality of the pc options perhaps pioneering development of the platform.
12 Jan 2010
The Vive looks to be the best bet from a gamers point of view but, Oculus have had a massive head start with their two developer kits which have been out in the wild for 3 years or so. This has given them a huge presence in the market and their acquisition by FB has introduced the Rift to the masses worldwide. Most non techie people or casual gamers I speak to have heard of the Rift but, have never heard of Vive and I think that may go against it in a straight sales fight with Oculus. That said, I wouldn’t back against Steam and if any games company can make VR work, then it’ll be them as they have the backing of the games industry with their platform. Either way, it can only be a good thing for us PC gamers.

As has been mentioned though, I think a lot of it will hinge on the PS4 iteration (and perhaps even the mobile version due to the humongous amount of mobile gamers). The console market dominates gaming sales now and if VR is a success in the living room, then I imagine VR will be a success across the board.
6 Jun 2005
I think it will be a very niche market in pc usage, and really due to cost and high end hardware requirements for the pc versions its only the likes of PSVR that will have a wider acceptance in the general public (not just those who come onto boards like this one, where the PC versions will appear like everyone is getting one hahaha)

Obviously it depends on initial reviews - if one (or all) systems get a complete slating for one reason or another from multiple journo's etc , it may take a while - if ever - to recover. However even if every system gets glowing reviews - the cost for majority of users is going to be determining factor (and really, how many people in the grand scheme of things change a graphics card or cpu instead of waiting to buy a new pc when the time comes?)
25 Oct 2004
Sunny Torbaydos
I think the first generation will fit into 2 categories, the console crowd which will obviously look at the PSVR, which launches in October so that gives a few months for Sony to demo/hype it up in time for the xmas season.

The second is the PC gaming crowd, most of which will have hardware capable of running the Vive or Rift. I think will favour the Vive, if your a PC gamer with the hardware capable of running it already then you will likely want the full experience. Which suffice to say is only possible on the Vive. Yes its more expensive than the Rift, but chances are once the Touch controllers arrive the price difference will be minimal if at all.

So it's get the full experience now and support a company that is actively promoting open source and hardware, or wait ~6 months to support Oculus with their closed system. I know Palmer Luckey kickstarted the VR rebirth but the likes of Valve and Sony were working on it for equally as long behind closed doors, Palmer just made that knowledge mainstream and in the public eye.

I wish for all to be a success but I do not like how Oculus have backtracked so many times, going for promoting open platforms to locking it down.
11 Sep 2013
I think Nvidia are far better than AMD, because I like green and because.... oh, wait, sorry. Thought it was another of those threads!! :D

Vive sounds like it could do well, with all that support and content, IF they offer something cheaper. For me, I only want a headset with tracking station that I can use from a swivel chair - I don't need fifty extra stations and a hundred different peripherals so I can go running and creeping and crawling and ninja-stalking all round my huge living room. I ain't even getting out of my spaceship chair!! :D

So no love for the Avegant Glyph here, then?

I quite like the idea of that one!
11 Sep 2013
The Glyph isnt a VR headset though, it's just gives an impression of a large 2D screen being projected several feet away.

"Watch any type of existing media, including an immersive 360-degree experience and side-by-side 3D, in amazing detail"
It does 3D in 360º and has head tracking - What's the difference between this and a Rift?
11 Sep 2013
The FOV is much smaller than any of the other headsets and there's no SDK for it, no positional tracking, so you couldn't use it for VR, 360 videos are not VR
Ah, head tracking, not positional? Why do they need so many sensors (9, is it?) for it, then?

Oh well... I quite liked the laser eye projection thing.
6 Jun 2005

The second is the PC gaming crowd, most of which will have hardware capable of running the Vive or Rift.


Personally think you are MASSIVELY over -stating what most gamers setups are capable of

I very much doubt the majority of gamers will have a pc capable of VR right now (even on a 970, which probably isn't going to be that great a performer)
9 Jan 2010
Although the Vive looks great and is gaining traction I think it will sell far less simply because you need a fairly sizeable space to use it in. I certainly don't have that where my main PC is. Also those cables, no thanks.
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