
Although I'm still now much taller than most it doesn’t feel uncomfortable and I don't get people coming up to me a saying "wow, you're tall" :rolleyes:

Lucky you. I get pipsqueeks telling me that all that at just 5"8'.

Once I had my brother who asked me to close a ventilator above the kitchen sink that even I cant reach without almost breaking an arm and got fed up of being asked to open / close it all the time.

I replied 'Why should I do it?' He said 'Because You're tall'.

My reply was simply 'Im actually not, and just because youre short doesnt mean that you cant do it. Get a spoon or stand on a chair and shut it yourself'.

I never got asked to close the unreachable ventilator again, but then everytime my 5"2' relatives turn up to meet us after ages, the FIRST thing thats always said ....

'Oh wow! You are soooo tall!'.


Punching idiots needs to be legalised.

I'm 6'6" / 6'7" :(

I'm not a freak :(

Usually the people that call you a freak have "wee man syndrome" anyway so I wouldn't stress much. Angry little men that seem to need to "prove" themselves and over compensate for their height by being *****...
Usually the people that call you a freak have "wee man syndrome" anyway so I wouldn't stress much. Angry little men that seem to need to "prove" themselves and over compensate for their height by being *****...

Ahh small man syndrome, this should be a real syndrome as I have met many a person with it and its very tiresome.
As a fully qualified and self appointed small man syndrome expert of 32 years.

I believe there is a underlying issue of "Littleism" here on Overclockers. It needs to be stamped out. The little men will rise one day and Lofty people that make littleist remarks will one day feel our wrath!

Wear some decent shoes/boots, and make sure whatever clothes you wear fit you properly and don't emphasise your shortness. Also consider hitting the gym hard and eating well to bulk up in terms of your upper body so you can fill a space better.

Some statistics say that being short is as much as an impairment in terms of career pay on average as the gender gap - so it's not something to be laughed at.
I'm fairly fortunate in that I'm just shy of 6ft 4. I have a friend who is probably just shy of 5'10. His wife is 6ft so she can never wear heels unless we go out as a group, at which point, she pretends she's with me and my GF pretends she's with him. Solved :D

/Casual gropeing allowed too
I'm intrigued now... Dons how about a poll?

<5'5 then every inch to 6'4> or something?

Then we can work out a "true" average.

This would be interesting, would need to go taller than 6'4 though, 6'8 would do I think. There do seem to be a huge number of tall people on this forum, or do we all lie, or do we loiter in height related threads for some reason?

PS. I'm 6'7.
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