Overclocking without upping vcore

well the other one was from a apple mac site but that shouldn't make a difference as its the board what your flashing not the operating system or anything, do you have 2 usb sticks?? if so i'd make 1 with the first dl i gave you then on the other 1 put your current 1 on. how long have you had the board??? you have 90 days from point of purchase if the worst happens.

apple site http://www.tonymacx86.com/mountain-...z68ap-d3-rev-2-0-mountain-lion-uefi-bios.html
I was using the f8 bios previously. It is unfortunately just a fault with my board and Ivybridge when using the Award Bios.
I purchased it from the B grade section so only 7 days to return and i bought 2 weeks ago now
Well left it for 3 hours and thats the most I ever do in prime. Im not one to leave my PC stress testing for 16+ hours.

So stable at 4.32 with good temps, wonder why it wont go that extra 80mhz
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So been playing around and I can still only make 4.32, even 4.35 brings up a prime error within minutes.

Have been playing with the RAM and also not having much luck with that. Managed to get
2015mhz with 9-9-9-21 timings. Any higher frequency and I cant boot. Was hoping for 2.4ghz with slightly slacker timings but doesnt seem to work.

Anyone have any suggestions for getting that little bit extra from my components?
To be honest mate in your position I would say changing to another motherboard or stick with what you've got. 4.2ghz is still pretty fast for most purposes.

If you were to go with a motherboard that allows for better voltage controls you'd probably find 4.5ghz a doddle.

Based upon your sig.. have you just changed from a Q6600 ? or is that another system you use.
Regarding the ram... what voltages are you using?

Higher voltages (1.5 is standard, 1.6 is about as high as you want ideally) stress out the IMC more which can make the cpu unstable I believe.
Yes just changed from a q6600. I guess I will have to stick with 4.3.
I have the ram at 1.65 so I will try and lower that to see if I can get a higher clock
Yeah definately lower it if you can. If the default voltage for that memory is 1.5 then see how close to this you can get.

Also 2000mhz at 9-9-9-24 is pretty good I would say, you'll get further if you slacken off the timings. For gaming you won't notice the difference from 9-10 or even 11 really. I'd be tempted to leave it as it is though.

I just recently upgraded from my old Q6600 and the performance difference is impressive. I spent weeks trying to get mine as high as possible but settled at 4.4ghz now and it seems very speedy and happy. Don't push it too hard for an extra few mhz especially without proper voltage control... as above you're just stressing out everything else on the PCI-E bus.
Thanks for the advice all. I have just kept everything as is for now. Will maybe get a better board in the future when this starts to struggle.
To be honest I am dissapointed with the 3570k, the jump from my overclocked q6600 was minimal to say the least. I know I am bottlenecked by my 5850 but I was expecting a lot more.

The difference in day to day usage is non existent and games have only had a slight improvement in speed. I have had the q6600 for 4 years now. I cant believe it still holds its own. I remember when I got my first core2duo, the difference from my AMD 64 3000+ was huge and the step from my e6600 to q6600 was large too. I am glad I did it as I was always wondering what it would be like to have an i5. Just wish it was the big step I had hoped for.
Have you (or can you) try a higher multi with a lower bus clock?

ie 46 x 98 = 4508

or 48 x 94 = 4512
Hi Nkata. Not actually tried that and didnt even occur to me to try. I will give it a go when I get home. Would be great if it worked, not sure if the CPU will like being that high without putting the vcore up.

Thanks for the input, its suggestions like this that are great.
Have you (or can you) try a higher multi with a lower bus clock?

ie 46 x 98 = 4508

or 48 x 94 = 4512

There is no point to this approach as lowering BLK also lowers RAM speed, PCI X Bus speed and SATA performance too.
There is no point to this approach as lowering BLK also lowers RAM speed, PCI X Bus speed and SATA performance too.

Requires some benching I agree, to check if +300MHz on CPU (if achievable) is better or worse than -2% or -4% on bus clocks. Overclocking the GPU may recover some of the loss to PCIe bus.

This is where Intel is bad IMO compared to AMD FX, locking all the buses.
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