Texas anti-masturbation bill moves closer to becoming law.

4 Feb 2018
Some people say the Americans are a bit crazy.

I wasnt sure if this should go in the porn ID thread or have its own one.

A bill that would see Texas men fined $100 (£82) for masturbating has taken a step closer to becoming law after it received its first reading in the state’s House of Representatives.

Under section 173.010 of House Bill 4260, the Man’s Right to Know Act, Texas men would only be allowed to masturbate under supervision, inside approved health care and medical facilities.

Any “unregulated masturbatory emissions outside of a woman’s vagina, or created outside of a health or medical facility, will be charged a $100 civil penalty for each emission, and will be considered an act against an unborn child, and failing to preserve the sanctity of life.”

The bill, created by state representative Jessica Farrar of Houston, would also promote “fully abstinent sexual relations” and create a “Hospital Masturbatory Assistance Registry” to “provide fully-abstinent encouragement counselling, supervising physicians for masturbatory emissions, and storage for the semen.”

Allowing Texas men only “occasional” masturbatory emissions inside the approved facilities, the bill would insist that the resulting semen be “stored for the purposes of conception for a current or future wife.”

After receiving its first reading, the bill has now been referred to the Texas House State Affairs Committee. Ms Farrar has proposed that it become law on September 1.
I wonder if JRM is seeing this story and getting ideas for a future revenue stream once we leave the EU and trade dries up.

Dont worry though she might be trolling.
But before the men of Texas panic, (or head obediently to their nearest health facility), they should note that Ms Farrar is not being entirely serious.

The Texas Democrat knows her bill has no hope of becoming law, and has introduced it to satirise how women have been affected by targeted healthcare legislation in her state, particularly relating to abortion.

Hence the references to “sanctity of life” and anti-masturbation clauses that appear to take Monty Python’s advice that “every sperm is sacred” to its logical, legal conclusion.
18 Oct 2002
But they are - the State legislating away control over an individual's body.

It's less directly about that, one of the republicans extremely dumb views is that they basically see every single egg as a potential child. Republicans/religious nuts like to argue against birth control for this very reason, that every egg is a kid and birth control murders children. This is in response to that thinking, if every egg is a potential child then every sperm is as well.

Somehow ignorant republicans/religious nuts don't get that if every woman had sex constantly with no birth control, most eggs won't turn into actual kids.

This is also a country in which a pastor who repeatedly raped his now 14 yr old daughter over a 4 year period had a recommended sentence of 72 years but the judge gave him only 12 years because he is a 'good christian man'.... despite you know, the whole raping his own child for 4 years and ruining her life thing. This is why Trump/the Turtle loading benches with depraved, bent judges is going to be damaging for such a long period. They have views which wouldn't have been out of place at the start of last millennium let alone the last century.

If that man raped his kid now and she got pregnant, she'd be sent to jail for having an abortion. She'd also be sent to jail if she crossed state lines and had a perfectly legal abortion in another state. Whole country is going nuts.
3 Feb 2019
Clever. The anti abortion stance just doesn't make sense. It's such an antiquated viewpoint.

I disagree in that it makes sense to a person who believes life begins at conception and throughout in utero.

I haven't meant anyone who believes in abortion at 39.5 weeks, even in cases of rape, so the argument really boils down to when you believe a fetus becomes a person.
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