Justice done?

15 Oct 2003
LOL, we just killed your Grandad! Oops!
We didn't mean to kill him though so you can go **** yourself.
In your face! Happy slap 4TW!

It really is a shame that these wastes of life wont be made an example of. Too many people thinking they'll come out changed and be of use to society. Why give them the chance? They've killed someone by assaulting them for fun.
It's not an accident like say, someone running out infront of your car and being killed.
They assaulted this person, completely unprovoked.

Quite how we can have so many people supporting the sentence is bewildering.
I'm on the other end of the fence so it's really an in-between view that's needed.
These people should be burned alive and left to rot in an open trench.

Edit: With any luck they'll be raped and then kill themselves during the sentence. :)
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30 Sep 2006
Midlands, UK
They hit hard enough to cause the person to die, that is not a hit and run.

Why isn't it? You've seen the video, they clearly ran up to him, belted him hard, then legged it.
If their intent was to kill, i'm sure they would have hung around for a few seconds and put the boot in to make sure.

I would prefer hanging personally, that would help
I don't entirely disagree with you there bud. But its unlikely that will happen. At least doubling their sentence would make a few people feel more justified.
Lynch mob anybody?



27 Feb 2004
That video is shocking, I'm glad I live up north in a rural very low crime area where everyone know everyone. As for the guilty parties they should have had a minimum sentance stated aswell as not being released until they can prove they are rehabilitated and no risk to society.

So what do you think of not releasing people until they are proven to be rehabilitated and no risk to society?
5 Nov 2007
North East
Only just heard about reading through the paper at lunch.

What an utterly ridiculous decision by our justice system, it's a ******* joke.

Some have said they are only kids being kids, they didn't mean to kill him etc.
Ok then, I'm going to make up a new game called 'Fun-time Booting' where I run up to a complete stranger and kick them in the face. He died from it? Oh, well, I didn't mean to. Can I be let off?

It's murder, not manslaughter. He intentionally sought to cause physical harm to another person. It's not as if this was a RTA resulting in a death, that's manslaughter.

Can't even imagine what that little girl will have to go through as she grows up :(.

A few years in secure care away from the influences that lead to them acting like that, at such a critical point in their lives has every chance of making them properly productive members of society. any longer would ruin those chances, and cost society in the long run.

A few years away from influences that made them act like that? They don't have a purpose built building for each person, it will be full of other young criminals where they will most likely end up learning from others in there. If anything they will leave with more criminal skills than they entered with and make a career out of it.
Some young offenders do manage to lead a decent life after prison, but it is the minority.
10 Dec 2008
It's murder, not manslaughter. He intentionally sought to cause physical harm to another person.

Sorry, the definition of murder is not 'he intentionally sought to cause physical harm to another person'. It's 'he wanted to kill the person' - which was not the case.

Otherwise every pub fight ever would result in 'attempted murder' convictions!! :)
22 Mar 2008
Lots of people in here can't understand the mentality at all.

I can. I don't agree with it. But I can understand the line of humour they were following. In other words, I understand (don't agree with) their motivation for doing the crime. Most people in here don't, and you try and explain it to them, they get all wierd and nasty - I just think it's because they feel like I'm digging at them because they don't understand how this kind of thing occurs, and I do..

Imagine throwing a custard pie into a complete strangers face and filming it. It's basically exactly the same school of humour (taken to an unacceptable extreme). Which lots of people don't understand. That's all I'm saying. It's wierd no-one 'gets it' at all ...

Since you seem to suggest that this behaviour is acceptable ... please tell me whre you live, I will drive over there and give you several good kicks in the nuts for ***** and giggles ... let's see how much you like that
19 Oct 2007
I think they will get handled in prison for what they did. Attacking elderly and children is a no go in some circles including prisons.
9 Oct 2009
United Kingdom
What sickens me more is you get 4 years for murder but 7 years for fraud.

kill the person who defraded you! Simples!

On an additional note about justice how about the former Khmer Rouge prison warden...Chief Duch...sentenced to 35 years...I heard to works out to 11.5 hours for every prisoner killed...nevermind those he torutured and starved etc. Real justice!
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18 Oct 2002
block 16, cell 12
i think they need to come up with a new law:

Anti social conduct that leads to death...

which is a lesser offense than murder, but is much worse than manslaughter....

a, manslaughter is when it happens in a purely accidental sense... i.e a man is on a ladder, someone opens a door and the door knocks ladder - guy lands on head and dies.

b, this is different to anti social conduct that could happen - kids find ladder, push ladder over, guy dies...

case a and case b would currently both come under manslaughter although one has the anti social intention to cause aggrivation/voilence...one is accidental. there has to be a worse punishment for the non accidental version which under current legislation is not high enough. the law and punishment currently only takes into account the direct action NOT the consequences.

a punishment should take into account of the original action and these consequences.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
i think they need to come up with a new law:

Anti social conduct that leads to death...

which is a lesser offense than murder, but is much worse than manslaughter....

a, manslaughter is when it happens in a purely accidental sense... i.e a man is on a ladder, someone opens a door and the door knocks ladder - guy lands on head and dies.

b, this is different to anti social conduct that could happen - kids find ladder, push ladder over, guy dies...

case a and case b would currently both come under manslaughter although one has the anti social intention to cause aggrivation/voilence...one is accidental. there has to be a worse punishment for the non accidental version which under current legislation is not high enough. the law and punishment currently only takes into account the direct action NOT the consequences.

a punishment should take into account of the original action and these consequences.

Why does that require a separate offence? The maximum sentence for manslaughter is already a life sentence, with a wide range of sentencing possible depending on the nature of the crime.

Why create something new?
12 Mar 2004
Sorry, the definition of murder is not 'he intentionally sought to cause physical harm to another person'. It's 'he wanted to kill the person' - which was not the case.


How many times do I have to say it.

R v Moloney
R v Hancock & Shankland
R v Woollin

As you can see if there is intent to cause GBH or GBH is inevitable from the defendants actions, then it is murder.
18 Oct 2002
block 16, cell 12
Why does that require a separate offence? The maximum sentence for manslaughter is already a life sentence, with a wide range of sentencing possible depending on the nature of the crime.

Why create something new?

because you could set the minimum for this sentance to be well above the minimum for manslaughter and therefore guarantee higher punishment rates for those convicted.

clearly the judges that we are using are incapable of providing adequate sentencing given such a wide scope if it can be from as little as Zero to Life... thats a huge decision to make, what does he base that on? Magic 8 ball time?

by tying the judges hands and forcing them to give out stricter sentences than those afforded by the current laws we can ensure more realistic penalisation of those offenders.

Better use of the existing ones would have served better, namely sending them down for a damn sight more than 7 years combined.

this relies on thinking and i have noticed that a lot of our judges seem incapable of rendering a fair judgement, this change would forcibly help them. when the law was written did they have such extreme cases of manslaughter? (i,e intentional anti social behaviour - crudely used as a form of entertainment via video phone?)

to me it seems that judges may be more bothered about overcrowding than punishment that fits the outcome of the crime...the punishments applicable need to ignore overcrowding and focus on the punishment that fits the crime, not the budget.
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