Why can't people just ignore and move on? ['tramp' breast feeding mother]

28 Jun 2006
Somewhere in Bristol
Most of these women breastfeeding in public seem to be nutters trying to get attention from the press or weird fetishists.

Most of these women breast feeding in public are just trying to feed their babies, but I realise that as this is a mainly male dominated forum there won't be any point in trying to have a serious debate.

Anyone offended or outraged by a woman feeding her baby needs to get a grip.
12 Mar 2004
Most of these women breast feeding in public are just trying to feed their babies

I simply don't find it credible that someone would go to the national papers or start a campaign if that were really the case, especially over something as trivial as a Facebook comment, it's highly indicative of an attention seeker looking for any excuse to start an uproar, and to dismiss anything that goes against some mumsnet-esque dogma as being some kind of misogynistic view is really quite naive. The fact they are even noticed in the first place is suggestive that they were doing it with a view to being seen as opposed to using discretion like that repugnant woman breastfeeding in the public swimming pool.

EDIT- From the picture, she does like very much like she's trying to be as blatant as possible, sitting on a dirty step in front of the entrance to a building, in full view of a load of people sitting outside a pub, not a place any normal person would choose, and incidentally she does look like a tramp. :D
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19 Feb 2008
Most of these women breast feeding in public are just trying to feed their babies, but I realise that as this is a mainly male dominated forum there won't be any point in trying to have a serious debate.

Anyone offended or outraged by a woman feeding her baby needs to get a grip.

Not me,I think its a beautiful thing to see women breast feed,it's not about getting there breasts out or showing off, it's about being close to your child and sharing a few moments together .



13 Aug 2003
Most of these women breast feeding in public are just trying to feed their babies, but I realise that as this is a mainly male dominated forum there won't be any point in trying to have a serious debate.

Sometimes it looks like child and journalist dominated. General discussion always looks like lets discuss tomorrows papers review.

This place never used to be this bad years ago. It's rag paper obsessed now. Filled with non stories and trivia. I've never seen so many men who love gossip.

Anyone offended or outraged by a woman feeding her baby needs to get a grip.

This went on in the 90s/00s. You used to see it at some outdoor restaurants. Nobody made it their business to cause distress or get attention whether it's good or bad. You even saw it on public transport. People just minded their own business.



9 Apr 2004
I simply don't find it credible that someone would go to the national papers or start a campaign if that were really the case, especially over something as trivial as a Facebook comment, it's highly indicative of an attention seeker looking for any excuse to start an uproar, and to dismiss anything that goes against some mumsnet-esque dogma as being some kind of misogynistic view is really quite naive. The fact they are even noticed in the first place is suggestive that they were doing it with a view to being seen as opposed to using discretion like that repugnant woman breastfeeding in the public swimming pool.

EDIT- From the picture, she does like very much like she's trying to be as blatant as possible, sitting on a dirty step in front of the entrance to a building, in full view of a load of people sitting outside a pub, not a place any normal person would choose, and incidentally she does look like a tramp. :D

I am not surprised and as a man who convinced his wife to breastfeed our kids I am wholly supportive of this women. There are some women who are blatant, but that picture is of a woman who is simply feeding her baby, with nothing visible to anyone. It is no more different than if she sat there and gave her a bottle, well with the exception of how much more beneficial breast milk is over formula.

To my mind it is no different than anyone else drinking or eating any foods on the street, in face this is ultimately more acceptable as she is feeding someone who is wholly dependent on her. Societies attitude to young mums is disgusting these days and especially those who breastfeed. It is not uncommon for complete strangers to verbally attack young mums in the street, by accusing them of being a drain on society etc. Even when the majority of these mums are either on maternity leave or fully supported by their partners and not claiming any benefits. People really need to get a grip and keep their opinions to themselves when they dont have anything nice to say about others. Thankfully in Scotland mums have a lot of protection and rights when it comes to breastfeeding, not sure if the laws have changed in England yet.

It amazes me how a woman who is fully dressed and doing the most natural thing in the world can be called a tramp and yet pictures of women wearing far less in multiple threads on this forum are praised. I appreciate that a lot of people on this forum are still going through puberty, but seriously there are far more worthy things to get your knickers in a twist over.
12 Mar 2004
There are some women who are blatant, but that picture is of a woman who is simply feeding her baby, with nothing visible to anyone.

You seem to be missing the context.

As is typical in these threads we have people digressing into idolizing the whole situation of public breastfeeding in general (in some cases almost to a fetishistic degree), while seemingly ignoring the actual topic of the thread or indeed avoiding any discussion of the actual reported cases the threads contain which is invariably some attention seeking chav (or in this case tramp apparently).
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9 Apr 2004
I suppose I am taking the context of someone who actively supported his wife breastfeed our children (5 of the little buggers) and saw on a regular basis the disgusting intrusive attitudes of some people who felt they had a right to comment.

Posting a picture of this woman feeding her child and calling her a tramp, is ultimately a breach of her privacy and her right to live her life in peace and quiet. The fact that she decided to respond to someone criticising her childs most basic and fundamental right, is something that I agree with. Remember, most women who breastfeed, will feed their child when they are hungry, and if that happens to be in the middle of the street then so be it - would you rather she made her child wait until she was somewhere that was deemed more appropriate?

Her organising of a protest,while you deem to be attention seeking, will actually be of comfort to many women who already suffer enough stigmatism about breast feeding in this country.
12 Mar 2004
I suppose I am taking the context of someone who actively supported his wife breastfeed our children (5 of the little buggers) and saw on a regular basis the disgusting intrusive attitudes of some people who felt they had a right to comment.

So not the actual context of the situation then, right.

Posting a picture of this woman feeding her child and calling her a tramp, is ultimately a breach of her privacy and her right to live her life in peace and quiet.
Technically speaking, there is no such right to privacy in a public place, you can't have it both ways, public breastfeeding is just that.

The fact that she decided to respond to someone criticising her childs most basic and fundamental right, is something that I agree with.
Not quite the same thing as creating a media campaign.

Remember, most women who breastfeed, will feed their child when they are hungry, and if that happens to be in the middle of the street then so be it - would you rather she made her child wait until she was somewhere that was deemed more appropriate?
The more pertinent question in deciding whether she is trying to garner attention is, "is this the place a normal person would choose?".



9 Apr 2004
So not the actual context of the situation then, right.

There is no such right to privacy in a public place, you can't have it both ways, public breastfeeding is just that.

Not quite the same thing as creating a media campaign.

The more pertinent question in deciding whether she is trying to garner attention is, "is this the place a normal person would choose?".

Of course people an expect a degree of privacy in a public place. Would you be happy if people followed you around filming you / taking pictures of you? Ultimately she was doing harm to no one and therefore she should expect the right to be left alone and not be published in a public medium.

Is this the normal place? I would imagine not, was it somewhere she could sit and feed her child, I imagine it is. Without knowing where she was at the time the photo was taken, or what she was thinking its hard to say. I do know however that if was trying to get attention, she would have hiked her top right up and would be showing off a considerable amount of breast. From that picture you can see far less skin than you would see in a normal high street on a sunny day. Ultimately all you can see is a tiny bit of cleavage that is no different to what you would see if she was just cuddling her child in.
12 Mar 2004
Of course people an expect a degree of privacy in a public place. Would you be happy if people followed you around filming you / taking pictures of you? Ultimately she was doing harm to no one and therefore she should expect the right to be left alone and not be published in a public medium.

Following someone is a completely different scenario termed "harassment", taking a single photo is not a breach of privacy or intrusion and is the basis of journalism.

Is this the normal place? I would imagine not, was it somewhere she could sit and feed her child, I imagine it is. Without knowing where she was at the time the photo was taken, or what she was thinking its hard to say. I do know however that if was trying to get attention, she would have hiked her top right up and would be showing off a considerable amount of breast. From that picture you can see far less skin than you would see in a normal high street on a sunny day. Ultimately all you can see is a tiny bit of cleavage that is no different to what you would see if she was just cuddling her child in.
We know where she was, in a building entrance way in front of a bar full of people one of who took the photo in question! You can even see a menu on the wall next to where she is sitting.

If she was too obvious she'd breach exposure laws or would not be able to credibly claim innocence, these people are well experienced at what they do make no mistake
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9 Apr 2004
Following someone is a completely different scenario termed "harassment", taking a single photo is not a breach of privacy or intrusion.

We know where she was, in a building entrance way in front of a bar full of people one of whom took the photo in question! You can even see a menu on the wall next to where she is sitting.

Taking a single photo and publishing it with an allegation can lead to charges of defamation as the internet is a published medium in the same way that a newspaper is. Would you be happy if someone took a picture of you walking past a playpark and posted it on the internet with a tag of "Paedo"?

Fair point, but thats being pedantic, my point was in relation to her general area: were there benches? somewhere more comfortable for her to sit etc. You asked is this somewhere someone would sit to garner attention - without knowing the area, this may have been the only suitable to place to sit that was nearby.
12 Mar 2004
Taking a single photo and publishing it with an allegation can lead to charges of defamation as the internet is a published medium in the same way that a newspaper is. Would you be happy if someone took a picture of you walking past a playpark and posted it on the internet with a tag of "Paedo"?

Is that what happened here?

No, of course not. That's a complete irrelevance. It's someone stating their opinion.

Fair point, but thats being pedantic, my point was in relation to her general area: were there benches? somewhere more comfortable for her to sit etc. You asked is this somewhere someone would sit to garner attention - without knowing the area, this may have been the only suitable to place to sit that was nearby.
In such a built up area I find it hard to believe there were no benches nearby, which is why I think it's very suspect.

And at the end of the day are we really to be expected to believe she felt it was such an egregious violation of her privacy that she decided to have it plastered all over the media? Not remotely plausible.



9 Apr 2004
If she was too obvious she'd breach exposure laws or would not be able to credibly claim innocence, these people are well experienced at what they do make no mistake

Sorry, can I just clarify we are not heading into some really weird conspiracy theorists fantasy world? "...these people are well experienced at what they do..."

You seriously think a woman who is breastfeeding reads up on exposure laws and then makes sure she can show off her breasts but making sure she stays within the law.....seriously?



9 Apr 2004
Is that what happened here?

No, of course not. That's a complete irrelevance. It's someone stating their opinion.

In both scenarios I believe the following to be true:

Person A doing something entirely harmless
Person B takes a photo of said action and decides to apply an uninformed, opinion on it
Person B publishes photo on the internet.

Just as people wouldnt want to be branded a Paedo, nor do I imagine she wanted to be branded a tramp.

In such a built up area I find it hard to believe there were no benches nearby, which is why I think it's very suspect.

And at the end of the day are we really to be expected to believe she felt it was such an egregious violation of her privacy that she decided to have it plastered all over the media? Not remotely plausible.

Of course it is possible, she is taking a negative action against her, into something that is positive for many people.
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