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GTX 380 & GTX 360 Pictured + Specs

18 Oct 2002
I'm still finding it quite funny that Nvidia haven't released simulated and guessed upon numbers because they aren't sure how the final silicon will do speed wise, no one else is willing to guess on how it will perform without knowing any concrete numbers nor what A3 can do nor wanting to base their entire prediction on previous gen shader count vs next gen, but Rroff knows exactly how fast they will be based on the last generation.

The fact is we don't know where it will come, but for some reason Nvidia guys seem to think everyone is suggesting the 5870 will easily beat it, which I've never seen anyone suggest.

The general theory is the 380gtx would always beat AMD's high end single gpu card, but will cost significantly more. Considering its 50% larger, with a lot more memory and more expensive parts I'm not sure you'd expect otherwise.

But just like last gen Nvidia can either cut all profits out of its 360gtx to price match AMD while AMD makes a nice profit on each card, or Nvidia can sell it for significantly more and AMD crossfire setups will always offer better value for money with performance. IE if a 360gtx is circa £300, and you can beat it with 5770 crossfire you'd be mad to buy Nvidia. A £400 380gtx will not beat 2x 5850's though the prices will likely be very very close, and thats if Nvidia ever get good numbers of 380gtx's released.

The issue is best case scenario really is Nvidia are faster as expected but can't remotely come close to competing on price/performance. Worst case scenario is they don't hit clock targets, are marginally if at all ahead of AMD and cost even more than you'd expect due to yields, my guess would be somewhere in the middle.

Remember its not just the shaders that were slower, the core clock was only 500Mhz on A2 parts, targeted at 750Mhz. If they get shaders up, that won't be hugely beneficial if they are bottlenecked by 600Mhz rop clocks.

But as lets see, every single generation before has shown, doubling transistors, and doubling shaders DOES NOT EQUAL double the performance, ever. Bandwidth didn't need to double it will have plenty. The main issue this gen for Nvidia will be pricing and yields to determine how effectively they can drop prices and still make a profit.
27 Feb 2009
Saying that, no one knows how much these cards cost to produce, so its impossible to go on price until again something more concrete comes to ligt.

360 will have to be between where the 5850 and 5870 prices settle to sell, unless the 360 is on par or better than the 5870.
11 Oct 2008
Even if the yields are the same as the 5800 series, the cores are significantly larger.

They'll be the same price as the previous generations, AMD being able to push down the price quite easily to gimp Nvidia.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Yes, because your 260SLI hangs in there with 285 GTX SLi, 5850 SLI, 5870 SLI etc

Come on....stick to hyping up Fermi for Nvidia instead

If you've looked at any of the benchmarks like heaven, etc. posted on these forums lately you'd notice my 260GTX SLI setup is right in there with the best...

I'm still finding it quite funny that Nvidia haven't released simulated and guessed upon numbers because they aren't sure how the final silicon will do speed wise, no one else is willing to guess on how it will perform without knowing any concrete numbers nor what A3 can do nor wanting to base their entire prediction on previous gen shader count vs next gen, but Rroff knows exactly how fast they will be based on the last generation.

You can still put fairly accurate ballpark figures down if you know your stuff. I'm not entirely wildly speculating either I do have some performance data to extrapolate from... and I could be completely wrong or mis-interpreting data that I don't fully understand - I won't pretend to be an expert in every aspect - but if you care to remember my past "predictions" I've rarely been far from the facts and quite often spot on.
29 May 2005
West London
If you've looked at any of the benchmarks like heaven, etc. posted on these forums lately you'd notice my 260GTX SLI setup is right in there with the best...

You can still put fairly accurate ballpark figures down if you know your stuff. I'm not entirely wildly speculating either I do have some performance data to extrapolate from... and I could be completely wrong or mis-interpreting data that I don't fully understand - I won't pretend to be an expert in every aspect - but if you care to remember my past "predictions" I've rarely been far from the facts and quite often spot on.

My ford Fiesta is in the same ballpark as a Ferrari, only cause I chose the ballpark range myself :rolleyes:
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Not sure your point - sure when DX11 hits it going to be a different story...

But in any of the DX9 and 10 benchmarks lately I've scored in with the best setups.
22 Aug 2008
DX11 has already hit. People are only interested in the Heaven benchmark for DX11. You can't "hang in" with a DX10 setup, even by praying to Jen-Hsun.

It's like that episode of South Park where all the kids are going crazy over some new toy, and Kyle doesn't have it.
14 Feb 2009
Damn that rig is beautiful, the case is sleek and no-nonsense, the kick-ass components are nicely placed and above all that thing is neat as ****. By the looks of it this case might just tip the scales for me in choosing not to go with lian-li this time.

This is one pic I'm definitely using when building my new rig. Do want! Shame they dont sell this beast-of-a-case as a standalone item. The raven has pretty much the same internals but its encased in a crappy over-the-top plastic shell. To be honest after getting my first lian-li brushed aluminium case I have no intention of going back.

- Shijeer
Last edited:
28 May 2007
So the cards may or may not be real (more than likely not properly working) and the spec's could be completely made up.

The only thing I can tell for sure is that guys looks a lot a guy that works for Nvidia.... Oh and some weird people like that very dull case.
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