Too white, Too Straight.

6 Mar 2007
SW London
About time someone called them out on this. Met police are exactly the same. If you're not white, a man or straight you are first choice. If you tick all those boxes you will get in even if you are actually awful at the job
23 Apr 2014
Got to love how the immediate recourse by apologists for this sort of thing is so often a mocking dismissal or rolling of eyes as if that carries any intellectual weight.

James Damore was fired from Google for pointing out their systemic bias against people who were male, for example. And bizarrely you don't even have to be White to be a victim of this bias, you just have to disagree with the ideology. Apple fired their head of diversity (a Black woman) for saying that diversity of thought was more important than diversity of skin colour. They replaced her with a White woman who did say that skin colour was more important than what you thought. Just the other day, the Black police chief of Portland was harangued at a town hall meeting by a mob of Antifa types (i.e. mostly White, mostly Middle Class parents, mostly University Educated) who called her a sell-out and a race-traitor for "not centering her Blackness".

It's insanity. There's evident bias against people who are White or Male or Straight. And they'll even attack successful people who are none of these things if don't complain about oppression and hold themselves up as representatives of whatever social identity has been assigned to them.

BBC ad from a year or two ago:

Got to love how over the top ragers make things. :)

You are basically making out things are an epidemic when they are quite rare. Just like that fake actor thread.
1 Dec 2010
Welling, London
Historically white male area. Saw perfectly good engineers and technicians getting passed over for promotion in favour of female or minority staff.
The company I worked for actually had two separate days dedicated to females and minority groups!

What was ironic was our African projects had local content requirements where all staff had to be African.

Guess that's 2 of us making it up eh?
He’s disappeared. Another trait of the apologists. When they’re wrong, they just keep quiet and disappear rather than gracefully admit they’re wrong.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Got to love how over the top ragers make things. :)

You are basically making out things are an epidemic when they are quite rare. Just like that fake actor thread.

This has been shown to be systemic at Google to pick one instance. Google is not a small employer. Nor is the BBC and we see evidence that it too is institutionally racist. Nor is the police and yet this very thread shows the same problem. This has already been recognized by multiple people in this thread. So here's a question - what do you do for a living and how long have you done it. I want to know what gives you such incredible insight to dismiss everyone else's experiences and reports of such behaviour in industry. Please, I would love to know. We'll wait.
30 Nov 2005
Got to love how over the top ragers make things. :)

You are basically making out things are an epidemic when they are quite rare. Just like that fake actor thread.

you are right, we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. there is possibly a massive amount of this going on and probably has been going on for a while now.
13 Jun 2011
I was passed over in my early twenties for a job
On the london underground the reason given was essentially “we are looking for more racial diversity within team”

Wish i still had the letter/took it further
30 Nov 2005
I was passed over in my early twenties for a job
On the london underground the reason given was essentially “we are looking for more racial diversity within team”

Wish i still had the letter/took it further

Should have gone in with your blackface on.
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
Not surprising in the slightest op.

This was also the force that falsely claimed there were rumours of an incident at a Cheshire high school. The rumour which was true was a group of Slovakian parents coming to the school and instigating what would legally be defined as a riot. Two staff needed hospital treatment. The words: "you English bow down to us" was used. But this was just a rumour despite there being plenty of videos being shown of adult men chasing kids around trying to give them a beating.

I must be making all this up though :rolleyes: Because the press said it was a minor incident and was just rumours going around facebook. So did the police. We'll also ignore the hundreds of people gathered either that night or the night after with police forming a barrier to keep the "English" lot away from the Slovakian areas trying to get retribution.
10 May 2012
I mean it's great that this specific case has been highlighted, it's just there's probably thousands of people who have already unfairly lost out on a job
30 Nov 2005
Not surprising in the slightest op.

This was also the force that falsely claimed there were rumours of an incident at a Cheshire high school. The rumour which was true was a group of Slovakian parents coming to the school and instigating what would legally be defined as a riot. Two staff needed hospital treatment. The words: "you English bow down to us" was used. But this was just a rumour despite there being plenty of videos being shown of adult men chasing kids around trying to give them a beating.

I must be making all this up though :rolleyes: Because the press said it was a minor incident and was just rumours going around facebook. So did the police. We'll also ignore the hundreds of people gathered either that night or the night after with police forming a barrier to keep the "English" lot away from the Slovakian areas trying to get retribution.
Move along, nothing to see here then was it.

Big trouble is brewing in this country, big, big trouble.
21 Apr 2007

How utterly typical of the UK today, a country hell-bent on helping every minority in the country (which is good) and wanting to help people outside of the UK who despise us (not so good). Yet we are discriminating against our own had working youths.

Absolutely disgusting.

Yep to be quite frank, affirmative action is egregious.

Let's fix discrimination by......... discriminating?

It's circular retarded logic.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
Pretending it's not happening doesn't mean it's not happening..
Even now they are still discriminating IMO by saying if two candidates are equally suitable they will pick the ethnic minority one.

(edit for appallng spelling!)
Last edited:
21 Apr 2007

People saying it doesn't happen, do you live with your head in the sand?

from the thread above.
The Civil Service needs to be sued for the exact same reason.

They run 2 separate programmes called the Summer Diversity Internship Programme (SDIP) and Early Diversity Internship Programme (EDIP). These of these are, in practice, only for ethnic minorities and essentially give any minority applying to them a direct path into a Civil Service graduate job (£30k+ to £55k in 3 years).

It's racism, pure and simple. There is no reason special programmes for ethnic minorities should exist in this nature, especially when you take into account that the ethnic makeup of the civil service is near on-par with the percentage of ethnic minorities in the country as a whole.

They claim they are open to people from an economically disadvantaged background, but given I grew up with a single mother in a damp house and regularly went without eating, yet I was rejected from the programmes as I didn't meet their definition of someone from an ''economically disadvantaged'' background, I can't imagine what would trigger those requirements (unless ofc, you just blatantly lie).

Also I remember a few years ago, there was a university offering grants only to female students who enrolled in Engineering....

If you need grants to bribe women into Engineering maybe they just don't enjoy it? I wouldn't have done Engineering myself as I hate maths....
21 Apr 2007
When I was at uni they received an enhanced bursary. Think it was like £500 a year more than males.

The grant I remember was in the thousands if I recall, I could be wrong though. I'd have to google to find it, there was some outcry about it this was probably around 2 years ago I saw it.

I was passed over in my early twenties for a job
On the london underground the reason given was essentially “we are looking for more racial diversity within team”

Wish i still had the letter/took it further

Wow for real? that's just appalling....
10 Mar 2012
Surely that BBC ad contravenes all Employment Laws ?

You'd think so and iirc it was pulled sharpish however the Beeb aren't the only ones.

A few years ago this was posted to the Jobcentre job lisitngs:


Yup. A job advert completely in Polish for a common warehouse job.

Prior to that there was anger as firms were stating polish speaking only in unskilled labourer type positions.
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