Internet Being A Pain

31 Jan 2007
Around where I live we don;t get the best speed of internet and at best we get 2Mbps

Recently If I try to watch YouTube videos, BCC iPlayer or something of that nature, the videos play a few seconds and then need buffering for another few seconds then play. This is highly irritating.

Websites load ok, not the fastest I have seen them load but not the slowest either.

Any ideas what I can do?
AOl, but normally the connection is fine. Please don't tell me to move ISP as that is not useful to me in the slightest at the moment
AOl, but normally the connection is fine. Please don't tell me to move ISP as that is not useful to me in the slightest at the moment

Don't really know what else to suggest then.

You could try removing the bell wire/installing an i-plate to increase your sync speed.

Do you have these problems at certain times of the day? On one or more computers?
Is this the case on all of your computers?

Clearing the cache helps, just run CCleaner on your machine and that'll clear it up. You can also uninstall your current web browser (unless it's I.E.) and delete the program folder from 'Program Files' and then reinstall it. Obviously save your bookmarks if you're doing that.

I use Chrome a lot. What I've started to do is use it in Incognito all the time but even that doesn't stop the cache build up. So after the first install I save all my bookmarks and copy the instillation folder. When it bogs down, I just delete the program folder and copy over the backup and it's fast again.
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what is the connection speed you're paying for and how much are you paying anyway, in the real world you get what you paid for, if you pay a premium price you will get that speed almost all the time with the provider, virginmedia do a very fine fibre optic service which you just always see the speeds keeping up but you pay a hefty price towards it.

Your line is probably shared with other people in your neighbourhood which means at certain times of day your line will be throttled down to only 2Mbps to keep everyone happy.
what is the connection speed you're paying for and how much are you paying anyway, in the real world you get what you paid for, if you pay a premium price you will get that speed almost all the time with the provider, virginmedia do a very fine fibre optic service which you just always see the speeds keeping up but you pay a hefty price towards it.

Your line is probably shared with other people in your neighbourhood which means at certain times of day your line will be throttled down to only 2Mbps to keep everyone happy.

Well, I'd take issue with describing virgins service as 'very fine' (and for that matter 'fibre optic' because it isn't).

But more important that's not how or where contention or throttling works. It's done at the ISP gateway level, exchange contention is very rare indeed today and wasn't widespread even in the early days.
I've been getting much better speed results with Firefox. When Chrome was launched, the speed difference was astronomical but Firefox recently stepped up.
Well after all my issues with slow browsing, a swift re-instillation of my OS brought everything back up to speed.

Acronis True Image 11 ***!! It's literally the same as reformatting your HDD, reinstalling your OS, reinstalling all your apps, tweaking all the settings in your OS and apps, defragging the HDD... all in 20 minutes maximum!!

EDIT: Why is the abbreviation of "For The Win" censored out above?
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Well after all my issues with slow browsing, a swift re-instillation of my OS brought everything back up to speed.

Acronis True Image 11 ***!! It's literally the same as reformatting your HDD, reinstalling your OS, reinstalling all your apps, tweaking all the settings in your OS and apps, defragging the HDD... all in 20 minutes maximum!!

EDIT: Why is the abbreviation of "For The Win" censored out above?

because *** is ftl
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