Have you been to a school reunion?

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
I went to one or two that were a only a few years after we all left. Slightly uncomfortable young 20s something girls most of whom were too thick to go to uni and looking forward to pumping out 2 or 3 kids to fulfill their lives. I barely talked to that crowd at school.

A few people that were going in the right direction. A few that were total losers at 15 suddenly earning big money in the City, much more than any of us Uni goers..

One guy got into acting and has made a successful career in the US, When i saw him on TV i did smirk.. He was a flowery at school but now hes a hunk.. lol

If there was one now... well i don't think id bother. I keep in contact with most people I want to from Uni and 6th form. School is way way back and the best relationships carried on through.

I meet enough, including myself, people with boring lives. I don't wanna hear how Steve became a roofer and Denise is a happy house wife.

27 Dec 2002
We were due to have one a few years ago. Inititally I was curious, then realised of the people I was at school with that I'd still want to see I already have them on Facebook. I looked at the pictures from the year above us at their reunion, wow, some of them did not age well! I'd like to think I've aged OK (then again most of us probably do - only people that know me can vouch for that) and I'm now probably with in half a stone of the weight I was when I was at school.

The people organising it decided it would be fun to have it in a different town to where we went to school :confused: and the final nail in the coffin.... have it as a booze cruise :eek: If there is one thing I don't want to do it would be to get stuck on a boat with people I might want to bail on!
21 Mar 2003
It's been 20 years now since I left school, and for the most part, I see little point in a reunion even if one was forthcoming. Of course, the school I went to no longer exists, and I never really got along with my fellow classmates, wrong nationality I suppose..

I went back to the area a few years ago, glad I did in some regards, took away the rose-tinted glasses I once wore, and let me see just how much of a steaming hole it truly is.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Been to one, and yup, most women are now married with kids, or just kids.

There are the odd exception, there is one that was single and actually much prettier than I remembered. Always thought she was really quiet at school, the nerdy type but totally a different girl now.

The men wise, I keep in touch with a good 6-7 of them, but none have put on weight, none have gone bold...which is funny, even I lost weight lol.

But as a whole, the experience wasn't that fun, out of all the people who turned up, most of the ones that did never lived anywhere else and actually was quite sad to see people never got away from the little town and see the world a bit in a way.
16 Jun 2013
No I severed all contact with my old school friends. They never went to uni and turned to drugs/scrounging off their parents instead of getting jobs. They had no ambition other than to get on benefits.

Maybe that makes me pompous but I wanted to associate with friends who wanted to better themselves.

I would be interested in one primarily to see if any of them have made something of themselves.
6 Nov 2004
After 5 years of enforced domicile with a bunch of people, most of whom wouldn't **** on you if you were on fire?

Nah, I've no desire to see what they're like now, despite the alumni association emailing me about OC's meetings in london and new york or hong kong.

I kept in touch with a half dozen of my mates from school for a year or two after we all left. Last time I saw any of them they weren't the same people I lived with and had good times with during my A-levels. It was kind of unsettling.

Same as seeing the old school that used to be my home - after 10 years it was almost exactly the same, and yet, there was something completely alien about it too, like walking into your house only to find a bunch of strangers living there now. One of my old housemasters came out to see me when he heard I'd dropped by for a visit, which was nice to have a chat for a bit; still called him 'Sir' though hah, don't think that will ever change, calling him 'John' didn't feel right hehe.

I've since had mates in the midlands who I don't see so often (they have families/kids etc) and we seem to pick up from where we left off last time without much bother, but we all met when we were a bit older, so maybe that has something to do with it.
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14 Sep 2009
I can tell you now i'll not be going to a reunion.

I keep in touch and see a number of them, but the rest I never see and instead just hear about their 'latest thing', be it bad or horrendous.
2 Dec 2009
After 5 years of enforced domicile with a bunch of people, most of whom wouldn't **** on you if you were on fire?

Nah, I've no desire to see what they're like now, despite the alumni association emailing me about OC's meetings in london and new york or hong kong.

I kept in touch with a half dozen of my mates from school for a year or two after we all left. Last time I saw any of them they weren't the same people I lived with and had good times with during my A-levels. It was kind of unsettling.

Same as seeing the old school that used to be my home - after 10 years it was almost exactly the same, and yet, there was something completely alien about it too, like walking into your house only to find a bunch of strangers living there now. One of my old housemasters came out to see me when he heard I'd dropped by for a visit, which was nice to have a chat for a bit; still called him 'Sir' though hah, don't think that will ever change, calling him 'John' didn't feel right hehe.

I've since had mates in the midlands who I don't see so often (they have families/kids etc) and we seem to pick up from where we left off last time without much bother, but we all met when we were a bit older, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Sounds like you went to a private boarding school? Which one?



Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
I Google mapped my old school tuther day & it's all boarded up ready for Demolition - 4T5 1 - Old School 0. I Win !!! :D

Would I go to a Reunion ? Only to prove I was still Alive Free & Healthy. :D
11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
I'd go to one, but only to show the Head of year, who claimed I'd amount to nothing, that in fact I earn 4x what she will ever earn.

I'd helicopter in though. That'll show her. The ****.

The classmates I couldn't give a hoot about. I'm still in touch with the ones I do care about, the rest probably all have factory jobs and no hope. *massive stereotype*
6 Nov 2004
Morbid curiosity. I went to one, for a period.

Place near bury st edmuunds. And you? We might have played you at rugby hockey etc :rolleyes:

Was yours a mixed boarding place like mine, or one of those weird single sex places that build young men and women who don't know what to do with each other when they finally meet?
2 Dec 2009
Place near bury st edmuunds. And you? We might have played you at rugby hockey etc :rolleyes:

Was yours a mixed boarding place like mine, or one of those weird single sex places that build young men and women who don't know what to do with each other when they finally meet?

North Yorkshire, but it closed after 2yrs (it wasn't me! honest!).

I then ended up going to one at Norton renowned for it's Rugby and Hockey teams nationally... so you may be right!

Both were mixed, not that it helped as the classes were so small that you basically had such a small sample of society that nobody was typical or normal!
6 Nov 2004
Both were mixed, not that it helped as the classes were so small that you basically had such a small sample of society that nobody was typical or normal!

Ha! that sounds familiar, like my classics class - there were 5 of us, and one of them was the teacher lol.
Different kettle of fish for english a-level - I was the only bloke in a class of 20. I look back on it and slap my younger and less confident self and berate him for lost opportunities :p
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