Who else has preordered Octopath travlers!

30 Oct 2002
It's all a bit Reddish...
About 10 hours in and just starting H'aanit's story which will be my 8th character added to the party. This is with a little bit of exploring and definitely going out of my way to raid chests / 'Scrutinise' / 'Inquire' / 'Steal' as many people as possible and complete quite a few of the side quests.

Started with Olberic and I'm really enjoying it so far. Really liking the graphic style and the quality of the voice acting and individual character's story definitely is keeping me playing.

From memory I went:

Olberic -> Tressa -> Cyrus -> Ophilia -> Primrose -> Alfyn -> Therion

The combat does feel a little slow to start with only 1/2 folks in the party but picks up once you add more folks to the group.

Unless I've missed something @Phate , I don't think there is a side-quest tracker. It looks to be very much focused on the main quest lines on the world map as you mentioned.

I think adding Cyrus to the party for his 'Analyze' ability is definitely a good thing as it makes breaking much easier - as well as his powerful mage abilities
1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
Thanks [RB]. As long as I'm not missing anything! In my party I have had the order of Alfyn - Therion - H'anit - Ophilia - Cyrus
I'll be heading for Olberic next as I want a stronger heavy hitters to compliment H'aanit. At first I had my doubts about her, but her ability to capture a variety of beasts is REALLY useful when they're elemental based!

Agreed on Cyrus, he is the latest member of the party. Sacrificed Therion for him for now but I feel like I need another heavy hitter. Right now it's like I have a fighter, 2 x healers and Cyrus, not sure what to classify him as yet :p

Oh initially I had my doubts about Ophilia, but with her guide ability and being able to summon people into battle it's excellent. I had a strong guardsmen which she could summon, and it was great. He would take damage for her, it was like an addition turn with his additional actions that are automated. Great stuff!

Do you know if it makes a difference during the battles who is leading your party?
30 Oct 2002
It's all a bit Reddish...
I've just realised I've subconsciously and completely unintentionally spelled out 'OTCOPATH' with the order I picked up the Characters, so close! :( If only I would have picked up Tressa and Cyrus the other way around :o

@Phate I don't think it makes a difference who the lead character is. From a quick read around, the character you start with is locked in your party until you complete a few of their chapters but I've not noticed any special buffs/effects etc...

While some of the character abilities are similar, I like how subtly different they are.

I do wonder if there's some consequence (in game, other than the moral choice!) for stealing using Therion vs buying stuff with Tressa.

Ophilia and Primrose both have the summon ability but then their core abilities are completely different!

I had a mare of a time on Ophilia's flame boss until I added the Light damage AOE ability :o - totally forgot about the fact I need to learn skills!

Random but there are some pretty nice Wallpapers here if anyone is interested - https://octopathtraveler.nintendo.com/characters/
1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
Cool cool! I wondered if the party leader had any effect on the amount of XP/JP they received or who attacked first. But I guess the latter comes down to their stats?
30 Oct 2002
It's all a bit Reddish...
I must admit, I hadn't really been paying attention to the XP/JP amounts.

Olberic is good at getting extra XP/JP outside of normal combat with his 'CHALLENGE' ability which lets him duel the majority of the towns NPC - also allows you to get into buildings you may not normally be able to, as after winning a duel, the NPC ends up knocked out on the floor :o

I think on the attack first, I would assume it's based just purely based on the Speed stat but could be wrong.
6 Oct 2004
I've put about 45minutes into the prologue/demo version of the game (max of 3 hours play allowed) so far.

I'm on the fence about ordering it or not, I THINK I like it, but for some reason I can't decide? Maybe it's because i'm too used to newer style RPG's such as Skyrim/Fallout/Witcher etc. I haven't really played the turn based JRPG before.
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14 Jun 2010
I love the switch I'm glad I took with me on my holiday. I spent over an hour playing the demo late last night on the balcony In morocco. I think I will complete the demo and buy the game.

I still need to complete zelda and Mario.....
30 Oct 2002
It's all a bit Reddish...
Really liked H'aanit's story. Love the olde English /Shakesperian voice acting and text!

Just set off to do Olberic's second chapter!

@Phate, the Side quests are tracked under Journal. Hit R when you're on the journal page and then the side quests are grouped by area. Totally missed that :o
1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
@Phate, the Side quests are tracked under Journal. Hit R when you're on the journal page and then the side quests are grouped by area. Totally missed that :o
Ah great thanks I'll check it out. Should be jseful as I intend to 100% the game.

I got Olberic in my squad now. Ditched Primrose for the time being, apart from occasionally finding money I wasn't finding her useful and also a hinderence in battle :p

I've got Alfyn & Therion at very similar levels, H'aanit not far behind and currently ramping up Olberic to do the damage :cool: - will be beginning 2nd chapters soon :)

Really is such a charming fun game!
9 Jul 2012
5hr 30 into the game. Really enjoying this so far.

Few things, as I am a JRPG noob. I feel like o canot see a current list of objectives and side quests. Does it list them fully anywhere? I have figured out the system for the main characters, it shows you on the map the next stage of their chapter.

Also in the Journal of each of the mains you can see the latest step of their journey where it tells you what next coupled with the stamp on the map. But yeah thinking more sub objectives/side-quests. Any ideas?

How's everyone else's experiences so far? :)
I've been wondering the same thing myself if i'm honest i've checked everywhere i can think of and can't for the life of me find a side quest marker:(
30 Oct 2002
It's all a bit Reddish...
Just finished chapter 2 with Olberic as well as doing some exploring to the outer villages. Think Olberic is level 31 now. Not sure which character to start on next :D

Just when you think you've got your party sorted and then you find Secondary jobs are a thing :eek: Opens up some interesting possibilities!
30 Oct 2002
It's all a bit Reddish...
Had the same with Olberic trying to start Chapter 2. I put that to one side and set out exploring to quite a few of the other Characters chapter 2 start villages which helped level up. I ended up using Olberic's incite ability to tank the higher level mobs while nuking stuff with Cyrus which gives good XP to the other two newbie party members. There was a good spot down to the South (desert area, name escapes me :o) that said danger level 35 but the mobs seemed to not hit too hard for some reason.
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