Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

Afternoon runners,

Just a heads up for you guys about the new sub forum, if you're training for a particular event or to improve a certain area of your running, or anything you feel fellow runners and SA members will have an interest in, then create a log in there and have something people can track and check your progress in. I'm sure many of you run half or full marathons, so it will be a perfect way to keep others up to date on how you're training and the progress you're making

It is worth it, and it's incredibly rewarding to go back and look at your own progress later on down the line and see how far you've come along
Think I might have given myself a stress fracture. I'm fairly new to running and I reckon I worked my way up to 5k a little fast. I ran a 22:36 on a Wednesday for my first ever 5k on a treadmill. A few days later on the Sunday I followed it up with a 22:11. But getting off the treadmill I noticed an ache in my shin. I've had shin splints before along the front of the shin but this time it was different - the pain is on the back of the shin bone, on the inside of the leg. I put it down to muscle soreness and thought nothing of it.

A week has come and gone and now the pain comes back when I've been walking for more than say 10 minutes. It's not severe, but it is localised to one very specific spot which makes me think it' a micro-fracture. Might be time for a trip to the doctors.

Been reading around and suggested healing time is 4-6 weeks :(
I'm not a big fan of getting soaked when running but I do enjoy it being crisp and cold. Get a pair of Yaktrak Pro and you're good for snow & ice. Had a couple of lovely runs last winter in the snow.
Second marathon completed yesterday morning in Dublin. I ran 3:15.02. That's a huge chunk off my pb set in Belfast in May. I didn't run with a plan beyond an aspiration to go sub 3:30. In the end I just ran at what felt comfortable then caned it for the last 2 miles.
3'15 is a superb time :)

PB 5k time-trial this week - 20'52 - very pleased. Aiming for 20 by end of year

off-road trail race on Sunday ... 12 miles - going to hurt I think
quick update

dont very little running tbh which is anoying, but quite a lot of road cycling.

had a xc cross country 5.06 miles did in 32:56 so was quite pleased given my road 5 miler time i last did was 33:15 lol
^^ very good indeed

update from my previous post - I managed to get through the 12 mile Trail race today and it felt quite comfortable, time was 2hrs04 - not bad considering how muddy/claggy it was

but it wasn't really about the time- it was just good fun and good company with fellow runners
A quick update from my last post; I took a couple of weeks rest before gradually getting back into running. I'm pleased to be able to report that I am now injury free, and my pace is also continuing to improve at a decent rate. I achieved my first sub 27 minute 5k this morning, which is a fairly decent improvement over the 35 minutes it took me to run the same distance at the beginning of September.

I'm starting to allow myself to believe that I can nail the sub 2hr half marathon in April. This running lark is pretty intoxicating :o
After a bit of advice.

I'm still getting really tight outer ankles and shins when running. Say I run for ten minutes, when I'm going along I can feel the part where my foot meets my shin starting to tighten up, and the muscle on the outside of my calves starting to tighten up. When I stop the muscles feel really tight and stretching really makes them burn.

Once I've gently stretched for a few minutes (despite the burning pain!) they start to loosen up and I can walk around a bit. If I don't stretch it out my ankle mobility is really poor for a while and I walk a bit funny.

Any ideas what I can do? I do 10 mins on the rowing machine, 30 mins on the bike, stretch and then start running.

Any particular stretches to help improve this? Anything I should be doing? My mate who I run with and am generally fitter than can just run without any form of warm up and is fine!

My general flexibilty has always been poor, which I guess could cause this a bit maybe?

Cheers for any help, I need to get this sorted before I hurt myself I guess.
How do people find running after weightlifting? I have slacked on the running for about 8 months and went out for a 20min run after doing my back/arms/chest workout and I was fine until about 13 minutes and then I got the horrible sickly/salty mouth feeling that was a clear prelude to me throwing up. I had to stop and rest for a few minutes before it passed and then continued with the run.

Was the combination of the weights and run was too much too soon? I really hate the mid-run sick feeling, I had a lot of problems with it last summer when I did 50m sprints and a session would usually end in near/throwing up? Anyone else have similar issues?
After trouble with my shins, foot going numb, I resorted to getting some Vibrams from ebay.

After a little getting used to a blisters they're awesome! Real calf killer, but other than that no joint pain at all.
I don't have the time anymore. After getting up at 0630 for work and not getting back till circa 2000, 6 days a week = no time or compunction to run :(

I need a new job.
I try to get at least 5k in before work a few times a week. It does involve leaving the house before 05:30, but I've always been an early bird so I don't find it too much of an ordeal. I could do with it being a few degrees warmer, though.

Some more good news from me; ran my second 10k since I started running in August, managed 55:58 which is nearly a 10 minute improvement on the first one. Hopefully I can have that down to 50 minutes in a few months; it seems a good target to aim for, especially with my desire to get my first half marathon done in under 2 hours.
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