Autonomous Vehicles

4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
How can you not see what you're suggesting for a solution is silly.

Because its not.
How can you not see that your way way out of depth talking of AI and tech when half of it exists already.

Your time may be better spent catching up on what exists and learning a bit more about it. It may quell your fear of the unknown a bit.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
No, it really is silly. Laughable even.

Cool so the AI will let you run people down and we will rebuild cities to suit. This will be a brave new world.

No where did I say that the AI would allow you to run people down, again I told you of current tech that already does what your fearing AV may do. It almost certain will, as will most of the non AV cars soon in all probability. (its part of the crash test ratings since iirc 2016)
I am showing you that your fear of the future exists today, systems that will already stop your car if someone was to walk out. Manufacturers implementations vary in name and tech, but at slow speed they will emergency brake for you to stop a collision.

The ultra narrow creeping issue, again this isn't hard. So you can do numerous things, you can up the resolution and decrease the safety built into the systems. So they are allowed to go through very narrow gaps, this may require specific approval from the driver, a bit like when a PC with AV and browser integration warns you that a site your visiting may have a trojan or something.
I would bet my house that sensors will be able to provide far far fewer coming togethers down ridiculously narrow gaps than any human crawling through. Lets face it if you drive up and down side streets enough you see plenty of broken wing mirrors where humans have misjudged the gaps. ;)

We don't need to rebuild any cities at all, most of the issues we face as motorists today are caused by us, by humans, they would/could all literally be removed in future.
So these super narrow gaps, almost always caused by a human, badly parking, parking where they shouldnt etc, we could go, nope cant allow AV cars they would stop to avoid taking the wing mirror off that car, or we could go, when we have AV cars that don't make the same mistakes as humans we wont have half the issues to try to solve.

So the person who is laughable is you. You seem so desperate to look for problems with anything anyone who has an idea seems to post your posting the opposite so quickly you dont even get a chance to think before you post your next jibberish.
Its just dawned on me, jigger ... jibber you made a typo didn't you. :p
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Why you arguing with him MAKE, he's utterly dillusional and doesn't even know what exists or what law makers are doing. He was utterly delusional on the subject in the Tesla thread as well.
28 May 2007
So driver heads into a city thats never needed to do much driving because the car drove itself pretty well and then finds all the automation isn't applicable. Turns automation off becuase people behind are screaming at being stuck at the lights and is now in the unfamiliar situation of actual driving. What could possibly go wrong.
22 Nov 2006
Very built up congested places will probablt change a bit, but even so the more likely outcome would be you would have to manually override and accept risk to proceed in self driving mode beyond a point it would be preprogrammed to accept.
Eg a manual button to press or even a city mode or something, not challenging to resolve

But you couldn't do that safely. If you could override some of the safety routines it wouldn't know when to stop and probably would end up running someone over.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
But you couldn't do that safely. If you could override some of the safety routines it wouldn't know when to stop and probably would end up running someone over.

Your not getting what I am saying, because today they are quite cautious.
So lets say they won't allow attempts to get through a gap thats less than 6" narrower than the car, at full speed.

Car pulls up to gap, goes "eek! gap too narrow"
Driver has the ability to go city mode, that still keeps all normal safety features, but triggers a reducing speed vs gap algorithm that allows the car to go through tiny gaps at reduced speed.
It would be completely sensor sensitivity dependent of course, but would be the equivalent to you creeping forwards at 2mph to squeeze through a gap. You wouldn't go through at 30mph, the car wouldn't attempt to either.

The key point will be sensor sensitivity, if they can accurately nail it to 1mm then they may already have the resolution needed, but i suspect would still dial it back a bit for safety in day to day running where a pothole or something could just throw that 1mm gap to the point you made contact.
9 Apr 2007
I was just
I can think of a bigger threats than hacking, though you could lock a car down reasonably easily. It might mean a dropping some connectivity or isolating systems.
I was just thinking remote control, mow some people down or bomb. No need to be anywhere near the scene then.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
I was just

I was just thinking remote control, mow some people down or bomb. No need to be anywhere near the scene then.

But equally it would potentially allow the cops to trigger a full shutdown if someone was currently running amok.
Eg the Marseille attack, if they could trigger a safe mode shutdown of all vehicles within 50m they would be able to stop an ongoing attack where as today they are unable.

It will change, what is impossible today will become possible and whats possible today may become impossible. We shouldn't fear change just because the goalposts will move :)
23 Jul 2009
Cayman Islands
I would say most haven't thought about it, but once they did they would go for it
Yes it would be nice to choose every so often, but on balance driving for most people most of the time is wasted time.

Driving can be fun, it can also be monotonous and tiring.
Fun driving is always available, karting, tracking, etc, monotonous driving is what most of us probably face more often than real fun driving. Its why people head off to known "fun" roads, and often end up in accidents ;)

I kind of feel it's being forced upon us.

However, if by driverless vehicles they're referring to those pods. That can currently be found at Heathrow Airport. Then I'm all for those. Within large cities and towns.
22 Nov 2006
If they banned cars in central London and just had those it would be fine. But I can't imagine those pods would have an easy time on the kind of roads I use daily.
28 May 2007
I was just

I was just thinking remote control, mow some people down or bomb. No need to be anywhere near the scene then.

I do think manufactures are stupid enough to link a load of systems that wasn't intended to meet the internet or a wirless conection and unwittingly open exploits from some component that was contracted to the lowest bidder.
23 Jul 2009
Cayman Islands
If they banned cars in central London and just had those it would be fine. But I can't imagine those pods would have an easy time on the kind of roads I use daily.

I say cut all private cars from inner city and replace them with trams and or pods.

The question would then be. How to deal with the car owning residents who live in the cities.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
I say cut all private cars from inner city and replace them with trams and or pods.

The question would then be. How to deal with the car owning residents who live in the cities.

That would be by far the easiest way of dealing with it.
I guess if they did (I don't believe they ever would directly cut them all out) you would have to have carpark type places outside the city for those people. who have to use the city transport to take them to their car. Sort of like a park n ride operation.

Its some peoples vision of the future, a swarm of little vehicles you can hail (directly in line of sight or vai phone) and hop in, they take you where you want to go and charge you for the journey. Take themselves off for a charge if needed, or if no one needs their services at that point.

Works fine for a few large cities, I mean for lots though...
I can't even get an uber, as cant a significant % of the country
28 May 2007
I say cut all private cars from inner city and replace them with trams and or pods.

The question would then be. How to deal with the car owning residents who live in the cities.

Forgetting the cost that would be eyewatering the problem of emergency services and policing would be tricky to deal with and you would still have the foot traffic and cyclists to deal with. I think criminals on scooters would have a field day.
25 Jul 2005
Everyone in there autonomous cars doing 56mph and I will be weaving in and out in bliss. No more tailgaters and the autonomous car will just move out of my way!

In reality you’ll probably find it the other way round. With automated vehicles being inherently safer and with quicker reactions you may well see a higher speed limit.

Perhaps on motorways the crawler lane will be relegated to all non automated vehicles, limited to 60, with no legal way of overtaking, and then the other one or two lanes would be dedicated to automated vehicles shooting past at 100mph, with gaps of 1-2 metres between them.
25 Jul 2005
Forgetting the cost that would be eyewatering the problem of emergency services and policing would be tricky to deal with and you would still have the foot traffic and cyclists to deal with. I think criminals on scooters would have a field day.

Why? What problem would emergency services have?

Much like today they would be allowed to drive around road others are not. In fact it would be a lot easier as the automated vehicles could all be programmed to go one way or the other out of the vehicles way as it goes through. At a guess thing slike response times would improve significantly.
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