Insurance Win


Last week they took the £560 from Mums card to pay for me being added to the multicar, fine.

Just checked my online banking and on Tuesday they took the £1565 (renewal of my old policy rather than adding to multicar) from my card, without telling me.

£1565 unexpectedly from a 19yo's account could have been pretty damaging!

Think I'll be ringing them tomorrow then...

Still, least that tells me that Admiral are auto-renewing.
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Bangermetrics here:

TPFT + £250 car + aged 23 + Quidco =

Year 0: £560
Year 1: £220
Year 2: £160

Might have to investigate the multi-car thing, they might throw mine in for free!
Astra 1.4ltr @ 17 = £1400

Primera GT 2.0ltr @ 18 = £1400

@ 19 = £1000

@ 20 = £800

Celica GT 2.0ltr @ 21 = £494

(Didnt like the celica so sold it)

Primera GT 2.0ltr @ 21 = £460

Am 22 now but not time to renew yet but not bad I dont think for the cars I have had so far, roll on my 5years NCB!
1st year - £2046 TPFT
2nd year - £1000 Comp
3rd year - £130 Comp
4th year - £99 Comp

Hows that for a reduction? :d
How do I go about getting a decent multicar policy that's a bit more flexible than admiral multicar? like if I go to auction and decide that I might buy any one of 10 cars, can I just buy one and not worry about it, like a trader policy type thing?
Rung them yesterday, and the moneys wrongly taken for the renewal of my single policy will be refunded! :D

Also, every time any of us have rung Admiral it's been only 1 menu and then within 10 seconds your speaking to a British human being who is actually in Britain!

With the multicar thing, if either of you crash or make a claim, does it affect both of your NCB?

MultiCar FAQs said:
How will my No Claims Bonus be affected if a claim is made?
If a policyholder within the MultiCar policy makes a claim or a claim is made against them, the other policyholder's No Claims Bonus will not be affected. Only the individual policyholder's No Claims Bonus of the car involved, will be affected.
:) thread is making me kind of happy about insurance now. most people seem to have had a fairly decent drop in price on their second year.
i'm paying £2574 for this year so hopefully i can get a decent drop next year with someone.
18 0NCB - £880 Lupo Sport
19 1NCB - £880 Lupo GTI
20 2NCB - £660 Lupo GTI
21 2NCB - £880 Audi TT 225
22 3NCB - £780 Audi TT 225

All fully comp and all with mods!
Admiral Multicar is fantastic, managed to get a quote of £1400 for two cars with me as the main driver of both. Stunning - even with only using my NCB on one of the cars.

It's a sad state of affairs we are so amazed that they can offer a reasonable deal, as logically we cant drive two cars at once, so any time spent driving the lower risk vehicle on the policy is a saving to them over just driving the higher risk one!
My first car was a Pug 205 1.1 and my first years insurance FC was 469 quid. That was in 1996/7.

Is it any wonder that so many drive without insurance when companies take the water with ridiculously high quotes for young drivers.
Also, every time any of us have rung Admiral it's been only 1 menu and then within 10 seconds your speaking to a British human being who is actually in Britain!

One reason right there why i love admiral. I got through to an american girl once, super helpful and friendly. I think i feel in love over the phone for half hour :D
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