My thanks to the OcUK developers



9 Nov 2004
I started getting interested in web development, probably in 2004. For some unknown reason, I wasn't particularly satisfied with just installing something someone else had written and using that on my webspace - I wanted to know how to do it myself.

So, I hit the tutorials, the documentation, the w3c site, then later on, and, much later, the jquery documentation. In between writing individual lines of code, checking, failing, retrying and failing some more, I'd post my incredibly simple questions for the (never tiring) developers on here to answer, and I think there was only one occasion that something didn't get a response (I probably figured it out or abandoned it anyway!).

Time, invariably, wore on. I got more comfortable with my tools, and became vastly more capable. I started to wonder why I was even doing my stupid admin job when I was already way better than my friends who were in the second year of their degree at doing the same thing, so I started looking for jobs, got a job as a junior, then moved to a much larger company doing much more interesting things (all-the-while, teaching myself new tricks in my spare time), then moved to where I am now, developing pretty large internal applications for a multinational HR and Payroll company.

I really believe that I'd have totally lost interest in coding if it weren't for the helping hands of you guys (specifically Augmented, Dj_Jestar, Inquisitor and robmiller - think you guys probably helped me more than you or others realise, but everyone who did has thanks in here, too) gave me, I'd have given up when phased with some of the more confusing things I came across.

The reason for this thread is that I was approached by my manager on Thursday and told that my performance since July (when I started) has been outstanding, down to advising on functionality of portals, communities, email campaign managers, intranets and corporate websites and following it up with applications that deliver on everything I've promised. In light of this, organisational charts have been authorised by our HR director and are now with the CEO for sign-off to make me Senior Developer and Team Leader of a new department called Web Projects (covering all the aforementioned areas), putting me in charge of 2 developers for now, but increasing with demand.

The "senior" in my job title moves me to one away from the highest rank of developer available in our company, and comes with a payrise that will surely expedite removing myself from debt and allow me to start planning to buy a house with my girlfriend.

You may think that it's quite a connection to make between OcUK and all of this stuff that's been going on in my life (if you've got this far, I assume that you actually care!) but it's, absolutely, one that I make and don't take lightly.

Once again, I thank all of you guys (especially those specifically mentioned) because you've really helped me get my life on track and, in my opinion, improve it more than I ever would have without you.

Excuse the soppiness, but I'm on cloud 9 with this at the moment and wanted to let you all know what you've done and how much I appreciate it.

Jasper :)
16 Jun 2003
aweeesome work, dude. Sounds like it's justly deserved.

Hats off to anyone who takes their own time to learn and build.

Networking is the best way to stay motivated and find work and inspiration.
6 Nov 2003
Congrats Jasper, sounds like you've put in a lot of hard work for which you can now quite rightly start reaping the rewards. No resting on your laurels though - now begins the task of attaining that highest developer rank in your company :)
18 Oct 2003
Good work chap! and ive seen you injecting the same knowledge back into the community, which is all we can do to perpetuate this benefit, whether your a coder or artist!
4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
That's awesome m8 and many congrats to you!!!

On a similar note, I started up a part time web design business around this time last year when to be honest, I did'nt really have the skills and knowledge I have now.

I've been helped out here on these forums by loads of folk and they have helped me develop my part time business to where I'm at now.

I started out with the basics and I'm about to jump into learning .php, MySQL and .asp over the next couple of months to add to my capabilities.

With a reasonably firm grasp on XHTML & CSS I've managed to build up a decent portfolio of completed websites and as a result of one in particular, I'm now looking at picking up a wee contract with BAA to do them a series of sites for some "niche" areas and subjects.

The info and assistance available here on these forums is pretty inspiring and helpful.

To all OcUK'er's that have assisted me in any aspects of web dev over the past twelve months, I too salute you and thank you all !!!!. :D
7 Mar 2005
With a reasonably firm grasp on XHTML & CSS I've managed to build up a decent portfolio of completed websites and as a result of one in particular, I'm now looking at picking up a wee contract with BAA to do them a series of sites for some "niche" areas and subjects.
Woo, well done you! :) Will you be able to link us to them when they are finished?

The info and assistance available here on these forums is pretty inspiring and helpful.
You MUST be thinking of another forum! :p
4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
Woo, well done you! :) Will you be able to link us to them when they are finished?


There are 8 BAA run airports in the UK and I'm looking at sorting out websites for each one of their Fire & Rescue services which explains their involvement in their local communities.

First one is almost finished ( still needs a few tweaks here and there and a bit of playing about with ) and can be viewed here:-

Apologies for slightly hijacking Sic's thread!!! :cool:



18 Oct 2002
Congratulations on the promotion and kudos for taking the time to thank those who have helped you. In my experience 'seasoned' developers often become arrogant and forget how they started.

It's amazing how being a member of an internet forum can have such a profound affect on your life. It was this forum (or rather certain members) who inspired to me take my webhosting from a part time hobby taking maybe £500/month to a full time business which now employs 3 staff and turns over 6 figures. Some of our biggest clients (in terms of spend) are members here.

It's very likely I'd be doing something very different if I hadn't joined this forum.



10 Mar 2006
East Lancs
I'm hoping to be a success story like this. It's amazing how an online community can effect your life. I'm 22 at the moment, been web designing since I was 8 but for years I've left it behind. I'm looking to re-grasp that talent and take it from my graphic abilities to being a fully versatile web designer and developer.

When I was applying for jobs after dropping out of uni 3 years ago, you were either considered a designer or a coder. These days you're expected to have detailed knowledge of all aspects to get onto the career ladder which isn't an easy step.

Congratulations on your success and I hope you can put back into the community for coding idiots like me.



18 Oct 2002
I'm hoping to be a success story like this. It's amazing how an online community can effect your life. I'm 22 at the moment, been web designing since I was 8 but for years I've left it behind. I'm looking to re-grasp that talent and take it from my graphic abilities to being a fully versatile web designer and developer.

When I was applying for jobs after dropping out of uni 3 years ago, you were either considered a designer or a coder. These days you're expected to have detailed knowledge of all aspects to get onto the career ladder which isn't an easy step.

Congratulations on your success and I hope you can put back into the community for coding idiots like me.

I think it's possible to create websites through experience rather than genuine creative flair. Once you have an idea of the various design concepts commercial sites usually employ you can use these to create a seriously impressive site without any real talent, simply experience of HTML/CSS. Darren and I did this on Friday (as it was quiet) to great effect and it's quite likely to replace a site created 4 years ago by a professional designer.

Mammalian - if you're smart you can find out easily enough ;).



10 Mar 2006
East Lancs
I can do HTML/CSS fine, the Photoshop side too. It's the back end stuff I want to get into.

I made that above URL in around 2 hours and I used an image from the client on there. Never went further than this stage however. That's the first site I've done in years.

A lot of people ask me about updating it themselves etc. A lot of the pre-made CMS systems out there are quite over the top for what a small business would need, so developing my own seems the best route, which I could then apply to future projects with ease.



9 Nov 2004
Argh! Words!

Fantastic news! :)

You can teach me now! :D

Hehe - post anything you need on the forums and I'll be more than glad to help if I can :)

Congrats Jasper, sounds like you've put in a lot of hard work for which you can now quite rightly start reaping the rewards. No resting on your laurels though - now begins the task of attaining that highest developer rank in your company :)

thanks very much! It's been a lot of hard work, but I love what I do so it's been loads of fun, too. I haven't really given too much thought to the next step up, but now you mention it, that's pretty exciting!

Good work chap! and ive seen you injecting the same knowledge back into the community, which is all we can do to perpetuate this benefit, whether your a coder or artist!

absolutely. It's not entirely unselfish, though - I love the feeling you get when you've helped someone along :o

I meant to ask earlier what programming languages you learned Sic. You mentioned php in your post. Did you learn anything else? :)

So far, I'm versed in PHP, MySQL, Javascript (and jQuery), HTML, XHTML, XML and CSS (up to 3). I've dabbled in Java, Ruby, Bash and Shell scripting. Once I've got my next couple of projects out the way, I'm looking at doing some stuff in Cocoa with Objective-C for OSX

Nicely done dude :D

bah, now I feel like a total **** - I sat for ages thinking specifically about people who've helped me and I forgot the person who's awake at stupid o'clock to answer questions about string manipulation whilst updating apache!! Thanks to you, too, dude :)

Apologies for slightly hijacking Sic's thread!!! :cool:

you go right ahead - it's stopping me from looking so self-congratulatory!

Congratulations on the promotion and kudos for taking the time to thank those who have helped you. In my experience 'seasoned' developers often become arrogant and forget how they started.

it's not just the seasoned ones - I've worked with people who don't have that much experience, and really are not very good at all who are incredibly arrogant!

It's amazing how being a member of an internet forum can have such a profound affect on your life. It was this forum (or rather certain members) who inspired to me take my webhosting from a part time hobby taking maybe £500/month to a full time business which now employs 3 staff and turns over 6 figures. Some of our biggest clients (in terms of spend) are members here.

It's very likely I'd be doing something very different if I hadn't joined this forum.

I couldn't agree more - if I get the payrise I'm after, my salary will have gone up by £12k in the last 2 years! not to mention the job satisfaction I get from doing something I love (though it's not always raindrops on roses!)

just out of interest could you post your current age, age you started, time it took to get from beggining to next step to next etc. sorry to ask weird questin just sometimes you read these stories and it's like wow inspiring, but then turns out person is like 50 and then amongst other things it's like oh ok well not so inspring.

I'm currently 22 (23 in July). I've been interested in creating content for the web since I got connected to it but, as I said, it's only really been in the last 4 or 5 years that I've actually started putting stuff together.

I think it would be even more inspiring if the person was a lot older! Since I moved down south, my mum (freakishly technophobic) took a computer course so she could email me - now she's doing all this crazy stuff with Excel and it's like "OK, 2 years ago you were unsure how to switch a computer on!". That's very inspiring to me.

I'm hoping to be a success story like this. It's amazing how an online community can effect your life. I'm 22 at the moment, been web designing since I was 8 but for years I've left it behind. I'm looking to re-grasp that talent and take it from my graphic abilities to being a fully versatile web designer and developer.

When I was applying for jobs after dropping out of uni 3 years ago, you were either considered a designer or a coder. These days you're expected to have detailed knowledge of all aspects to get onto the career ladder which isn't an easy step.

Congratulations on your success and I hope you can put back into the community for coding idiots like me.

I'm not entirely sure I agree, I think the split has changed a lot giving more to the developers and less to the designers. There's a lot of theory you have to know as a designer with regard to accessibility and standards, but you don't necessarily have to know any HTML, CSS or Javascript because a lot of it is generated with frameworks in different languages so it gets left to the developer.

In my experience applying for jobs, you get 2 types of web developer - frontend and applications. Both require a server side language and the above mentioned, but one is much more focused on designing large scale applications and (relatively) low-level code. This is good because it makes it easier to increase your yield when applying for jobs as the skillset is relatively similar for both - it's just where you focus that changes.

I think it's possible to create websites through experience rather than genuine creative flair. Once you have an idea of the various design concepts commercial sites usually employ you can use these to create a seriously impressive site without any real talent, simply experience of HTML/CSS. Darren and I did this on Friday (as it was quiet) to great effect and it's quite likely to replace a site created 4 years ago by a professional designer.

totally agree with that! When I started out, I was like "I'm not a designer, I develop and that's it" but there's a really sneaky way to design websites without actually doing anything. If you browse enough sites, you get an idea for stuff you like (I actually bookmark them and tag them "inspiration" so I can refer to them when designing {which I still don't enjoy [I can just about do it if I have to]}) and you start to subconsciously employ things you've seen - it's rewarding and disappointing at the same time because you think you're becoming a good designer, but you're just a subtle plagiarist!

Cheers for your words, guys. Apologies that they've caused more from me! :)
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