My personal favorite is where god starts issuing edicts about fashion....
The real issue here is what is the driver behind the change in the law is it based on independant verifiable evidence of the suffering of children or is it simply an emotion based attack on religious practices?
Provided it is based on proper independant objective research then I don't see how anyone can have a problem with it.
And there are laws about tattoos, you couldn't tattoo someone under 18 even with parental consent.For example suppose I invent a religion that involves say 8 yr old kids getting a very small tattoo as a sign that they're one of my chosen people - a rather less invasive procedure than having a part of you cut off but regardless it is something that should require consent.
I have no reason to believe that the routine circumcision of young boys is anything but painful and unnecessary but when making a decision that could easily be construed as targeting minority religions it is essential to remove emotion from the decision and work purely from independant facts. I suspect any independant research would support a ban so where is your problem?Do you have reason to believe that cutting off a part of your body without anaesthetic isn't going to cause suffering?
I don't see why that is even a requirement. In answer to your question (which ought to be pretty obvious) of course there is evidence of harm/risks, this is essentially an unnecessary minor surgical procedure, it causes pain, it removes a part of the body and it can go wrong. Oh and sometimes in the super **** up cases where the really weird Rabbi types decide to suck on the freshly cut penis STDs have been passed onto the kids.
But I don't think that is even a necessary requirement to want to ban it, the lack of consent is enough.
For example suppose I invent a religion that involves say 8 yr old kids getting a very small tattoo as a sign that they're one of my chosen people - a rather less invasive procedure than having a part of you cut off but regardless it is something that should require consent.
rekt m8
I have no reason to believe that the routine circumcision of young boys is anything but painful and unnecessary but when making a decision that could easily be construed as targeting minority religions it is essential to remove emotion from the decision and work purely from independant facts. I suspect any independant research would support a ban so where is your problem?
A rabi putting a child's penis in his mouth is committing an act of abuse which is a crime and should be reported as such, emotive arguments like this shouldn't be used to ban something.
rekt m8
Random **** that whoever was writing it wanted to stick in there
Maybe he had shares in silk, donkeys and tassels.