Bought an S2000! Sold the Mountune Fiesta!

18 Oct 2002
Well as I have mentioned briefly in another thread, I sold my Fiesta ST yesterday, the new owner came and collected it from having decided to buy it earlier in the week.

I was not planning on selling it but I had a firm offer of £6000 for it, this was for a 2006 car with 29k miles and lots of performance modifications, fair money for the car I feel, regardless of the modification it is still a 6.5 year old Fiesta! The other reasons that meant I was keen to sell up for that price was the market for Fiesta ST being so flat, they simply drink fuel for the performance they offer, and with the new model ST out next year I could see prices falling quite a lot further.

I really enjoyed driving my Fiesta hard and it sounded great for what it was, but it never really felt 'special', after all it was never going to be anything more than a fairly quick Fiesta, some of the mods that I did made it fantastic when pressing on, but a real bind when just driving around normally! In particular the helix clutch I had was hateful for town driving, and it became very tiring to drive. I had planned to do some track days in it I think it would have made much more sense then, but as a daily driver, having owned it for 3 years, it was time for a change given the opportunity.

Anyway, I decided on what I wanted to replace it with pretty quickly. Something faster, and a bit more special...more of a 'proper' performance I decided upon the S2000, a car I have always admired, and today I ended up buying this one:

Its a 2004 car, so retains the cable throttle, is still in a reasonable tax bracket, but gets the improvements to the exterior and interior for the facelift model. It has done 76k miles. I haven't taken my own pictures but here are some from the advert:




Things that appealed about the car from speaking to the seller:

  1. Bridgstone Potenza RE050s all round with less than 2k miles :)
  2. Service history with specialists (mainly through Christopher Neil Sportscars who seem well respected)
  3. Seems to have had a proper suspension geo setup in 2009, so I'm hoping the adjusters will all still be okay rather than being seized up (bit of a gamble here I know without taking it to a garage to check, in the new year I'll probably get it looked at and we'll see...).
  4. Interior is in good condition with new mats
  5. Spotless engine bay
  6. Wheels are not curbed at all
  7. Price - we will come to that later...but its very good for an AP2 in this sort of condition I feel...

Now I did have a couple of concerns, upon speaking to the seller (it was a private sale) he was very honest and did tell me about an issue he had during his ownership...

When he bought the car the cam covers red coating was flaking off, a common S2000 issue, so he took the car to a garage that both he and his father had used for many years, who took the cover off and sent it off to be shot blasted and powder coated to restore the red finish. Anyway, when the garage refitted it, somehow they managed to miss some of the shot that had not been properly cleared away out of the insides of the cover, and that this had been loosely covered with the powder coating, anyway once the car was run this debris went into the oil supply for the engine, once these particles went around the engines oil system the bottom end bearings were ruined, and the bores of the fourth piston were also scored, pretty bad as engine damages goes!

The garage knew better than to try and rebuild an F20C engine (given its tight tolerances) and given their mistake caused the issue, and the long standing relationship with the sellers family, they ended up replacing the entire engine (only the sensors were used from the original). It now has an engine from another S2000 that has done 40k miles and was apparently written off, which I suppose goes some way to explaining why its all so clean under the bonnet.

There are some minor cosmetic issues I will address on the car (it would benefit from new wheel centre caps, a good machine polish, and a scuff on the front splitter needs to be repaired), but overall I am happy with it. The roof is not perfect either, its had a minor repair on one part. May look at replacing it longer term but for the moment it doesn't leak either.

Thus far I haven't driven it hard, 80 miles in the rain in December is perhaps not the safest introduction to S2000 ownership given that I have never owned a RWD car, in fact I have not driven any others for more than 15 minutes or so! I'm pleased to note I managed to drive home without scaring myself silly or being killed! :D

Thus far I love the engine and the way it revs so freely, the cabin really wraps around you, and the gearbox is fantastic.

Thoughts/criticisms/no torque comments welcomed! :)
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18 Oct 2002
It wasn't my first choice of colour but I do like it in the looks very dull in photos but its a pearlescent rather than a flat blue...looks better in natural light than photos, it takes on a purple tint to it in some lights.
13 Mar 2004
Well gel. Amazed at the fiesta price. A couple guys at work sold theirs recently and got almost nothing in comparison



8 Aug 2007
Nice work Will.
I got the feeling at the rr day that you were itching for a change.
The S looks very nice, I think you would have been hard pushed to find a better example for the price.

Certainly is a nice swap for the fiesta. Very impressed with what you got for it but I assume mountune mods command a bit of a premium second hand.

Will be very interested to hear your thoughts after a term of ownership.
You thinking about getting a hard top for it?
16 Nov 2010
Swimming in a lake
As something else you might be interested in for this in winter, is I'm pretty sure it can be quite easy to buy hard tops for these (not sure how much for), which might be a nice thing to switch to in Winter if its a daily drive.

13 Mar 2004
Plenty or room for a 'whale penis' aftermarket intake

My personal favourite is the J's Racing :cool:

Wow, loads of choice for an airbox upgrade.

Better to use the space for something like this though :p

30 Oct 2002
don't need a supercharger ...

funny people said hedges, i was pretty close to one the other day :(

just shocked as i enter roundabout put foot down when exiting, car goes side ways at 4k revs in 6th gear with one hand on wheel and started to fish tail, soon got me awake thinking i could take it easy and relax.

weather was cold and heavy rain.
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18 Oct 2002
Nice work Will.
I got the feeling at the rr day that you were itching for a change.
The S looks very nice, I think you would have been hard pushed to find a better example for the price.

Certainly is a nice swap for the fiesta. Very impressed with what you got for it but I assume mountune mods command a bit of a premium second hand.

Will be very interested to hear your thoughts after a term of ownership.
You thinking about getting a hard top for it?

Yes been pondering a change for a while, I'd had the fiesta 3 and a half years after all! Did love that car but I wanted something a bit more special.

I'd like to get a hardtop if one came up for sale at a sensible price and not at the other end of the country! The roof isn't bad though, it doesn't leak or anything, wind noise at motorway speeds could get a bit tiring but my commute is short and I only do 6k miles per year. So I could probably cope with the fabric roof, it'd just need more looking after in terms of treating it and doing the seals, lubing the hinges and cleaning it when compared to the hard top. Vandalism is a concern too with a soft top but im trying to avoid thinking about that for now! :o

I do want an intake kit for it just for a bit more noise but it can wait, it's something to do in a few months when I'm used to the car and nothing cosmetic needs doing!

Does every s2000 owner here know about the 'secret' storage compartment by the way?! The seller didn't, was amazed when I flipped it open! :D
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25 Jan 2003
S2000's really aren't as bad handling wise as people make out. I spent years reading S2ki about all the horror stories, So you can imagine my horror when I agreed to buy one, went away, and a few days later, it snowed big time when I was due to pick it up.

Luckily, it had good rubber (Uniroyal Rainsport's) and I drove to the conditions, and i'm still here. Respect the conditions and you will be fine!

I fitted mine with a Spoon Sports exhaust. It did sound great, but was just too loud starting it up at 6 in a morning, so soon went back to standard.
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