Two year olds can drive you nuts

14 Jan 2009
Firstly, wouldn't let a 2 year old near my stuff.
Secondly, get the kid out of the house, play some football or something. I don't want a 2 year old with their filthy hands touching everything, yuck. Give the kid something to do other than go around messing with my stuff.
Third, i'll end up having kids one day probably buy no way in hell am i looking after anyone elses, ever, i hate small children with a passion.
10 Nov 2003
Would anyone agree with me that 2 year olds can be destructive as hell?

It's a nightmare, we've had to move and pack away everything from our lounge because Dan has his hands and fingers in everything.. Even my PC has a modded fireguard around it because he broke the DVD drive.

Speaking of which he tried inserting bread into the old VHS player.. Needless to say the picture is a bit grainy :p

Don't get me wrong, i love him to bits but it's hard work.

Has anyone else found this.. What measure have you taken?

God your getting it easy. You want to try it with Twins:mad:

31 Jan 2004
Matakana New Zealand
Cupboard locks. Make sure everything is behind a door or up out of reach.

After that it's down to your own stern voice to stop them messing about!

we have the cupboard locks, my son figured them out aaages ago, he got a bottle of flash liquid and poured it into the washing machine, needless to say, all the clothes came out very lemony :D

He's into buttons, he loves them, he presses all the buttons on the washing machine, making his own programs up and cancelling the ones already running, he can put the freeview box on 71 on his own (cbeebies). He has an obsession with pressing play on the dvd player, he also does the plug socket switch thing too, basically he's into everything lol. You just have to keep him interested, he loves learning his alphabet and numbers and shapes and colours and that keeps him out of trouble.
12 Feb 2003
we have the cupboard locks, my son figured them out aaages ago, he got a bottle of flash liquid and poured it into the washing machine, needless to say, all the clothes came out very lemony :D

Our friends son figured out their cupboard locks, he used the tools from his toy toolbox to lever the locks off the cupboards. You can't argue with the resourcefulness, when they moved the items in the cupboard to a higher cupboard he just stood on the toolbox and used the same tools!

We've got this to come in a year or so, our little one is 10months old and I'm already fearful for the DVD's etc.

He's currently into poking things with his fingers, he's a poster child for plug safety covers, he'll crawl towards an electric socket with his index finger extended ready to poke with.
31 May 2005
We bought one of these from that Swedish place:


DVD Player, Wii, Cable modem, Wireless router, DVD's, CD's are locked away nicely.

Not too great when the little one magically makes the key appear on the inside when the door is allready locked :eek:

The good news is my eldest is now 3 so have been through the "Im going to open every cupboard and empty the contents of ANY shelf onto the floor for no reason" phase.

Personally, I refused to hide things in my own home so rode it out and now the eldest seems to on the whole, leave most things alone which are not hers some of the time.

The bad news is my youngest is now 1 and has recently begun the "Im going to open every cupboard and empty the contents of ANY shelf onto the floor for no reason" phase - LOL

He also has a fondness of pulling over the rear speakers of the 5.1 set on my PC.. need to buy some more solid speaker stands or nail them to the floor.

I would say at this point, that boys seem to be more mischevious than the girls.

Yep, toddlers are great fun.
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23 Nov 2007
My little girl of 4 months is great. Put her down in the bouncy chair and she stays there being nosey sucking her thumb. Put her to bed and she sleeps all night. She does have her moments of attention seeking though when she just wants to be adored. I wish it could last forever, but i also can't wait for her to get to the age of about 3 or 4
18 Oct 2002
Wargrave, UK
Never had any problems with mine. Didn't hide anything. Just kept her amoused and if she broke anything, made sure she understood that it was wrong and that she shouldn't touch Daddy's stuff.
1 Sep 2008
My 2 year decided that 'Teddy' needed some sudacrem antiseptic cream. A large 500ml pot was daubed all over teddy, her bed, the walls, the carpet, the wardrobe, chest of draws, her toys, the bin & her clothes.

When I came in the room, she cheerfully announced that 'teddy hurt sore cream better daddy'. Can't argue with that logic.

She'll make a good nurse when she grows up.
My grandson turned 2 in February and he's just brilliant! Yeah, we spoil him but that's what grandparents are for :D
19 Feb 2008
Never had any problems with mine. Didn't hide anything. Just kept her amoused and if she broke anything, made sure she understood that it was wrong and that she shouldn't touch Daddy's stuff.

same here,my 2 year old is really good.

she knows not to touch my pc.

never goes near the tv or dvd player.

she is awsome to look after.
3 Dec 2007
My daughter is fascinated by the headphone/speaker jacks on my pc :(. Already had the speaker cables jammed into the firewire port. Wow the mobo didn't like that at all, and screen did a multicolor freak out. Thankfuly was ok after a hard-reset.
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