Insurance Win

14 Dec 2005
So 2009-2010 was my first year of driving my own car (I’d previously been a named driver on Mum’s car), and being 18 with 0NCB and having held the license for <1 year it wasn’t going to be cheap. Especially as I bought a (rather nice low miles 1 owner) Saxo VTR :cool:.

Yeah, really sensible first car. :cool: :D

18 year old male + Saxo VTR + Fully Comp = Vaseline Time. :(

The cheapest I got, and with adding parents as named drivers, was £2400 from Admiral.

Had their renewal through last week with me now being 19 and 1NCB and having held the license for a year and a bit; £1565.


Mum bought a Fiat 500 in January (Scrappage innit :D) and took out a MultiCar policy with Admiral, with the intention of my car joining it now it’s my renewal time.

So on MultiCar, my policy is…. £750. EPIC WIN.

It’s only cost £560 right now (as the policy has only 9 months left), but £750 for a year right after paying £2400? GET IN THERE.

This MultiCar thing looks great, all the paperwork came to Mum as she’s the Policy Administrator, but on the Certificate of Motor Insurance I am the Policy Holder of it. The certificate does not make any mention of MultiCar or anything like that. It is my certificate for my policy.
Literally the only difference between normal and MultiCar I can find is that all paperwork comes addressed to Mum (the Policy Administrator) and the money comes off of her card – I still have my own policy, and I ring them if (when?) I have a prang. So for the sake of having to bank transfer Mum the money instead of paying directly and relying on her to pass me on the paperwork I have saved £750.

Literally the only downside I can find from reading the small print is that the policy “Does not cover use of the Nurburgring Nordschleife.”, and obviously I haven’t got DOC - but that would have been the same on the non-MultiCar £1560 policy

So yeah, Admiral MultiCar = Awesome stuffs.

Car has its MOT tomorrow though... French Car + MOT = Worried Me...
That's a damn good saving so far!

I think my first year's insurance was £1400, that was as the main driver (parents as named) on a 1.1 106 when I turned 17.
So you paid £2400 last year? :o :o :o

Yeah, it was a little on the steep side :(.

Other guys at school did the whole crappy rusty 1.0l car made last century* and mum's policy with mum as the main driver and the guy as an occasional driver as it's her car honest thing :rolleyes:, but I did it properly :).

*Yes, I do know that the Saxo was designed then, but the reg plate says 02!
I paid £2000+ on a VTR at 17 and then at 18 with 1 years ncb it was sub £800. They are quite cheap to insure considering their reputation.
I'm currently HATING muticar.

We were just about to order a muticar policy but for whatever reason between last weekend and today they have decided to load my premium by £500 :mad:.
That sounds bad :(

I'm currently HATING muticar.

We were just about to order a muticar policy but for whatever reason between last weekend and today they have decided to load my premium by £500 :mad:.

Didn't you know? The main factor in car insurance quotes is the alignment of the earth, sun, and stars.
Good effort! I guess all the people thinking that he was paying a lot haven't tried insuring a young driver on any sort of semi-decent car recently?
I remember my first year of having car insurance in May 2008 with my 205, third party on my own with Quinn direct £1400. Swapped cars in Feb 09 and it went up by £50. Renewal time and I left Quinn to go with Direct Line as they could not match the £880 fully comp price. Renewal time again today, 2 years no claims and stayed with Direct Line as it has gone down to £570 fully comp. Pretty happy :)

God teenagers really do get raped for insurance.

£2400 is more than I paid at 24 on a twin-turbo imported Subaru Legacy B4, with 9 points on my licence (all for speeding on the motorway at various points over the last 5 years - baby killer I know), one fault claim (stolen/recovered) and parked on the street in a crappy area.
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