
^^ yet he still did terrible against England :p (aimed at centurion ;))

I'm 5'9". I feel short compared to some of my mates, but I'm taller than a lot of girls I know so it's all good. Just never make the mistake of getting a girlfriend taller than you :)

Didn't bother me that much, i'm 5ft 11 (in the morning, about 5ft 10.5 as the day goes on :D ) and i was with a 6ft 1 girl for about 2 years. Just different interests after that period made us break up, not height. However, saying that i usually draw the line at around 5ft 9 to compensate for heels :D
I'm 5"7 or 8...i feel short. :o I would rather be 5"10.

Trust me, theres no difference. My dad is 5ft 7 and commands a lot more respect and adoration than i'll get in the next millenium :)

You're on the internet, everyone here is 6'+ and built like an Adonis.

Nah i'm 5ft 11 and built like Adonis, if Adonis was a mildly good looking 200lb of mostly man fat brown fella :p
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6'1"? Aw bless, the wee laddie thinks that's tall. :p

You're on the internet, everyone here is 6'+ and built like an Adonis.

Maybe most people who've posted are as tall as they say as perhaps it's somewhat self selecting in terms of who will reply to such topics or maybe there's some exaggeration going on as mentioned.

Take up American football/hit the gym :3.

Starting the gym now. Would love to do American football, but I'm guessing the guys are all pretty hench. :p
Height means nothing. I'm 5'11" and my 5'5" friend has had more girlfriends, and is more financially stable than me.

ok this is an embarrassing, but very serious thread, i expect to be mocked but any help would be appreciated.

i am a short individual, the shortest amongst my peers, and without going too much into it, i am very concious of my height.

im looking for information on where to find a specialist on human growth to get reliable information, and if anyone else has ever been in a similar situation, your experience on the situation would be appreciated.


alakazam! I am now 5ft 10"

Fixed :cool::D
I'm 5'5 too. Sure I've thought it would be cool to be taller on plenty of occasions in my life, but that's about it. I know I'm not going to be. Most of my mates are tall too - 6'+ up to 6'7, which never helped. Still - never did any harm. Happily married, good job, etc etc. One friend the same height has just married a tall blonde about 5'10. I've had taller gfs too - only slightly mind. Funnily enough it's personality/attitude that really counts. Stop moaning and work on those.
You serious? Suck it up half-pint.

I'm 5'4" and it's never stopped me doing anything; actually it can be helpful to be smaller sometimes if you need to escape from somewhere or 'work' under a desk. ;)

Sure you have to put up with the short jokes from time to time but my shoes and clothes are cheaper, ha!
Never mind that, it's the ducking when you get onto the Tube, the low doorways in so many places, the fact that sinks and cash machines are designed to be for people of shorter stature etc etc.

Not to mention red London buses where I usually bump my head every time I get off one. True about the cash machines too. Always a bit of a WTF moment when I use one. I'm only about 6'3 whilst my gf is about 5'5. We look quite the odd couple sometimes :p
Just never make the mistake of getting a girlfriend taller than you :)

I know it shouldn't matter but it still looks odd and I still can't help but look and smile every time I see such a couple. I actually think it's quite cute, she got herself a little doll :p

I just don't like it when guys go all weird about their height. I work with a dude that's quite small (bout 5'7ish) and he forbids his girlfriend to wear high heels and make her walk in the road while he walks on the pavement to look taller. Strange that people can spend so much time and effort worrying about something so stupid and non-trivial.
I'm intrigued now... Dons how about a poll?

<5'5 then every inch to 6'4> or something?

Then we can work out a "true" average.
Everyone on the internet is over 6ft, duh!

In reality, I have no idea what I am. I was like 5'4 a year ago, but I think I'm around 5'6/7 now, maybe taller yet. Hope so.

I was always the smallest and it sucked. :p
I'm just intrigued because I know very few people less than 5' 10 (and quite a few significantly taller) yet young males only have an average height of that... Maybe it's a north/south thing again...
Nah, 6'2"/6'3" is perfect. It's all about being quite tall, without being freakish.
This. I'm 6'3" and have been since I was 14. I hated it whilst growing up but by the time I was into my 20s it wasn't that unusual and I'd bulked out a bit. Although I'm still a bit taller most it doesn’t feel uncomfortable. It's just a nice height.
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