Do any of you guys shave your legs/armpits and other areas?

Well i just wonder am i in the minority? Is it that normal to do all that has been written, it would seem so?

I think to do SOMETHING is normal. Maybe not all as some people have no need (eg back/chest or whatever), I think that a lot of men think that other men will call them gay (in the homosexual term) for admitting it and therefore do it in silence happy in the knowledge that the ball and chain appreciates not having to tend to a hairy mess.

Internet anonymity means that I couldn't give a monkeys what anyone thinks about my pruning habits so I freely offer tem up, as others here have. I doubt many have shared the same info with their mates.. I feel better for doing it and I get my rewards for it.

Most men are reluctant to drink from the furry cup unless it's been neatened up but don't think the same might apply to them. It boggles the mind.
If you trim your arm hair with clippers, will it grow back thicker? Or does this just apply to shaving with a blade? Considering giving my arms the once over.
If you trim your arm hair with clippers, will it grow back thicker? Or does this just apply to shaving with a blade? Considering giving my arms the once over.

Hair growing back "thicker" is a myth. It may appear thicker when it's shorter, but you don't develop more follicles.
I shave my shoulders occasionally because I get 1 or 2 long black hairs on them, also keep downstairs tidy but other than that, no men are supposed to be hairy
shave only face, if it did'nt itch when long i would'nt bother. clippers on head at 3/8 setting once a month.
why give yourself more work?


it's a well known shark myth that variations against force leads to less resistance so therefore hair is aerodynamic :p
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Although I agree we all need to trim things back a bit now and then, it is a bit strange wandering into a thread full of people describing in detail how they style their ******** and arse.

If you can't beat em, join em.
I go 1 blade length on the sausage, trim back the crack a bit to prevent it from becoming a strainer, and occasionally attack the nose hair. All this with a rusty butter knife. The gf usually pounces on eyebrows trying to cross the road before they even start building a bridge.
OK, so this is going to a very random and peculiar question...but...

Do any of you guys shave your legs/armpits and other areas? If so why?

P.S. I will reveal my answer later ;)

Armpit hair shaver here, not so there is nothing there, just so it's trimmed down and looks tidy.


Shol'va! :D

Face and gentleman area get a shave (not as often for the gentleman area obviously, shave rash of the happy sack is not a good idea) and I used tro do my legs when I mountain biked as it was easier to keep inevitable wounds clean :)
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